Off-season priority: Release Jaylon Smith


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If I could have one Cowboys-related wish come true above all others, it would be to see Jaylon “king of shameless self promotion” Smith released.

But who’s going to take his place?

Joe Thomas... Joe Dirt... Joe Schmo who’s currently a cashier at Walgreens.. I’d take any of them.

I’m so sick of having to watch him swiping it up after committing PI fouls and tackling guys 20 yards down the field.

*Please, Lord, grant me this one wish.*

Finished 3rd in the league in tackles this year. *ducks and runs for cover*


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Whoever is making the decisions on who to give long-term contracts to needs to be fired ASAP. We have a history of picking the wrong guy to give the extension to.

It's not just that. Look at who they choose to sign in free agency verses similar players at similar prices who go on to produce elsewhere. Absolutely horrible roster management.


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If I could have one Cowboys-related wish come true above all others, it would be to see Jaylon “king of shameless self promotion” Smith released.

But who’s going to take his place?

Joe Thomas... Joe Dirt... Joe Schmo who’s currently a cashier at Walgreens.. I’d take any of them.

I’m so sick of having to watch him swiping it up after committing PI fouls and tackling guys 20 yards down the field.

*Please, Lord, grant me this one wish.*
yes, Jaylon needs to go, but Jerry has a soft spot for him, will find an excuse to keep him. they are business partners.


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7mil Plus cap hit not saving anything at all..

you will be stuck with him one more season, maybe better OL and shiny new LB from the draft around him will help him look better..


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At this point, he is deeply rooted in the organization. He will be here a LONG time as a player and then once he retires, I bet the Joneses find a role for him with the team media/PR.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If I could have one Cowboys-related wish come true above all others, it would be to see Jaylon “king of shameless self promotion” Smith released.

But who’s going to take his place?

Joe Thomas... Joe Dirt... Joe Schmo who’s currently a cashier at Walgreens.. I’d take any of them.

I’m so sick of having to watch him swiping it up after committing PI fouls and tackling guys 20 yards down the field.

*Please, Lord, grant me this one wish.*

Now that the season is done, and we turn toward the off season and "fixing things"...I'm in!

I still think something is wrong with the foot. Does he LOOK like a big speedy linebacker? No..he looks like he's still on crutches.

By by Jaylon!


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This will be a huge test for this organization next season: if this fraud is still a starting linebacker then it tells you this FO and coaching staff are bigger frauds than he is.


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couldn't they just cut his foot off and put one of those fiberglass feet on like that guy who broke paraplegic records running with no lower legs. on a side note, he was convicted of murder and is in jail. I guess those legs didn't help him outrun the police. :(
well, that was a bad idea.


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This will be a huge test for this organization next season: if this fraud is still a starting linebacker then it tells you this FO and coaching staff are bigger frauds than he is.
How many tests has this FO needed the past 25 years? Firing Johnson and replacing him with Switzer was test #1. They've been a fraud ever since.


Captain Catfish
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If I could have one Cowboys-related wish come true above all others, it would be to see Jaylon “king of shameless self promotion” Smith released.

But who’s going to take his place?

Joe Thomas... Joe Dirt... Joe Schmo who’s currently a cashier at Walgreens.. I’d take any of them.

I’m so sick of having to watch him swiping it up after committing PI fouls and tackling guys 20 yards down the field.

*Please, Lord, grant me this one wish.*
Have to agree that it is rather embarrassing, actually quite shameful if you are old school Cowboys, old school football in general.
All you need to know about Jaylon is go and look at his stats,, man listens to his agents every word, Jaylon knows and learned just how to pad those stats.
Contract stats.
Jaylon has to lead the league is assists with like
He has 84 solos, but his assists tell the story, thats just crazy lazy looking like your doing something but you never really are, but you hit the gym regular....lmao
Total poser
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Well-Known Member
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If I could have one Cowboys-related wish come true above all others, it would be to see Jaylon “king of shameless self promotion” Smith released.

But who’s going to take his place?

Joe Thomas... Joe Dirt... Joe Schmo who’s currently a cashier at Walgreens.. I’d take any of them.

I’m so sick of having to watch him swiping it up after committing PI fouls and tackling guys 20 yards down the field.

*Please, Lord, grant me this one wish.*

Cowboys are not going to take the cap hit of releasing him. The out year is 2022 and I don't expect him to be released anytime before that. Cap hit of doing this now would be way to big


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Well I mean I get it. The guy celebrates doing nothing. Never takes accountability (which stems from the FO) so not entirely his fault, and seems to care more about his image than winning football games.

He's well respected by his teammates, he's been said to be one of the harder workers on defense, he's well respected by the front office and he's active in the community bring good publicity to the franchise.

He's just a mediocre to bad LB making really good money. That's his fault. Saying he's toxic is just bitter fans dumping on him because they are overly emotional about him. Earl Thomas would have been "toxic". The wife beater we brought in was "toxic". Terrell Owens could be "toxic" in locker rooms. Jaylon Smith isn't toxic. He just kinda sucks on the field.


Lucky Devil
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"2nd leading tackler" is a little misleading. Tackling a guy from behind after he's run for 8 yards is no bueno.

How often does he stop guys for losses or no gain?

Ferchrissakes, I've seen Jaylon standing there with the gap open right in front of him and instead of running to FILL that gap, he picks out an offensive player to engage in a blocking battle with!

Hey Jaylon, your job is to AVOID blockers and get the guy with the ball!