NFL Players and Broken Ankles


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Point is no team is giving a $175-200M contract to a player who cannot pass a physical. Speculate all you want on whether the second surgery on the deltoid ligament was just a clean up or a graft. Bottom line - no team is offering squat until Dak can pass a physical which includes running, cutting, and throwing. And the team will want its own medical doctors to independently examine and take MRIs, x-rays, etc. Common sense.

Now, when do you think Dak will pass a physical? Before FA begins? Before the draft? Before camp begins? Before the season begins? After FA and the draft is too late to land the huge contract in my opinion.

It will all come down to Jerry and loyalty and Jerry is only competing with himself. Is it team first or is it Dak first? We will find out.

First off it was one of the the Cowboys surgeons that did the surgery. Next the Cowboys have already said that they are going to try to get a deal done before having to use the tag again which means signing a deal before the Feb. 23rd - March 9th window to use the tag, so technically they have until March 8th.. The Cowboys will rely on their surgeon who did the surgery and the training staff working with him on rehab to give them an accurate report on Prescott's progress and outlook. I very seriously doubt that Stephen and Jerry pay any attention to all the speculation out there by people who have never examined Prescott or were there for either surgery. I'm sure they will be told exactly what was done in both surgeries.


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Fact of the matter is DAk has turned out to be such a stud, that there are fans on there that cant handle the same.

This aspect of the situation really doesn't get talked about enough. There are so many people both on this site and your so called experts who dug in on Dak's failure before he had ever played a down in the NFL. Now that he has basically outperformed every other QB in his draft class as well as their predictions they got major egg on face and are reduced to rooting for him not to make it back. Some of their were practically giddy when he got hurt. It was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen from a fan base made all the worse by the fact that these idiots claim to be fans of the Cowboys, yet are cheerleading for the Cowboys QB to stay hurt. What the hell, man?


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This aspect of the situation really doesn't get talked about enough. There are so many people both on this site and your so called experts who dug in on Dak's failure before he had ever played a down in the NFL. Now that he has basically outperformed every other QB in his draft class as well as their predictions they got major egg on face and are reduced to rooting for him not to make it back. Some of their were practically giddy when he got hurt. It was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen from a fan base made all the worse by the fact that these idiots claim to be fans of the Cowboys, yet are cheerleading for the Cowboys QB to stay hurt. What the hell, man?

Hence the word..........."TROLLS" It was the same way with Romo. Ironically, the guys that defended are now doing the same thing to Dak.

Personally, I loved both QB's and had both pegged from their first few games. Both were in preseason. It was obvious.


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LOL... you don't even know me. But hey, if that story makes you feel good, I'm cool with it.

LOL. You don't know me either yet it didn't stop you from doing the same. So..... I'm glad you are cool with it.


Taco Engineer
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The injury, specific to Dak is problematic, at least in part, because he is negotiating a contract that is limited in years. Dak is demanding record money and a shorter contract duration. If this injury is going to cost time and the team is not getting the Dak they had, even pre injury, that's a problem. Imagine paying out Dak's desired record deal and instead of getting, say four years of an equal or better Dak, say you really only get three or even two years of it due to injury. Then you are right back negotiating another record deal. I don't see how that could be a good thing for the team at all. I just don't see how that could be a very good situation.
Classical "what if"


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We are going to find out in a couple of months how Dak's recovery went. I know it's the down time in the season and little stories become big ones while non-stories become stories but all we can do is speculate right now. What I do know is that medicine today works miracles on joints that in the past would end a player's career.

But, if I may speculate a little myself, Dak's ankle is never going to be 100%, but that doesn't mean he cannot play at the same level he was playing at before. My guess is he may experience some swelling and soreness, and may even need additional surgeries from time to time to clean it up again. But we will not know until he gets back out there on the field.

I also know if it was too gruesome to watch on video, then it has to be a little serious.


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your previous posts indicate otherwise.

Doctors are often loose with this terminology. When I fell off a ladder a few years ago and broke my wrist in about 100 places (because I instinctively stuck my hand out to try and break my fall) I was consistently told by the doctors who treated me that it was a "compound fracture" which I took to mean that there were multiple breaks. It had to be because not one of them broke the skin. I aint no doctor nor do I play one on TV but I assume there is a medical dictionary which clearly defines the differences but it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the term "compound fracture" gets applied to different types of injuries based on the speaker and the audience.


Regular Joe....
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Dak's toe got you triggered? LOL.

LOL.... sure but see, I got you. You know it and I know it. I got all day all night if that's what I want to do. I can probably make you go crazy and blind over this topic, if I wanted to. Me, I can and will walk away the minute I lose interest in you. You are the type of person that can't walk away. You will keep coming back for as long as I decide to keep you on the string.

You know it and I know it. ;)


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Doctors are often loose with this terminology. When I fell off a ladder a few years ago and broke my wrist in about 100 places (because I instinctively stuck my hand out to try and break my fall) I was consistently told by the doctors who treated me that it was a "compound fracture" which I took to mean that there were multiple breaks. It had to be because not one of them broke the skin. I aint no doctor nor do I play one on TV but I assume there is a medical dictionary which clearly defines the differences but it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the term "compound fracture" gets applied to different types of injuries based on the speaker and the audience.
So true. I broke my wrist but the doctor who fixed it said it was not compound since it did not go thru the skin. My radius was broken in half and I chipped my ulna. The other bones were smashed, broken, or extremely dislocated. The doctor did not want to put any screws or pins in my wrist so he put the bones back together like a jigsaw puzzle. He told my parents and I that I broke it well. My hand was just hanging there from my arm. Had to wear a cast from my knuckles all the way up to my shoulder for 12 weeks. The doctor told me that I may never be able to straight out my elbow but I can. I do feel the effects of it. I can’t touch my pinky finger to my thumb without it hurting.