News: SDFW: Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?

Reverend Conehead

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Meh. There are so many Cowboy fans with so many different views, you could write the same article from the POV of "Cowboys fans side with players over ownership." There are plenty of fans who are vocally critical of this team's ownership. But the opposite is also true. Cowboys fans are not a one-opinion group, as we well know from this discussion board.

Chuck 54

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There’s a lot more evidence that Jerry and Steven are idiots (football speaking...they are genius salesmen) than that Dak is greedy.


Regular Joe....
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Because the owners have created a salary cap, which allows them to use the salary cap as a means to artificially deflate salaries, and use the cap as an argument against the teams ability to win if a players salary doesn’t match their production.

The owners have manipulated some fans into siding with them because “they can’t pay the players” without it negatively affecting the cap and the rest of the team.

Yeah, I don't know that I would call it an artificially deflating mechanism thou. I mean, it's true I think, it does serve to regulate salary costs but I think you gotta remember how the NFL was headed in the early 90s. Teams with money were buying championships and the fan bases were becoming tired of watching the same teams continue to win. Me, I didn't mind, the Cowboys had just become a good Franchise again and the team was young but other fan bases, I can't speak for them. Remember, the players voted for this system as well. According to the CBA, I believe that the players are currently getting approximately 58% of the overall revenue associated with the NFL, that's everything before cost out. That's a substantial part of the entire deal. So what you had then were organizations that were happy to stay at the bottom and literally spend no money. They would just stay bad, pay nothing and pocket it all. The CBA changed all that and forced teams to spend a certain agreed upon percentage of revenue, not even profit. So while it does present a certain control over spending, it also provides for a lot more revenue getting into the hands of the players. That mechanism didn't exist prior too. You would get a star or two on Offense who got paid some money, maybe a RB, QB or WR and maybe a pass rusher or LB and that was it. Everybody else just got paid very little in comparison.

So you would have teams that would pay players, like the Cowboys or SF etc., and then you would have the Clevelands and Tampa Bays of the world that just wouldn't. There is a lot of really good that this system provides as well, IMO.


Regular Joe....
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There’s a lot more evidence that Jerry and Steven are idiots (football speaking...they are genius salesmen) than that Dak is greedy.

I would be interested in seeing that evidence. Not real sure I agree with this.


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Wow. Lol so the owners should make as much money as possible because they took the financial risk.

but the players. Who literally risk severe injury and paralysis on every play. They shouldn’t negotiate for the most money possible......

wow. Just wow.
Without that financial risk, there would not be professional sports....

Players risk severe injury - really - when was the last time an NFL player died on the field? Manufacturing sector has more risk in their job than an NFL player - how about a railroad worker? Don't even try to compare, there are tons of jobs that take their toll, especially when you have to work 40 years at it instead of 10-15.

And no, as much money as possible, there is way too much money in sports - way too much for the value it provides.


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Here is where I am at. Both the players and the owners agreed to the CBA they are current playing under. You can argue all day long who "won" but both agreed to it. Based on recent articles about the 2021 cap, both the owners and players (through the NFLPA) will be involved in ultimately agreeing on a final cap number.

Bottom-line is that there is only so much cap $$ to go around and it takes both owners and players, working together, to get something done and also field a quality team. No, the players are under no obligation to take a team-friendly contract. Similarly, the owners are under no obligation to pay market-value for their players.

The problem in Dallas is that the Jones's seem to be making poor decision on who to sign and who not to sign. I have said this before in regards to Dak. Go get your money Dak, either here or elsewhere. Just don't start blabbing about how you care about winning when you are taking up 20% or more of the teams salary cap. Just be honest with everyone and say you are trying to maximize your earnings first and foremost and it is up to the owners to put together a winner.


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It’s a common sentiment in professional sports from mostly an uneducated social biased segment of our fan base.

And they and others see players as spoiled and greedy as these fans would play for much less if they had the opportunity. They see these Neanderthal owners as attempting to run the ranch with these greedy players preventing from more success.

These fans fail to realize it’s more than just a sports league. It’s an entertainment league. These same fans don’t have an issue with a Rapper or Actor making tens or hundreds of millions for a film of tour.

Because most likely they see sports as an event they could do while other entertainment skills they aren’t able to perform . But they must realize the players are the product . Without them it’s be second rate films and dive bar shows much like the Replacement players.

Remember the Billionaires wouldn’t pay Millions if the money wasn’t there to spend. There was a time when it wasn’t . And not that long ago when I’d never have played professional sports for what they were paying .

My uncle refused to play for Lombardi and the Packers cause it wasn’t enough to move his family to Green Bay. The fans have created this billion dollar business. Paying the help comes with it. And the owners have agreed .

If you want it to return to its roots. Turn the TV off.
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Why does the media keep protecting the player agents?

* Todd France had multiple guys on the franchise tag and none of them have signed long term.
* He's wanted a shorter contract since Dak hired him because he wants to double dip when the new tv contracts are signed.
* Jerry & Stephen have a long history of over-paying players rather than short changing them.
* They even paid a disgruntled Orlando Scandrick extra one season because he complained he was underpaid.


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Yeah, I don't know that I would call it an artificially deflating mechanism thou. I mean, it's true I think, it does serve to regulate salary costs but I think you gotta remember how the NFL was headed in the early 90s. Teams with money were buying championships and the fan bases were becoming tired of watching the same teams continue to win. Me, I didn't mind, the Cowboys had just become a good Franchise again and the team was young but other fan bases, I can't speak for them. Remember, the players voted for this system as well. According to the CBA, I believe that the players are currently getting approximately 58% of the overall revenue associated with the NFL, that's everything before cost out. That's a substantial part of the entire deal. So what you had then were organizations that were happy to stay at the bottom and literally spend no money. They would just stay bad, pay nothing and pocket it all. The CBA changed all that and forced teams to spend a certain agreed upon percentage of revenue, not even profit. So while it does present a certain control over spending, it also provides for a lot more revenue getting into the hands of the players. That mechanism didn't exist prior too. You would get a star or two on Offense who got paid some money, maybe a RB, QB or WR and maybe a pass rusher or LB and that was it. Everybody else just got paid very little in comparison.

So you would have teams that would pay players, like the Cowboys or SF etc., and then you would have the Clevelands and Tampa Bays of the world that just wouldn't. There is a lot of really good that this system provides as well, IMO.

Yeah I agree that the salary cap wasn’t created for the sole purpose of artificially deflating played salaries.

I do believe the league thought creating more parity and a more balanced playing field for the teams, was better for the long term health of the league.

But the end result is still the same. It is a construct that the league and the players Union agreed to, that does ultimately slow the growth of player salaries.

I’m not criticizing the league or union for agreeing to it. But just kind of recognizing it for what it is.

but it’s why fans care about player salaries the most. IMO. How many fans care what Dak gets paid, if there was no cap? I mean it wouldn’t even be a discussion. If it was just Jerry’s money most fans would be like “yeah sure just pay him whatever. Who cares”


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And it’s really a small portion of players making the multi million dollar contracts. About 80% of the league makes a million or less closer to minimum wage contracts.

Like in any entertainment business the headliners and stars earn the biggest contracts. They are the top billing which generates the crowds and revenue. The bulk are character actors and supporting cast.


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Can we even imagine at our place of business where you had associates being paid 25-50 times more than others they were dependent on for their own success?

This is the core of the issue if we really want to analyze fairly. How do we have some players making less than a million and others making 25-40 million?

It’s the best definition of how this isn’t a sports league. It’s sports entertainment.

Only in the entertainment business are the headliners and leading actors paid disproportionately.


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They are football idiots and they will pay Dak because they are no longer a trend setting team and being trend setters is what made them successful.

Now they are the Mike McCarthy follow what everyone else is doing bunch. Smart decisioning themselves to 8-8.

Mahomes was a huge risk coming out of college and replacing a QB in Alex Smith who was having success.

Signing Brady, getting rid of Winston, and going all in was a huge risk for Tampa.

Dallas is the safe bunch.. Hiring Mike McCarthy, building only through the draft, signing our guys like Dak & Zeke to whatever stupid number the league set.. That’s the Cowboys.
You hit it on the head. This team lost all innovation in 1994 when Jimmy walked out the door. We have been in the can since that day. Mediocre for 26 + years. A lot of fans won’t admit it but it is what it is.


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I don't. Nobody ever spent a nickle to watch Jerry sit in the owners suite. Players are the product and careers are short.


Football is the product, the teams are the product. The owners created the league, the game, and keep the game going. If a player is traded to the Rams do you start liking the Rams? Nope, you have loyalty to your team, you root for your team. The Dallas Cowboys!!!

Most Players are coddled, over paid cry babies that come and go. They arent role models and they arent hero's. IF they werent playing football what would most of these players be doing? Heck most got spoon fed through school with scholarships and most didnt even have to go to class or study. They were coddled through school for their athletic ability, nothing more.


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They are football idiots and they will pay Dak because they are no longer a trend setting team and being trend setters is what made them successful.

Now they are the Mike McCarthy follow what everyone else is doing bunch. Smart decisioning themselves to 8-8.

Mahomes was a huge risk coming out of college and replacing a QB in Alex Smith who was having success.

Signing Brady, getting rid of Winston, and going all in was a huge risk for Tampa.

Dallas is the safe bunch.. Hiring Mike McCarthy, building only through the draft, signing our guys like Dak & Zeke to whatever stupid number the league set.. That’s the Cowboys.

Letting your top 5 QB in his prime walk for nothing would be setting a trend? LOL

Yep, a dumb trend.


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It is not my observation that fans always side with ownership. There are a lot of fans on this site that fault Jerry for a lot of things.

Why would ANY fan side with a player? How does a player getting a huge salary or dictating to a team help the team win?

ANY fan with half a brain would want players signed for reasonable, bargain type contracts. Rarely happens, but.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I dunno but I have a hard time taking a writer with the first name Dink seriously.

And who cares which side any fans pick?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I side with the person that is generating the interest that causes the venture to be successful. I don't know anyone that ever paid to go watch the owner, producer or record label.

The players are the sport, I seldom side with the owners. I do not fault them for any money they make because people are paying to watch them.

I also find the most ridiculous statements made here about how pro athletes should be give hometown discounts to help the club like they're holding the club back. Aren't the owners responsible for managing their teams to be able to field competitive and entertaining teams?

I wonder how many people here would take less money so your company could afford to pay others? It is Pollyanna to even think that's what they would do.


Regular Joe....
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Yeah I agree that the salary cap wasn’t created for the sole purpose of artificially deflating played salaries.

I do believe the league thought creating more parity and a more balanced playing field for the teams, was better for the long term health of the league.

But the end result is still the same. It is a construct that the league and the players Union agreed to, that does ultimately slow the growth of player salaries.

I’m not criticizing the league or union for agreeing to it. But just kind of recognizing it for what it is.

but it’s why fans care about player salaries the most. IMO. How many fans care what Dak gets paid, if there was no cap? I mean it wouldn’t even be a discussion. If it was just Jerry’s money most fans would be like “yeah sure just pay him whatever. Who cares”

I disagree 100%. If not for this agreement, players would still be in the situation they were in so many years ago. At this point, players salaries have grown significantly because of the CBA and agreements between the Player's Union and Ownership. However, an interesting thing has happened since about 2007. While salaries have increased significantly, the increase in salaries according to status of said players have seen a real shift. What we are seeing is an overall increase in Salaries paid out but a smaller percentage being paid out to the average medium, as opposed to an increased percentage being paid to the upper echelon of NFL players.

So basically, what this shows is that the exact situation we are seeing in Dallas with Dak is exactly what the problem is with the modern NFL. This is not the teams creation, this is a player problem and more importantly, the agents driving these deals and the upper end players. For years the popular opinion has been, players should get whatever it is that they can get because your career is limited. Well, that model supports a lot of the Star players but it supports the average players less, and less. Is that the way it will always be? Perhaps, but it's certainly not the popular societal view in modern America, among a great many. So the question becomes, do we continue with this system or change it? Do we allow nature to take it's course or do we change the system? This is not a situation the Owners can really fix. I mean, they can devalue the position of QB and that would solve the problem, for a time, but eventually, the same situation would evolve again, perhaps a different position, who knows? The point is that the Owners are giving over a reasonable amount of money to players. It's the mismanagement of the cap that is creating this issue, based on demands of players through agents and compounded by this idea that all QBs, regardless of how good or bad they are, should be paid more money then is reasonable or responsible, supported by a great many of the fans. This practice has dire implications for not only Dallas but the entire sport. It's bad for everybody Dak. You may suggest that increasing the payout of cap by owners, to players, would be a solution but it won't fix the problem. You have to change the process and start paying according to production, rather then this mythical next up model. That can't sustain and will only create a bigger problem IMO.
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