Why Do New Draft Picks Say We Are a Marquee Franchise?


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We have advanced past the first round in the playoffs three times in 25 years so why do new draft picks act so excited to go to a losing franchise with 25 years of playoff irrelevancy? It’s like being drafted by the Lions or Bengals except we have five super bowl wins a quarter of a century ago.


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Revenue says otherwise. I think the sooner you realize money matters more for the cowboys than anything else. the sooner you’ll understand why the cowboys are THE preeminent franchise in the history of anything

Fans don’t care about revenue, biggest stadium, artwork, practice facilities, or net worth. Fans care about one thing: winning which means deep playoff runs.

Thirty plus years of the Jones cartel has lowered fan expectations to “I hope we’re competitive” & “maybe we can win the east”. Super Bowl or bust mentality is only valid for teams that have produced deep playoff runs in the past five years. Super Bowl? Hell we can win a div playoff game, at least not in the past 25 years.


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If I got drafted by the Dallas Cowboys it would be the happiest day of my life. Because I know that even if we never make the playoffs, as long as I’m at least marginal at my position I’m probably going to have a 100m$ contract waiting for me down the line


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If I got drafted by the Dallas Cowboys it would be the happiest day of my life. Because I know that even if we never make the playoffs, as long as I’m at least marginal at my position I’m probably going to have a 100m$ contract waiting for me down the line

As an NFL draft pick, I know I’m gonna bank big time, but as a player I want rings. You ain’t getting a ring in Dallas. Ever


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Fans don’t care about revenue, biggest stadium, artwork, practice facilities, or net worth. Fans care about one thing: winning which means deep playoff runs.

Thirty plus years of the Jones cartel has lowered fan expectations to “I hope we’re competitive” & “maybe we can win the east”. Super Bowl or bust mentality is only valid for teams that have produced deep playoff runs in the past five years. Super Bowl? Hell we can win a div playoff game, at least not in the past 25 years.

I could go through a big long explanation, but it would be a waste of my time, because you wouldn’t hear it. Your mind is made up, and you’d only deflect and deny until the cows come home.


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If I got drafted by the Dallas Cowboys it would be the happiest day of my life. Because I know that even if we never make the playoffs, as long as I’m at least marginal at my position I’m probably going to have a 100m$ contract waiting for me down the line

Now this one is taking a little to far imo. Jerry doesn’t give marginal players $100 million contracts. They only turn marginal after they sign on the dotted line. There’s a difference. Get it right sir.


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I could go through a big long explanation, but it would be a waste of my time, because you wouldn’t hear it. Your mind is made up, and you’d only deflect and deny until the cows come home.

I never disagree with facts so bring em.


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So why do YOU come here? If failure is guaranteed, why make yourself unhappy? Go bandwagon somewhere.

Let me get this straight, according to you I’m not a fan because we disagree on what a marquee franchise is? You better look up the definition of a marquee franchise and then post again.


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We have advanced past the first round in the playoffs three times in 25 years so why do new draft picks act so excited to go to a losing franchise with 25 years of playoff irrelevancy? It’s like being drafted by the Lions or Bengals except we have five super bowl wins a quarter of a century ago.

Draft picks get excited about being drafted by the Lions and Bengals to though. All the work they did in pee wee, high school, and college has just earned them a lottery ticket. Who wouldn’t be happy to be drafted by an NFL team? John Elway and Eli Manning being the exceptions.