Richard Sherman arrested, denied bail

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My thought is that it was a very volatile situation and the cops relayed that tempers were boiling yo the judge or magistrate. In a number of those instances, the judge or magistrate will deny bail as a means of forcing a cooling down period. The last thing that the judicial system truly wants if for the alleged perpetrator to be released and then go right back to the alleged victim and do it again, or worse.
Oh wow ok...I hope that's the case here....just actually read a story last week that a victim of domestic violence was killed by her boyfriend while being out on bond.....I honestly wasn't aware that a judge would even deny bail so that cooler heads can prevail...seems *** up though if he didn't do anything though.


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My brother’s ex-wife pulled some shenanigans calling the police and lying and exaggerating to get what she wanted.

I don’t know what Sherman did or didn’t do. I saw my brother get royally screwed by a system which favors one party significantly over the other party.

My brother never touched her and needed a police escort to get his clothes, most of which she threw out by the time he was allowed in.

I’ll wait to hear the details before I say anything bad about Sherman. The system is rigged and a lot of people know how to play the system. Divorce lawyers work together to divide the assets and get their take.
Love and marriage, love and marriage.....

Years ago I asked my police friend about specifics on domestic abuse...out of curiosity.

Yes, the system is very outdated and unfair.

Thing is, who is going to get behind changing something like that? No one.

As far as Sherman goes, I'm just glad we can end the talk of bringing him here....and I'm sure he will work things out and continue with his life. Maybe Roger benches him for a few weeks, but he will be back in the league somewhere.


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I could always go back and change it so that it IS a dig on you.... Geez, man, just move on. No one is out to get you.
Here's what you posted after I posted that it was odd. I'll let others decide.
It would sound odd to someone who doesn't understand the laws and how they work. By the sounds of it, he didn't intend to steal anything, he might be accused of breaking into a residence to commit an assault. In Texas that is a felony.

The no bond part - its hard to speculate without knowing details of the incident. It could mean he assaulted someone and caused serious bodily injury, and / or it could mean he has priors. Again, hard to say without the details. It was apparently serious enough a judge denied bail.


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Most likely scenario to me:
After a couple of drinks, he decides to go to his Ex’s place to get something he left behind. Used an old key or snuck in a window when she wasn’t there. She catches him, a screaming match ensues, she’s a total beeyotch, and his half drunk ego makes him grab her or push her down. Cops get called…instant scandal!

Now, the super wealthy, Great Rebilitator/Attentionwhore/Football Genius swoops in for headlines on the “cheap”…

Risen Star

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The spokesman, who would not confirm the name of the person taken into custody, said a 911 call from the residence was received at 2 a.m. PT. The person calling said that an adult male family member who did not live at the residence was attempting to force his way into the home.

When police arrived, the suspect was located outside the home. He fought with police but was eventually apprehended and taken to a local hospital to be checked but was cleared and then booked into the King County Correctional Facility.

The spokesman said no one in the residence was injured.


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I don't think you understand what's going on here......if Richard Sherman did what he's being accused of.....there is no "signing" him. He won't even be available to even get signed to begin with.

To put things in perspective.....Greg Hardy got released on 17k bond.......Richard Sherman has no bound to even pay.
Also the climate is different, ERPO, and extra attention to DV. In some municipalities old rules no longer apply especially if the judge has past history with DV or has and axe to grind.


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The spokesman, who would not confirm the name of the person taken into custody, said a 911 call from the residence was received at 2 a.m. PT. The person calling said that an adult male family member who did not live at the residence was attempting to force his way into the home.

When police arrived, the suspect was located outside the home. He fought with police but was eventually apprehended and taken to a local hospital to be checked but was cleared and then booked into the King County Correctional Facility.

The spokesman said no one in the residence was injured.

Alright @MountaineerCowboy looks like Sherman to Dallas is back on lol.

Risen Star

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Ok. Can never tell if you are being sarcastic or not. I will assume you are serious so let me help you out. No matter what, the defense will be better. It can’t be worse. Parsons and Cox will help push the other 2 turds. A full season of Gregory helps everything. I expect Gallimore to play much better. The S situation is improved. Neal, whatever he is, will help in the box and make the run defense better. Diggs year 2 is going to be very nice. Chido and Woods out of the secondary is a vast improvement. With Gregory I expect more from DLaw. They finally have a fatty DT. Quinn is much better than Nolan. The offense will control the ball more with Dak. Get some leads to help the defense play downhill more. It’s better.

I'd feel better about Parsons and Cox if they could line up outside on an island and play press man. Otherwise I don't see much impact from either of them.


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Our judicial system can be incredibly ugly to the innocent in this country. All it takes is someone to accuse and it can get ugly. No one should have to lose anything for being innocent.....and in this country you could be pronounced guilty before even going to trial in the court of public opinion.
So true. Keyboard lawyers and social media has made transgressions even more difficult.


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Sherman's trying to make himself more attractive to Jerry so he can drive up his asking price.


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Jerry when he gets there and realizes there's no bond set.....


Risen Star

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Just for legal clarity...burglary is illegally entering a building or other place with the intent to commit a crime. It is commonly thought of in conjunction with theft, however, the charge in this case could merely be RS illegally entering the residence with the intent to commit domestic violence on the alleged victim. The alleged victim could be male or female by the way. It is possible that RS went to an exes home and may have laid hands on her current significant other. We don't know what transpired yet.

You're way out of line including me in this.
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