Gonna go ahead and say it. We are Super Bowl bound

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Which is why I think this team needs one more year before it unleashes it's full potential. We have the starters. If the team stays heathy the whole season, I think we can win the SB if the team develops more quickly than expected. However, injuries do happen, which is why I think we win it all next year.

Another great offseason of draft and we get anchors like Zeke and Jaylon Smith salaries outta here, then we can use that money to fill a gap or two in FA. This team has a major need at DE going forward and for pass rushers.


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After watching last nights loss to the Cardinals...I came away convinced we are the team to beat in the NFC.


Defensive pressure....

If teams are gonna live in the spread/shotgun offense...and we rush 5 or 6 guys like we did all night long last night....

We are gonna be a hand full to deal with.

And to think we didn't even have our starters going....

Seriously....I'm buying in now.

If you look @ this team...the majority of our guys are hitting their prime....right now.

Breaking down position by position...we have as much talent as anyone in the league.

The only thing I see keeping us from getting to the top is bad coaching and/or injury.

Injuries happen...

But right now...on the coaching front....Kellen has the weapons....and I think we have enough depth on the O-line to keep things from happening like they did last season....

Defensively....Adding Dan Quinn's aggressiveness is gonna be huge.

It looks like getting after the QB isn't just going to be lip service this year. We got some dudes this year...

And we haven't even seen D-Law and Gregory yet....

It just feels like we are so much deeper on defense than years past....and we are finally phasing out the guys that teams used to target....

Anthony Brown

Still a little worried about special teams....if we can find someone to return kicks...and if Zuerlein will be healthy....but for now....I'm buying into what direction we are headed as a team.

It's been a long time since I could say with confidence...I feel like we can compete with anybody...and mean it.

I just feel like our time is now...and for whatever comes our way Jerry needs to push all in to make it happen now. If injuries hit...so be it....push through it. Make the moves necessary to go all the way. We have the talent now...now all we need is the commitment to see it through...
Good post but the haters will trash you and this thread.


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Another great offseason of draft and we get anchors like Zeke and Jaylon Smith salaries outta here, then we can use that money to fill a gap or two in FA. This team has a major need at DE going forward and for pass rushers.

Jaylon will probably be out of here after this year unless he has a 2018-type season. Zeke I will hold off on a bit. It sounds like he's taking things more seriously, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he does. DE probably is the one weakness that I can see from our starting lineups. But, I think Parsons might be able to compensate for that.


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This team wont make the playoffs

Oh, I think we will. The only question is how deep into the playoffs we go. This defence looks quite a bit better than last year already. As they gel and become more experienced, this defence is only going to become more powerful. That alone is critical. Then you factor in our WR core with a hopefully healthy Dak, and I think we are going to be a solid team this year.


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Its one thing to say we are winning the SB, but to say its based off the game against the Cardinals makes you look like a crazy person.
Actually it makes him look smart as he looks past the score like you armchair HC’s do and just focuses on the football being played on the field. The defense has played outstanding the first half of both games until the 3rd and 4th stringers start playing.


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Until it gets real and they're playing a real starting offense and Quinn is calling a real game, we don't know what this will look like.

I agree that it does look faster and more coordinated but they haven't really been playing real football yet.

I really do not see this as a SB defense in one season from the last one but there is one area that could take them in that direction, turnovers. Indy and NO won a ring with D's like that and strong offenses.

I will settle for winning the East and a divisional playoff game this year as vast improvement. Then, we can talk rings.


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Another great offseason of draft and we get anchors like Zeke and Jaylon Smith salaries outta here, then we can use that money to fill a gap or two in FA. This team has a major need at DE going forward and for pass rushers.
And at RB if we dump Zeke!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quota outta absentia
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I would say two years of good drafting and possibly a great coach that replaces what we have and yes? possibly.


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They do not seem to be doing that at all. Alexander is concerned about his state of mental health but no one is trashing him.
Are you serious? He’s been accused of being drunk, or on some other drug, laughed at by another. Another poster said he’s the reason other fans think Cowboy fans are the worst and it’s only 3 pages in.


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Actually it makes him look smart as he looks past the score like you armchair HC’s do and just focuses on the football being played on the field. The defense has played outstanding the first half of both games until the 3rd and 4th stringers start playing.

I dont care about the score. But I do note that guys like Kyle Murray and Hopkins didnt play in the game. I also look at how bad Jaylon looks getting torched and looking slow. LVE looking slow, ect.....ect......

In either if these two preseason games the opposing starting QB hasnt even played.

It would be like someone coming on here and saying the offense is going to suck with only our backup QB's playing.


Go Seahawks!!!
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I dont care about the score. But I do note that guys like Kyle Murray and Hopkins didnt play in the game. I also look at how bad Jaylon looks getting torched and looking slow. LVE looking slow, ect.....ect......

In either if these two preseason games the opposing starting QB hasnt even played.

It would be like someone coming on here and saying the offense is going to suck with only our backup QB's playing.
It’s the preseason. For the homers that means all the positives count but the negatives do not.


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I dont care about the score. But I do note that guys like Kyle Murray and Hopkins didnt play in the game. I also look at how bad Jaylon looks getting torched and looking slow. LVE looking slow, ect.....ect......

In either if these two preseason games the opposing starting QB hasnt even played.

It would be like someone coming on here and saying the offense is going to suck with only our backup QB's playing.
The defense has looked great no matter what you say. Even if it is against backup QB’s.
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