Your Favorite make you cry-tear jerk movies


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Only cried when younger.

Old Yeller
Brian's Song

When Uncle Remus was forced to leave when he wrongfully blamed( That Disney Brare Rabbit film)

Only one as Adult was movie Dying Young. Guy fell in love with a girl but cancer was killing him and played a tough guy till the end when he broke down and cried because he loved her and wanted to be with her for a lifetime and he knew he was going to die very soon and couldn't be.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Saving Private Ryan. At the end when the old man at the cemetery scene.
Gets me every time.
I find myself getting misty eyed at a few scenes in other military movies.
I guess where I was in the Army it just touches me sometimes.


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Hotel Rwanda
The boy in the striped pajamas
Schindler list
the pursuit of happyness(happy ending at least)
the lovely bones
green mile
Lion King(as a kid)
Black Hawk Down(Shughart & Gordon scene/ending dialogue/letter )


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Hotel Rwanda
The boy in the striped pajamas
Schindler list
the pursuit of happyness(happy ending at least)
the lovely bones
green mile
Lion King(as a kid)
Black Hawk Down (Shughart & Gordon scene/ending dialogue/letter )

hmm...Black hawk Down ? ....Interesting choice.


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Yeah, I lied lol, I still get sad over the lion king. Definitely hits harder when you have kids.
Just watched the Mufasa clip on YT.
Haven't watched the new remake yet though

I was super let down! My daughter loved Lion King when she was younger so we watched it, what felt like a million times, over the years. So naturally I have most of the movie memorized. The remake left out SO many of the one-liners that made the original so great. Plus, the change of voices was just.......weird for me. I get they tried to change it up to maybe make it fresh, but IMO, should have left it alone. You can't improve on the original.


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I was in NYC during the week Rocky II premiered and finished up early one day and went to a sold out matinee show. That was the most amazing movie theater experience in my life.

At the end when the fight started, It wasn't like being in a movie at all, guys were standing up as if they were at a real boxing match and yelling at the screen and at the end when he's struggling to get up, the entire audience is standing and yelling "get up! GET UP!!" and when he does, it erupted with tears streaming down our faces and we were all hugging each other, it was nuts.

As I left the theater to walk back to my hotel, I had this glow within me unlike anything I've ever experienced and I think most of those people did as well, it was magic.

Stallone will always be a favorite of mine and while I do not consider him a great actor, although he was excellent in Cop Land, he brought two of the most memorable characters to life and both made me cry, Rocky and Rambo.

The scene in Rambo where his guide gets it brings tears to my eyes because for the first time he's found someone that values him as more than a war machine and now she's gone. I've wondered if the use of the word "expendable" in their dialogue led to "The Expendables" being created?


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"Shenandoah", when James Stewart looks back and sees his son coming into the church. I'd forgotten that because I haven't see it in a while.

"Glory" when they're coming out for the final charge and receive the respect of the other soldiers gets me every time.

And I did cry the first time I saw "Spartacus" and they all start to stand claiming to be him.

At the end of "Return of the King" when Sam delivers his line "I can't carry the ring for you but I can carry you" makes me blubber every time.

And Star Wars, I cried.......every time Jar Jar Binks didn't get whacked.


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"Shenandoah", when James Stewart looks back and sees his son coming into the church. I'd forgotten that because I haven't see it in a while.

"Glory" when they're coming out for the final charge and receive the respect of the other soldiers gets me every time.

And I did cry the first time I saw "Spartacus" and they all start to stand claiming to be him.

At the end of "Return of the King" when Sam delivers his line "I can't carry the ring for you but I can carry you" makes me blubber every time.

And Star Wars, I cried.......every time Jar Jar Binks didn't get whacked.

" Casualties of War " ... brutally gripping, sad scene with the village asian teen girl abducted, abused and stabbed
while pleading & crying for help before she's gunned down by renegade American soldiers (lead by Sean Penn)


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Old Yeller of course, boy being forced to shoot his own dog because of rabies. That is tough. lol