La’el Collins suspended


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I mean to be honest, if your coming back from a major injury, PEDs should be a logical treatment to recuperate your career.

Of course on that level, EVERYBODY is doing PEDs. It’s only carelessness that people get caught and punished. You think Zeke’s head is that big naturally? People actually think Lebron is natural or 90s Jordan just got that big lifting, without of course taking away from their genetics gifts? 90s era steroids infiltrated sports on every level. Look at the massive size different of 90s basketball compared to the 80s for example or boxing for example.

Guys like Lance Armstrong were basically sacrificial lambs for politics sake. Carl Armstrong tested positive for PEDs the Olympics when Ben Johnson smoked him.

Lol.. I remember when JJ Watt almost set the box jump record as a 300 pounder and has a head the size of 2 bowling balls and people think he was that good because he worked hard haha.


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Has something to do with his scheduled drug test....haven't heard anything..


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It's unfortunate and it tells us, drafting a Tackle is a priority next off-season, might be the #1 need. Neither Tackle can be relied upon at this point. Let's hope the team can do a better job weathering the storm playing a backup this time around.
This team has bigger needs then offensive tackle. Defensive tackle, defensive end, center and cornerback seem to still be a problem. After watching the first game offensive tackle is the least of our problems.


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We really do need to stop handing out big money deals to turds like this and start giving the money to players who are dedicated to the game and winning.

Well said, time to trade Zeke for a bag of peanuts and a kicker.


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I mean to be honest, if your coming back from a major injury, PEDs should be a logical treatment to recuperate your career.

Of course on that level, EVERYBODY is doing PEDs. It’s only carelessness that people get caught and punished. You think Zeke’s head is that big naturally? People actually think Lebron is natural or 90s Jordan just got that big lifting, without of course taking away from their genetics gifts? 90s era steroids infiltrated sports on every level. Look at the massive size different of 90s basketball compared to the 80s for example or boxing for example.

Guys like Lance Armstrong were basically sacrificial lambs for politics sake. Carl Armstrong tested positive for PEDs the Olympics when Ben Johnson smoked him.

So true dude. So many players are juiced up. I mean. Look at these guys. You just can’t be like they are without it.


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The owners employ him. The voted for him to be extended unanimously. They want him there because people will misguidedly blame him for everything the owners shove through the Competition Committee. No contact camps, extra games, rule changes, drug policies, etc. Those are all decided by the owners and Goodell is just the guy who has to put his face on it.
Jerry and a few other owners have tried to keep Goodell in check, but when it comes down to it, the owners will not stick together. IIRC, it was the Falcon’s owner and the Giant’s owner that was pushing Zeke’s suspension. Several of the owners have had disagreements with the Goodell dictatorship, but they won’t back each other. It has created a situation where Goodell does exactly what he wants because getting a majority of owners to agree with firing him is impossible. I didn’t have anything against Goodell until he made an example out of Zeke because he was wanting to show the players that the commissioner was tough on players with off the field issues.


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This team has bigger needs then offensive tackle. Defensive tackle, defensive end, center and cornerback seem to still be a problem. After watching the first game offensive tackle is the least of our problems.
When the starters are playing, but they both are unreliable.


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If what the agent says is true, it basically validated something is rotten in the state of Denmark with regards the Cowboys. Remember, Jerry basically fought for independent rights to merchandising for the Cowboys among other things and the Cowboys are basically the huge money maker. So while other teams share this type of revenue among the league, the Cowboys don’t.

To think there isn’t power plays, motivated by jealousy and greed, going on behind the scenes with the owners is gullible.


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If what the agent says is true, it basically validated something is rotten in the state of Denmark with regards the Cowboys. Remember, Jerry basically fought for independent rights to merchandising for the Cowboys among other things and the Cowboys are basically the huge money maker. So while other teams share this type of revenue among the league, the Cowboys don’t.

To think there isn’t power plays, motivated by jealousy and greed, going on behind the scenes with the owners is gullible.

its like Game of Thrones comes to Arlington


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NFL wants Dak to die again to screw over the Cowboys some more on purpose. Goodell and Jerry will always have massive schadenfreude against each other until one of them kicks the bucket (hopefully it's Goodell who dies first)


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NFL wants Dak to die again to screw over the Cowboys some more on purpose. Goodell and Jerry will always have massive schadenfreude against each other until one of them kicks the bucket (hopefully it's Goodell who dies first)

How did Zeke get a 6 game suspension when the Columbus Ohio PD declined to press charges yet DeSean Watson has half the women in Harris county practically filing a class action lawsuit against him and I have not heard word one of any suspension or an intense scolding or even eye contact between Watson and Commish Goodfella


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How did Zeke get a 6 game suspension when the Columbus Ohio PD declined to press charges yet DeSean Watson has half the women in Harris county practically filing a class action lawsuit against him and I have not heard word one of any suspension or an intense scolding or even eye contact between Watson and Commish Goodfella
The wheels of justice spin slowly. It's probably asking too much to say have some patience.


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Not much “patience” shown to Zeke and the Cowboys on charges that were never filed
The NFL's conduct policy has nothing to do with charges. The legal system and the NFL's disciplinary system are two different things. When the legal system gets involved, the NFL tends to back off and let that run its course first. Meanwhile, Watson's career is pretty much on hold so don't think he isn't facing consequences. These players' careers are finite so when losing significant time like Watson is doing, he is losing something and he still has to face his accusers and the commish. It will take time.

In Zeke's case, the law never got involved so the commish was able to come to a punishment more quickly. We all know Zeke was wrongly accused and punished but at this point its spilled milk so just get over it.