More Washington bad culture


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Uhh Yea.

the Football Team with Bobby Beathard, Joe Gibbs and Richie Pettibon were a model franchise. Gibbs reinvented and added to the air coryell offense with the counter trey. Throw in RFK stadium and the Football Team were one of the reasons the NFL was so popular.

I feel for anyone who didn't get to watch any of those teams at the original stadiums. There was something magical about the nfl in that moment with Landry/Texas Stadium, Parcells/Giants Stadium, Gibbs/RFK Stadium and Buddy Ryan/Veterans Stadium.

Each team had a unique identity that matched in a way the city and stadium they played in. Now everything is just a billboard for ad space and other nonsense.

The cowboys coming back to win at RFK in 83 and then Ending the Football Team 13-0 season in 91 were just great. All the divisional games were an event back then.

I am glad they are still alive (not as glad as they are) but it is sad knowing Gibbs and Parcells are 80 years old.

Yeah that was Jack Kent Cooke owning the club back then. They even had a halftime marching band. Now with little Danny Dead Ex field has all the charm of a Largo Maryland parking garage.


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That’s why I feel owners have a certain jealousy towards Jerry, because of how he’s set up the revenue agreement with the Cowboys. Things like Merchandising for the Cowboys is exclusively his, while every othe team shares revenue across the league. And the Cowboys are the number 1 seller of any team.

So he’s pocketing more.

Jones is only pocketing more because he sells more. The Cowboys are responsible for sharing a quota with the other teams, and if the Cowboys exceed that quota, they get to pocket the difference. With that being said, the Cowboys generally contribute more to the till than other teams because of the brand popularity. I don't think that the teams are jealous on that basis, because they are still getting their cut of the Cowboy sales - if anything, they are jealous that they didn't think of it first.
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Snyder just bought out his minority business partners and it was ugly. I think one of the is the fedex owner.Bezos also wants the team. Those minority business partners tried to screw Snyder and Snyder screwed them. They are torqued and want revenge.
I'm hearing Bezos is going after the Broncos


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Some very, very, very rich people want to buy that team.
These very, very, very rich people are accustomed to getting their way.
These very, very, very rich people will do anything to get their way.

Snyder will be selling that team. Just a matter of time. He will get an offer he can’t refuse.
Isn't Snyder richer than those very very very rich people.


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Maybe, but the wealthiest folks keep changing the rules.
If this involves players this could be huge
And this guy worked with Rivera when he coached panthers
They could end up like last owner of panthers if players are involved
This was the DEA who came in