Twitter: LVE Is Not Happy About The Way Ya'll Seem Excited To Be Rid Of Jaylon


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I haven’t seen anyone make this personal.

People cheer for players who do good and don’t like players who do bad.

When you take up a bigger percentage of the cap and you’re playing bad then yes people are going to call that out.

Dallas just made a move that the fans knew last year needed to be made.

Come on LVE this is weak dude.

Many comment go over the top and I'm not saying fans can't say what they want. Of course you can but as I mentioned this are not robots these are not figures in a madden video game, these guys form very tight bonds and I'm sorry I have no issue at all for LVE standing up for one of his guys.


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LVE came off smug and hard headed last season when we would lose game after game. Just watch his 2020 post game interviews. Looks like that might be what this cat is, smug. I hope not because I like him.


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He's spot on but you're one of those he's talking about so I get it that you DON"T get it.

He’s not. He’s wrong.

This is the business he’s in. It will always be this way. If he doesn’t like it he can go get a normal job.

For now he’s in the produce or get criticized business.


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I’m an LVE fan but talk about a lack of awareness.

I think he needs a normal job.

no one would care if he was stocking shelves at Walmart. The problem isn’t with the fans in this scenario. It’s usually a player who wears out his welcome, isn’t good enough, or is priced out of town.


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Yep. While I wish no ill-will towards Jaylon the person, I'm not sad that Jaylon the player was let go.

I get it, it sucks. Earlier this year the guy who was my mentor left the company we worked at, and the only guy I mentored last day is this Friday.

But I still got a job to do. I'm just glad that my job is not high profile and I don't have to hear how either one of those guys "sucked" or was "terrible at their job". That would irritate me, to say the least.

I'm not upset with the move, younger guys making much less are showing more, it is the nature of the game. I take no pleasure in seeing him released and really wished things would have turned out better. It is what it is


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Is it me or has the use of the word y'all risen 1000x times in the last 6 months or so. Did I miss a meeting?


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Many comment go over the top and I'm not saying fans can't say what they want. Of course you can but as I mentioned this are not robots these are not figures in a madden video game, these guys form very tight bonds and I'm sorry I have no issue at all for LVE standing up for one of his guys.

Nobody is saying they don’t.

But publicly complaining about it is weak and lacks awareness of the sport he’s in.

“Why are fans worried about what we make. This is our livelihood.”

He’s a multi millionaire in his 20s.

LVE saying this is actually a major red flag to me. Parcells would laugh in his face.


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Michael Irvin had a similar response to the news, joining 105.3 The Fan's Shan & RJ on Wednesday morning to express his surprise and that he was "hurt" over Smith's release.

"I was absolutely surprised, it was shocking," Irvin said, who found out about the release while recording a podcast with Trevon Diggs. "When we got the news... he (Diggs) went silent. He went dead silent.

"...I was shocked, and he was like, 'Man, Jaylon, that was one of the guys that took me in and everything.' And what Jaylon meant to him and everything, and how difficult that is. And guys in that locker room, they loved Jaylon.

"...It's a great story. It really is, it's such an inspiring story. And having guys like Jaylon on your team that have overcome things, I think that's very important. It just didn't work out."

Others reacted similarly to Bryant and Irvin, with a mix of surprise and understanding of the move.

Dez Bryant shocked, Michael Irvin 'hurt' by Jaylon Smith release (

Some act as if these guys are robots or some figure in a madden video game but they are real people with real feelings and emotions. LVE standing up for one of his guys may anger some, I'm sure you can get over it.
this is what happens when the NFL and its media arm goes full w#ke. Feelings over substance rules the day. But it shall pass. On to the Giants.


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You guys should be ashamed.
At one level I agree with you. On the other hand, they get paid millions of dollars a year precisely because people take joy in having opinions about this and that. They are being paid millions to objectified by others, not to play football, which in the absence of fans adds no value to anything.


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I understand that players form personal and friendship bonds with other players on the roster, but at the same time it's reasonable for fans to expect players to play well and to contribute to team wins, especially if that player has been paid a big contract and to be disappointed if that player does poorly or doesn't live up to the hype/expectations. If Jaylon was still living and playing up to his contract, then he wouldn't have been released and he would still have more support amongst the Cowboys fanbase than he has now.


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You jerkoffs who think because so and so makes this much money he shouldn’t be treated with basic human dignity need to re-evaluate your personal ethics. You can think Jaylon was no longer a useful NFL player and not actively and publicly celebrate him getting cut from the only professional organization he’s ever known. Fans that think they can treat people like trash simply because they make good money need to get a grip. Simple-minded fools.


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Well don't cry when players hold teams hostage for new contracts, it works both ways. We see many folks crying when players holdout.

Doesn’t matter if fans are upset about a holdout. It has no bearing on the outcome of the contract negotiations.


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You know, I would have loved it for Jaylon if he had continued to play like he did in 2019. But, he did not. His play went to crap. I was excited for him to come back from that terrible injury. I was happy for him to get that contract. If his play had matched it, then I would be one of his biggest fans. In the end we cheer for the Cowboys. I can be glad he is gone. HIs feelings are hurt and social media makes it worse. He should not be reading it!


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He’s not. He’s wrong.

This is the business he’s in. It will always be this way. If he doesn’t like it he can go get a normal job.

For now he’s in the produce or get criticized business.
Not surprised you endorse childish comments.


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I'm not upset with the move, younger guys making much less are showing more, it is the nature of the game. I take no pleasure in seeing him released and really wished things would have turned out better. It is what it is

I wish it would’ve worked out too.

This fan base had his back and for the most part applauded his contract after the season he had.

We thought we had the best LB tandem in the league.

When you don’t live up to that expectation you will get criticism.

This fan base boo’d Troy Aikman.. You know why? He was playing awful. We all love him now after looking back on what he did for us but when you’re consistently bad don’t expect a lot of understanding in this business.

What a weak comment from Leighton.