News: Damontae Kazee Arrested


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I've made mistakes in my past. Ill own them. I was also an addict and needed help. Ive lost countless people to accidents caused by drunk driving. So I completely understand the anger and disdain in this thread.

With that being said. I've also been on the other side receiving a (care and control) which is basically a DUI here in Canada. I wasn't driving my vehicle. I went into my vehicle to grab my iPod and because my key was in the ignition I got absolutely punished. Costed me 10s of thousands between insurance and the breathalyzer in the car. Anyways where I am going with this is. We don't know the full story yet. So lets wait and see how this unfolds.

I am not asking for Kazee to be shunned or cut or sent to prison or anything like that. You won't find a post in this thread where I advise anything like that.

But let's not sugarcoat what happened here. He did something incredibly stupid that could have had significant ramifications beyond just making a dumb, silly mistake. Why the need to make excuses for him is perplexing to me. Some in this thread have attempted to minimize what he did and I can't get behind that kind of thinking.


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Not all mistakes are the same. Getting drunk and pissing on your neighbor's lawn or passing out in an alley or getting tossed from a bar isn't quite the same mistake as getting behind the wheel of a car. My getting drunk and pissing on someone else's property doesn't open me to serious injury or death and certainly doesn't open up the possibility I could injure or kill someone else. Not all mistakes are created equal.

Trying to compare someone tired and falling asleep behind the wheel to someone who gets in a car drunk is kind of a stretch.

It’s not a stretch at all. They are both getting in a vehicle while potentially impaired. One is from alcohol and the other is from exhaustion. They are both taking a risk with the hoped for reward of making it to their desired destination.

Kazee will face deserved consequences. Isn’t that enough?


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IS no he IS not yet until HE IS....

got it way overaction with no BAC results no history on his background if its first offense he will plea it don so his court mandated and i doubt hes suspended at all..lets see when and if it happens NEXT YEAR then we can talk,,the man was simply arrested for suspicion of DUI.. too bad you do not understand the process..

the league will take all the facts into consideration and if its first offense and the detail of the arrest etc all vome into play and i say if this in fact is his first one and no other nfl infarctions or history he will NOT be suspended,. and again it wont happen this season and Kazee may not even be Cowboy next year

so again too soon for pitchfork's and torches crowd



our fans here simply after a Kazee arrest with no details or proof yet .


So wait, we shouldn't criticize a Cowboys player for making a really stupid decision that could have injured/killed himself or someone else?

Even if he pleas out, which I suspect will be the case here, he's likely going to face some league discipline. The NFL, I believe, actually toughened their stance on DUIs in the latest CBA, so even with a plea, he could face suspension.


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It’s not a stretch at all. They are both getting in a vehicle while potentially impaired. One is from alcohol and the other is from exhaustion. They are both taking a risk with the hoped for reward of making it to their desired destination.

Kazee will face deserved consequences. Isn’t that enough?

I am failing to see where you are going with this. Sure, he will face consequences. But are we not allowed to criticize him for a really stupid decision that could have resulted in injury or death?


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I am not asking for Kazee to be shunned or cut or sent to prison or anything like that. You won't find a post in this thread where I advise anything like that.

But let's not sugarcoat what happened here. He did something incredibly stupid that could have had significant ramifications beyond just making a dumb, silly mistake. Why the need to make excuses for him is perplexing to me. Some in this thread have attempted to minimize what he did and I can't get behind that kind of thinking.
I agree with you. I am not trying to minimize anything. All I am saying is we dont know if he was even driving do we? If i missed that I apologize.


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I am failing to see where you are going with this. Sure, he will face consequences. But are we not allowed to criticize him for a really stupid decision that could have resulted in injury or death?
You can do whatever you want bro (or sis!). What I’m saying is what is the point behind it?

If I was Kazee’s coach or dad, we certainly would have a talk but I’m not going to berate him for being an idiot, selfish, or stupid. I’m going to try and instruct him with restorative advice.


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People keep using this statement "People decide to drink and drive". Not all but some don't make a conscious decision. And it is more than most people would think.
Someone said it isn't a drinking issue; it is a drinking and driving issue. This is not always true.
There are people whose bodies don't process alcohol the same way as others. Alcoholic/Problem drinker/Heavy drinker, you can chose the label. But theirs is a drinking problem. They start consuming alcohol with almost no affects. Their decision-making ability goes away and a switch gets triggered and they are basically comatose. At that point, they made a poor decision to drink. They may have had no intention of driving or taking on any important responsibility. Early on in their drinking life, they are unaware of their ailment and go through life thinking everyone else is the same. As problems and issues arise in their life, and they will, they start to come to the realization they have a problem or some significant event slaps them in the face. This may or may not apply to Kazee. But it was one of the reasons I asked if he had submitted to a test. These type of people generally have much higher BAC levels than, for lack of a better term, "non-alcoholic" DUI lol.
The other "interesting" thing about these people is they show little of the signs of extreme intoxication. Without continuous observation of their drinking, you might never know they are drunk and you certainly wouldn't think they are comatose.
So early on, there are challenges in holding these people "responsible" because it is a disease in that the person has no control over whether they have it or not. But at some point, if they avoid jail or death, they are responsible because they should get help and come to the realization they can't drink. Most never do.


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Lol oh so you’re a neuroscientist now?

Besides, nowhere did I say anything about not being responsible or accepting the consequences of your actions, although that’s a much more detailed conversation I’m more than willing to have. Work on the reading comprehension there champ.

Also, maybe do a shallow dive into the latest neuroscience, maybe even touch on the differences between hard and soft determinism, and eschew anything that has currently given you this sanctimonious, holier-than-thou attitude. You’re not Moses carrying the Ten Commandments and the Dallas
Cowboys aren’t worshiping any golden claves.

Just a thought!!

Take it or leave it lol
Blah, blah, blah. You’re exactly what’s wrong with society. Continually making excuses (stupid ones at that) for bad behavior and decisions. If you don’t think a 28 year old doesn’t know better, there’s not much hope for you. Just continue to live in your fantasy land. The guy acted entitled and just simply did what he wanted to do. End of story.


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I've made mistakes in my past. Ill own them. I was also an addict and needed help. Ive lost countless people to accidents caused by drunk driving. So I completely understand the anger and disdain in this thread.

With that being said. I've also been on the other side receiving a (care and control) which is basically a DUI here in Canada. I wasn't driving my vehicle. I went into my vehicle to grab my iPod and because my key was in the ignition I got absolutely punished. Costed me 10s of thousands between insurance and the breathalyzer in the car. Anyways where I am going with this is. We don't know the full story yet. So lets wait and see how this unfolds.

Glad you got the help you needed my friend.


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You can do whatever you want bro (or sis!). What I’m saying is what is the point behind it?

If I was Kazee’s coach or dad, we certainly would have a talk but I’m not going to berate him for being an idiot, selfish, or stupid. I’m going to try and instruct him with restorative advice.

The point is this is an internet message board that deals with all things Cowboys. A starter just got arrested for DUI, a very serious and potentially dangerous "mistake". What he did was stupid and selfish. It just was.

I mean in the grand scheme of things what's the point of talking about anything Cowboys related?


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The point is this is an internet message board that deals with all things Cowboys. A starter just got arrested for DUI, a very serious and potentially dangerous "mistake". What he did was stupid and selfish. It just was.

I mean in the grand scheme of things what's the point of talking about anything Cowboys related?
We can talk about what the staff will do in the event of a Kazee suspension. We don’t need pitchforks and torches to do that.

Denim Chicken

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it will take year if it ever goes to court..doesn't effect this yeart its

misd. type, not a felony. If first offense, i doubt he gets suspended at all..

lets let the facts come out first..

,man some of you all over this guy he will be available for the rest of the season.. book it..

It's spelled out in the Rules. First offense is 3 games.


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We can talk about what the staff will do in the event of a Kazee suspension. We don’t need pitchforks and torches to do that.

No pitch fork some of us are just asking players to use the 6 inches between their ears. These are grown men some want them to act like it. Playing a team sports especially as a starter means the team relies on you and counts on you, so when you miss time it hurts the team. Things like injuries can't be prevented but being stupid and using poor judgement can be prevented.


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those field sobriety test arte joke they take you 100% of te time its for their report that they had probable cause to take you in.,,ionce he admiited to havig drink or they smelled even a little beer on him..he was going in for SUSPICION of a DUI.

its odd they took me into a back room to draw blood but said they would let me go on my FASLE areest but then they decioded to give me asorbrty test said i failed my eyes wigglesd..3 months later the BAC Blood came back ZEROES 0000000.000000


I failed because they said i did!! its part of the process to have probable cause for detainment..

show me his BAC?? where the report???

ONCE AGAIN and arrest is not an admission of guilt....
lol. Were you drinking when you posted this. Your spelling is like mine. Lol. Just kidding with you. I get in a hurry and my auto correct does everything but correct.


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Not convicted but we know he failed the sobriety test and not looking good. Odds are 1st offense he will get probation my concern is the league can very well suspend him.
its suspicion again do you read, i was once arrested and not convicted as they also said i failed a FST its sham those are used as probable cause top bring you in for breathalyzer or blodd BAC test, mine were all 00000000000-00s =with blood test that took 3 months to get back ..odd huh

explain how i was guilty and convicted on suspicion of a dui? its happens far more then you think..its why you are innocents until proven otherwise not like here

guess what i didnt get back? all the money it cost me for bail and fines until this test they got back proved i was 100% innocents and the FST is a sham..

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 < my test explain how it 100% if you are arrested and brought in you are guilty

well sure in here

im glad you are not on a jury, all people arrested are guilty is a basic question most like and some get convicted over jurors seeing them guilty before proof is laid out..police make mistakes its a fact all arrests are not an admission of guilt..


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Not all mistakes are the same. Getting drunk and pissing on your neighbor's lawn or passing out in an alley or getting tossed from a bar isn't quite the same mistake as getting behind the wheel of a car. My getting drunk and pissing on someone else's property doesn't open me to serious injury or death and certainly doesn't open up the possibility I could injure or kill someone else. Not all mistakes are created equal.

Trying to compare someone tired and falling asleep behind the wheel to someone who gets in a car drunk is kind of a stretch.

I mean depends on the neighbor...I have some neighbors that might cause serious injury or death of someone in thier yard at 3 am...LOL..Mr Wilson next door dont see so good these days might think what your holding is a gun and he is already a little skiddish..


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lol. Were you drinking when you posted this. Your spelling is like mine. Lol. Just kidding with you. I get in a hurry and my auto correct does everything but correct.
no i dont waste my time to correct things when im angry key stroking.. a waste of my time on these types of threads..i type hit post and move on..