Does anyone believe in ghosts?

Sleep paralysis can be explained medically. There is no paranormal behind it.
Astral projection and lucid dreaming are pretty much the same thing. They can be logically explained as well.

I would like you to logically explain it.

There is a story from a guy named paul going somewhere like lucid dreaming, whether in his body or out of his body, he did not know. Do you know?
I still don't understand the question.

I'm not getting into a discussion that's not allowed, if that's what you're getting at.

"What is truth?" Was a famous quote of a Roman governor. He didn't get it at the time either. it was in relation to what you were quoting when I asked you that.

It is a big question. One of those that is hard to lock down if you try to reason it out. I was just curious of your answer, I don't need one
I would like you to logically explain it.

There is a story from a guy named paul going somewhere like lucid dreaming, whether in his body or out of his body, he did not know. Do you know?

I think AC wanted you to share your stories or encounters or if you've had any. So far you've shared a couple of stories from the Bible.
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I think AC wanted you to share your stories or encounters or if you've had any. So far you've shared a couple of stories from the Bible.

Astral projection is a well documented thing throughout history. Many people experience a feeling of a "presence" in the room with them. People being alive, and able to leave their body could be an explanation. It is not hard to find accounts of people using this for bad purposes. There is a major early account in American history of this that took place, and ended up being used in the courtroom. I will have to look it up to get the details again, but I will post it. Like I said before, I think when people die, they have a place to go, and they are not ghosts.

Astral projection was a train of thought that I thought related to the subject.

And that one story is Roman history as well
There is only one thing I know as fact and that is we do not know.

We may think we know because we feel we have to know but the unexplained is still that regardless of how some may try to explain it.

I consider myself lucky because I can live with things that cannot be explained because that allows me to consider everything is possible. I have had enough happen in my personal life that cannot be explained even though I have tried.
#6 - You will not post religious discussions, comments or content.

Let's steer clear of this as that was not the intent of the OP.
To believe in ghosts goes against my whole belief system, but once you've experienced it, it's hard to deny it. Maybe it's the way the 5th dimension interacts with our 4.

So, there have been a few incidents, but the one that comes to mind most when this topic comes up is the time I was helping my girlfriend move out of her family home to move in with me. We were there for a couple of hours, and the whole time I felt just a little something I couldn't put my finger on. I was just a little uncomfortable. Suddenly that feeling got a bit more clear, and looked at my girlfriend and said, "There's something here."

"What do you mean?", she asked.
Feeling a little silly, I said, "There's a...presence."

She turned very pale, and started telling me stories about green spots that just show up on the walls, the living room floor shaking violently for 10 or 15 seconds (Her father was a contractor, and he couldn't figure out anything that could have caused that, though he tried.), sitting in the living room and feeling her mother's arms around her, then realizing her mother wasn't there, etc. One time, she was in the basement and heard her mother walk into her bedroom, so she went upstairs to talk to her, but instead of her mother, there was a spot on the edge of the bed where it appeared someone was sitting, and suddenly stood up. There were a few more stories, but I don't remember them all.

Anyway, the feeling I was getting started off as just an innocent presence, nothing to worry about, and a couple of hours later we were sitting at the kitchen table, and it started to feel malicious, to the point that I felt like if we didn't leave immediately, thing could get bad. I said, "We need to"

As soon as those words left my lips, the garage door raised up about halfway and shut again...We scooted on out, and I never went back.

It was obviously your guardian angel trying to talk you out of moving your girl friend in with you
I had a good friend in the Army. Sometimes I and a few others would stay the night in his families house. It was him, his wife, his younger brother and their parents.
Sometimes in the middle of the night is father would get up, go to his chair in the living room and smoke a cigarette.

Shortly after he had passed on, Sadly the guy lost his mother and father in a span of a year and I was a pa bearer at both funerals, I was staying over at the house an asleep on the couch in the living room.

I smelled cigarette smoke and I woke up and looked and someone was sitting in the chair smoking but my eyes were blurry from sleep and I went back to sleep.

The next morning I asked my buddy if he got up in the middle of the night and smoked. He said no. I asked his younger brother if he had gotten up and smoked.

Neither did. Now I know someone sat in that chair, turned on the lamp and was smoking. Both denied it. I still think it was his dad. Who knows.

With that out of the way. I am normally pretty skeptical about many ghost stories.

My wife likes watching the youtube shows and stuff with "ghost hunters" ... I think they are a joke and are so fake and silly.

Was this in WV?
That’s totally normal there
I almost forgot about another incident. This happened in the house I grew up in. (The Haunted Places thread reminded me of this.)

When I was about 14 or 15, I was sitting in my living room watching TV at around midnight. To my right was an end table and on top of the table was a disassembled ball point pen. As I was watching whatever show it was (probably SNL or The Midnight Special, since there were only three channels from which to choose at the time) I saw something with my peripheral vision to my right. I turned to look and saw the spring from the pen floating, just about eye level less than an arm's length away. It immediately dropped onto the table, and I immediately turned the TV off and went to bed. I don't remember how long it took me to fall asleep, but I'm sure it was a while.
I almost forgot about another incident. This happened in the house I grew up in. (The Haunted Places thread reminded me of this.)

When I was about 14 or 15, I was sitting in my living room watching TV at around midnight. To my right was an end table and on top of the table was a disassembled ball point pen. As I was watching whatever show it was (probably SNL or The Midnight Special, since there were only three channels from which to choose at the time) I saw something with my peripheral vision to my right. I turned to look and saw the spring from the pen floating, just about eye level less than an arm's length away. It immediately dropped onto the table, and I immediately turned the TV off and went to bed. I don't remember how long it took me to fall asleep, but I'm sure it was a while.
Freaky stuff man. Is it wrong that I've always wanted to see something paranormal? I know a lot of people say they are glad to have never had that kind of experience but I've always felt the most alive when I'm scared. Just today, I walked into the living room and my rocking chair was moving with no one in the room. My heart skipped a beat and then I saw the Roomba moving away from it. I was actually disappointed.
Freaky stuff man. Is it wrong that I've always wanted to see something paranormal? I know a lot of people say they are glad to have never had that kind of experience but I've always felt the most alive when I'm scared. Just today, I walked into the living room and my rocking chair was moving with no one in the room. My heart skipped a beat and then I saw the Roomba moving away from it. I was actually disappointed.
LMAO! It's kind of strange, I feel more complete having experienced a few things. I guess it's probably because I no longer have to wonder if these things really happen. I won't go so far as to say it proves life after death, or the existence of ghosts, per se, but "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
LMAO! It's kind of strange, I feel more complete having experienced a few things. I guess it's probably because I no longer have to wonder if these things really happen. I won't go so far as to say it proves life after death, or the existence of ghosts, per se, but "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
I think that is why I've wanted an experience like that. I feel left out, like something I'm missing that I caused somehow. I've heard enough that I don't doubt some people's stories in this strange world. I'm not religious at all but I want to experience all I can on this rock before I go to whatever happens next. Appreciate the feedback man.

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