Twitter: Post Game Tweets 11/25/2021


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Good. I hope they ALL blast this awful officiating crew. Until there’s a concerted effort to expose it, the NFL will continue to cover up the fact that poor officiating is greatly affecting the game.

It's amazing how bad the officiating is every week. It's a real problem. Literally ruins the game more than anything else.

But oh, let's crack down on players celebrating too much. Because that's REALLY ruining the game


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Brown sucked *** today. But I do not get that last PI call. He didn't turn his head, but how is he supposed to play that? The Wr basically ran back into him and held onto his head to get to the ball. Is he supposed to stop in his tracks?! Doesn't the receiver have some obligation to not play through a guy?

Bown sucks period. N. Wright or Jospeh should be getting his snaps. It was a matter of time before he returned back to form! He is simply not good on the outside.


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I don't think he's trying to say it was fair, but I still feel like I need to point out penalties are not created equal. The type of penalty and the point at which they are called a huge, and Dallas got shafted today. And I rarely complain about the refs.
Exactly. I hate it when people don’t understand this and simply look at a stat sheet. Situational penalties are what matters.


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That shielding rule changed. If the defender runs over the receiver or makes contact without turning, yes. But covering a guy closely and having the pass strike you in the back or not letting the defender get to the ball because you are already in his path, not a penalty. Happens inthe end zone all the time.

Yeah he really didn’t make forcible contact, if anything Jones did trying to reach back for the ball. The more I watch, the more that’s a call they shouldn’t make IMO.