CZ POLL Are you happy with Dak as the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys?

Are you happy with Dak as the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys?

  • Yes

    Votes: 314 70.4%
  • No

    Votes: 132 29.6%

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Need an "it could be worse" option for us glass half full yet realistic types.

I would love nothing more than to have a Tom Brady or Rodgers.

but one of the questions I consistently ask people is if you move on from Dak what is the solution? Truth is there is no solution that doesn’t also involve a ton of risk. over 50% of first round QB’s taken never play as well as Dak.

It’s not easy finding an elite QB. They dont Grow on trees.


Safety third
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I would love nothing more than to have a Tom Brady or Rodgers.

but one of the questions I consistently ask people is if you move on from Dak what is the solution? Truth is there is no solution that doesn’t also involve a ton of risk. over 50% of first round QB’s taken never play as well as Dak.

It’s not easy finding an elite QB. They dontt Grow on trees.

All true.

I'm not advocating cutting Dak, even if it were realistically possible. I am just evaluating what I see as compared to what I've seen over the course of my fandom career with not much regard to how I would replace him. I pay more attention to those specific moments in games that ultimately decide the game. The handful of plays that don't really affect the overall stats but definitely impact the game.

If someone gave me a team to build, for Christmas, the QB would likely be the last piece of the puzzle I went looking for. I'd try and build a very strong supporting cast from the middle out, on both sides of the ball with some emphasis on depth. then plug in "solid" QB's until I found my guy.

I'd try and spread the wealth around, including at critical depth positions and be careful about paying superstar money at any position.

Big money contracts and lack of quality depth has really hurt us, but you can't have it both ways.


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prescott has been so disappointing since the patriots game. i just can not see this team winning a playoff game with him this year. i did not vote because i am in the middle with him now.


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Yes, because he plays for the Dallas Cowboys, and when he has someone to actually throw to, he's unstoppable. You can sit here and say all day until you're blue in the face, he has to have this and that, and that's fine with me. No one talks about Terry Bradshaw and how his team around him helped him get into the HOF, or Aikman who had pedestrian numbers get into the HOF, they just care that he's there.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I like Dak, but I would have to say no. We need consistency at the QB level. He's Jekyll and Hyde.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You know if you asked me this a couple days ago I'd be a yes or at least on the fence. However as Dak was struggling yesterday I saw him begin to chew on his receivers like it was all their fault and it may have been to some degree. but you just don't do that to your own people.
I'm worried there is something physically wrong with him and hes already been injured a few times so I'm out.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Not a good time for a poll. Should’ve taken a poll after the New England game. Too bad we can’t see the members names who took part in the poll.


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Given the way the team has played recently, I thought it would be good to gauge the general feeling about Dak on the site now and then revisit it after the season is over.

As always, I do not provide easy-way-out options in my polls. If you are unable or unwilling to vote, that is fine, but the ones who do vote will speak for you.

To protect fans from harassment from both sides of the debate, this poll will be anonymous so no one will see how you vote.

Reality--- i think Dak can be very good if he can keep his mechanics does not come natural to him like some other QB's.....moving weight from back to front foot and torquing hips he did not do well until

beginning of 2019....and has improved.....but he has to concentrate a lot more than people like Rogers or Mahomes who are so talented throwing that they can be off balance and still throw adequate....Dak cannot

he needs time in pocket or you watch his mechanics break down if he is too that throw to Noah Brown yes Dak was hurried but actually that is not overly difficult throw but Dak threw it low and behind

Noah Brown over time.....i think Dak is still our franchise QB he just needs time to concentrate lowly opinion


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Jerry should have known Dak is not top tier material . The inconsistencies were there from 2018 . Jerry likes to stick to players he picked and likes . It is too late now and if we get a dominant defense by next season we have a chance to make the CCG or more . But the window is closing . Dak is not elite to overcome the other issues .
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