Twitter: NBRA condemns Dak Prescott for condoning violence against refs


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In retrospect what do leagues expect though. If they aren’t going to hold their own officials accountable…. Do they think fans are just going to be ok with it.

You have literal playoff games decided on terrible calls in recent years. Like the no call PI on the saint. And the nfl could care less.


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It's hard to express how ridiculous this comment is.

The guy said all the right things for 6 years. He has a long standing reputation as a leader and as being willing to do whatever it takes to improve. He worked his *** off to come back from a gruesome injury. He persevered through the death of his brother ...

Yet by your take an unfortunate comment made when a microphone was stuck in his face at one of his lowest moments as a players is his defining moment?

The thing is, Dak didn't see it happen. I think it was Dlaw and some other players that were walking by the tunnel when it happened and oviously the refs were walking by there too when the fans started throwing stuff onto the field.

Here's the part that makes Dak look like a tool, a reporter basically asked Dak what he thought about the fans throwing things onto the field after the loss and Dak went on his usual rant "Its sad.. Were grown men who gave it our all everyday to the sport we tried our best blah blah" because he thought the fans were ONLY throwing stuff at the players but as soon as he realized it was against the Referees, he changed his tune and said "well credit to them then.
Credit to our fans" REALLY?!!

So its sad to throw stuff to the players but not the referees?! Hes a phony! Don't those same referees also give it their best? Such a tool!


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Dak wasn't condoning violence against Refs.. Sounds Like Dak was defending the Players and the Refs.

Reporter ask Dak what was his thoughts objects thrown at the Players..Dak said this is unacceptable
fans throwing objects...NBRA you left out Dak's important statement..
Plus why are you chiming in. Worry about your own league


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You Romosexuals are the worst. Absolute worst.
IS that supposed to be some kind of insult?

Maybe even a rule violation? Are you saying there's some homophobia going on with you?

Not sure why you would HATE people who defend their own team. You go to bat for Dak...but not Tony? WT FAQ dude? Double standard idiots......HYPOCRITES.


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Dak wasn't condoning violence against Refs.. Sounds Like Dak was defending the Players and the Refs.

Reporter ask Dak what was his thoughts objects thrown at the Players..Dak said this is unacceptable
fans throwing objects...NBRA you left out Dak's important statement..
Plus why are you chiming in. Worry about your own league

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
By some of the comments here, some of ya'll just realized that the last thing you could use to prop this dude up as a legitimate QB was an intangible stat: Leadership.

And he just fumbled that away and now there's nothing left. Kudos to you though, ya'll willing to sell out all the way to the bottom of the morality barrel by defending his defense of this crap.

Be better people. Expect better.


Here comes the Sun...
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Seriously guys, I wish Dak hadnt said what he did, but its being magnified by the virtuous media. I expect he will fix it and the media will try 2 signal how he needs sensitivity classes heading into next year lol. NFL will likely mandate it.

No...he needs to learn how to play the professional football QB position, not to bullchit the front office and the locker room and his fans. He is a salesman...he don't really care what the public sense of him.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The thing is, Dak didn't see it happen. I think it was Dlaw and some other players that were walking by the tunnel when it happened and oviously the refs were walking by there too when the fans started throwing stuff onto the field.

Here's the part that makes Dak look like a tool, a reporter basically asked Dak what he thought about the fans throwing things onto the field after the loss and Dak went on his usual rant "Its sad.. Were grown men who gave it our all everyday to the sport we tried our best blah blah" because he thought the fans were ONLY throwing stuff at the players but as soon as he realized it was against the Referees, he changed his tune and said "well credit to them then.
Credit to our fans" REALLY?!!

So its sad to throw stuff to the players but not the referees?! Hes a phony! Don't those same referees also give it their best? Such a tool!
It is a bad look - the media grabs onto any mistake in speaking with a microphone in the face.

But are you defined by a mistake made at a low point? Would you think it fair to judge you that way?

And what if you had someone sticking a microphone in your fact at that low point? Most people don't have that to worry about, and they don't get scrutinized by the public for whatever they say. If they did do you think even good people would never say something that they regret saying?


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Dak wasn't condoning violence against Refs.. Sounds Like Dak was defending the Players and the Refs.

Reporter ask Dak what was his thoughts objects thrown at the Players..Dak said this is unacceptable
fans throwing objects...NBRA you left out Dak's important statement..
Plus why are you chiming in. Worry about your own league

Lol i think you need to rewatch that whole press conference again. He changed his tune as soon as he realized the fans were angry at the refs and not the cowboys players lol

Thinking the fans were upset at the players-

"Its sad.. Were grown men who give it our all to the sport"

After realizing the trash was aimed at the refs-

"Credit to them then, credit to our fans"

Yeah.. Good luck getting roughing the passer calls now smart guy.


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Why refer to that situation - a shocking event that reveted the nation's attention - plus exposed the prison systems' problems.
Why not refer to another NFL postseason game when the officiating was controversial?

Very simple. When Dak gave approval to the mob after their violence, it was reminiscent of the chants I described. He ,in essence, gave power back to the people.

he kept it real, maintained, and gave back to the community in just that one comment condoning the mob violence


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I give Dak a pass on this, but he should have clarified once he got bearings. It was a foolish thing for him to say, but I can understand the overwhelming frustration in he moment.

Someone of authority needs to let this team know they look and sound like chumps when they whine about the Refs. Let the Fans work that petty business.