Video: Dak's uncle discusses family, frustration with media

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I think it does. It’s a classless act for an athletes family to speak out publicly about the criticism. But then the athlete has spoken out too calling out wagon fans and officiating. What’s next..
Dak is a great guy, total team player. The epitome of a Dallas Cowboy. Sadly his flaws have been discovered and exploited. His limitations make him liability as a pocket QB.

The self delusion is strong with some fans


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I don't really have an issue with family sticking up for family.

As a Cowboys fan, I do worry that the people around Dak constantly tell him that all his struggles are someone else's fault and as a result, some of the issues that Dak has aren't going to get worked on.


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I'm glad his family is hearing all this and feels the need to defend Dak. It means us fans are getting that much closer to running this fraud out of Dallas. Dude has a pop gun arm and struts around like he thinks hes great. He was complete joke in that pro bowl event with Rivers, Brees and Dalton. It was so evident how weak his arm was.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm glad his family is hearing all this and feels the need to defend Dak. It means us fans are getting that much closer to running this fraud out of Dallas. Dude has a pop gun arm and struts around like he thinks hes great. He was complete joke in that pro bowl event with Rivers, Brees and Dalton. It was so evident how weak his arm was.

Ya, the cat is pretty much out of the bag......and come next season no way Prescott survives not hitting the bench at some point.
See one thing about imposters.....they really don't handle pressure and the sunlight of the truth very well.....o_O


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I'm glad his family is hearing all this and feels the need to defend Dak. It means us fans are getting that much closer to running this fraud out of Dallas. Dude has a pop gun arm and struts around like he thinks hes great. He was complete joke in that pro bowl event with Rivers, Brees and Dalton. It was so evident how weak his arm was.

The character flaws are becoming more evident. Kudos to you guys who saw it first.


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Sorry, but this is a stretch. Plenty of players have haters and none of them have gone so far as to claim a player was such a loser their family doesn’t defend them. Not Romo, Jaylon, Zeke, Heath, Dez, etc.

The closest you could get is people complaining that Dak was hit late or got into an argument on the field and it was perceived his teammates didn’t stick up for him.

You obviously havent paid attention. You missed all the posts calling Dak a loser because no friends helped him when he got sucker punched during spring break in college.


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I mean what does he want? That fans and media just fawn all over him, even when he plays poorly?

There is a growing sense of entitlement in sports with these guys. Where they think that because they put on the uniform they should be given whatever they want, treated however they want, be largely free of criticism, etc. The extreme example right now is Ben Simmons in the NBA.

Hey Dak, you are the QB of the Dallas Cowboys. It's one of the most visible positions in all of sports. You had a choice a year ago where you could have just opted to not resign in Dallas and go to another team, maybe a place like Jacksonville where there would be less pressure to win, less media and fan focus, etc.

But you didn't do that. You chose to take the money and play in Dallas. With that comes certain things, one being you are going to get scrutinized and yes, criticized, when you don't play well. Whining about it now, or worse having your family whine about it for you, is just lame.

It just is.
I understand your point but I don’t care how much money you make people talking crap about you personally on Social Media can mess with anyone. Look at how the owner acts when he hears people saying he should step down as GM or he should fire a coach. Dak stunk up the joint in the playoffs no doubt and I have always thought he is just a good quarterback that needs players around him. I guess when you turn down a good offer to get the best offer in the history of football, you gotta be ready for the scrutiny.


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All in the same season . . . the 1st season of that contract

It Boogles the Mind

Id this is how the season ended. . What will next season bring . . . stay tuned
I’m not a Dak hater. He’s been an over achiever for a 4th round pick. He’s not as great as some think not as bad as others claim.

I’ve rooted for crack heads, all types of drug abusers, alcoholics , women beaters , slapping momma guys, even a guy exposing himself . But calling out the fans might be a first.

Last time we had a guy who got tired of the public criticism , he retired early and went to the booth singing “ the partys over, turn out the lights” every Monday night.

America's Cowboy

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It doesn’t matter. It’s not a good look. It’s time to put up or shut up.

But I suppose like other homers they’ll crawl up his butt regardless if he reached the goals or not. They’ve become just like the Romo homers. At least he took the criticism and ridicule like a man.
No. The haters are the ones who can't take it. They can dish it, but they can't take it. Speaks volumes.


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Dak needs to reel his family in. It’s a poor reflection on him. He is quickly becoming unlikable.
I think he endorses these messages behind the scenes. If he doesn't want them to do it he could shut it down by asking them politely to stop defending him in public.

If they refuse them come out and say publicly my family is not speaking for me.
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