Demarcus Ware didn’t make HOF


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Yep, that anti-Dallas (Jones) sentiment

2018 - Terrell Owens (if you count him)
2019 - Gil Brandt
2020 - Jimmy Johnson
Cliff Harris
2021 - Drew Pearson
2022 - No one ("Oh lawd, the bias is real!!!")

Are you people listening to yourselves? How spoiled can fans be here?
not spoiled. Its called the facts. YES the guys you mentioned got in..but it has 0 to do with this years crop of guys.Ware is a very blatant snub.


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I pay little attention to all the HoFs that have been created to generate more revenue from the fans. I think the NFL HoF was the last one to succumb to the nonsense but it has. Over time I think they all fall into the same trap where the criteria are inconsistent and loosened.

But it is still not as bad as the Rock n Roll HoF which is an absolute joke. But it could get there someday.
u beat me to it. Was about to bring up the rock hall. A band like Styx is snubbed year after year, yet the Go Go's get in first. INSANE. That makes them a JOKE. The NFL is heading down the same path.


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For those who are to young to know. There was a writer from the Minneapolis Tribune who publicly stated in the 1980’s he would NEVER vote for a Dallas Cowboy in the HOF.

It partially explains why great, great players from the 60’s and 70’s never got in or had to be wait….Drew Pearson etc. He was always more deserving than Lynn Swann.

That clown should’ve had his vote revoked.

This is a disgrace but also feels like part of a Jerry backlash.

“Yeah you’ve got the biggest brand in sports but we’re gonna snap your *** back.”

I can almost hear myself saying it and I’m a lifelong fan. It’s so hard having your heart and soul invested in a team run by an incompetent narcissist and don’t give me the “recent success” B.S.

That’s Jerry riding Will McClay’s jock and you know it.

Demarcus deserved better than this.

I'll one up you. I live in Houston and legendary HOF sportswriter John McClain here in Houston (gets to vote for HOF) said on the radio a few years ago there is a contingent of sports writers in San Fran that are loud and proud that they will NEVER vote a Cowboy into the HOF. McClain single handedly got Warren Moon into the Hall and seems to be a straight up guy, even though he went to Baylol.


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if they are on par, then why deny Ware and not Seymore and where does Bryant Young fit!!!

I can't comment on Bryant Young, I haven't watched much film on him. The argument here seems to be he was underappreciated despite being dominant.

Either way, I was arguing that Seymour is somehow below the almighty Ware. Ware was a fantastic player deserving of the HOF, but he wasn't some generational player like LT or Aaron Donald. He was a tier blow those types of guys and there is more people at that level fighting to get into the HOF.


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So the bias started THIS year?
ha ha . No. We are focusing on Ware mainly. Ask, how does a guy like Bryant young get in over HIM? The numbers don't show he's deserving. We can't use the No Super Bowl argument with Ware, because he did win 1 with Denver. So why the snub?


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HOF is a big joke, it has become like probowl nominations based on popularity and how many big cities fans they can keep happy. Ware, you are 1 st ballot HOF in my heart and that all matters to me


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I can't comment on Bryant Young, I haven't watched much film on him. The argument here seems to be he was underappreciated despite being dominant.

Either way, I was arguing that Seymour is somehow below the almighty Ware. Ware was a fantastic player deserving of the HOF, but he wasn't some generational player like LT or Aaron Donald. He was a tier blow those types of guys and there is more people at that level fighting to get into the HOF.
generational players are what they are..."generational". that's why they come about a few in a generation.....

yes LT was generational for players of his time. Brady is generational. Donald is very good, elite, future HOFer, but not sure if he is generational. but I can see your point in putting him there.


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If Romo wouldn't have botched the snap he might have had a Super Bowl with us.


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But then that’s an argument of pro bowls vs longevity. While he wasn’t making as many pro bowls, 90 sacks for a DT is arguably more impressive than 130 for a 3-4 pass rush specialist.

How about Steve Atwater vs Darren Woodson. Atwater made almost twice as many pro bowls, he the was the dominant safety for far longer. But then you could say Woodson’s pro bowl selections abruptly ended when Dawkins and Lynch entered the NFC.

Could you not say the same for Bryant with Warren Sapp and La’Roi Glover? Bryant Young had a 5.5, 2 6.0, a 6.5, an 8.0, and TWO 9.5 sack seasons that weren’t pro bowls… as a DT. That’s amazing in itself.

Ware wasn't just a pass rush specialist, but 130 sacks in a career for an OLB is impressive no matter what. He's fourth all-time. Meanwhile, Young is not even close to the top as a DT.


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Parcels had us closer to a Super Bowl than anyone post Jimmy with less talent than we had this year and people wanna hate on him. Even CC


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ha ha . No. We are focusing on Ware mainly. Ask, how does a guy like Bryant young get in over HIM? The numbers don't show he's deserving. We can't use the No Super Bowl argument with Ware, because he did win 1 with Denver. So why the snub?

What it looks like to me is that they're prioritizing the older guard lately. This is how you have Cliff Harris and Drew Pearson in, although you could have made a case for Pearson without the prioritization. Cliff Branch this year who is another you could have made a case for without it but this is the impression I get. Just like they've been giving more to the older vets' healthcare for the pounding they took for far less money back in the day, this might also now be extending to the accolades like the Hall to maintain better relations with them.

Like someone mentioned earlier, Kevin Greene had to wait 17 years and he was every bit as dominant as Ware and for longer. And remember, he played for Pittsburgh. No Steeler is ever denied entry to the Hall, right? Lol.


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Cliff Branch shoulda got in like a decade ago.
Cliff Branch should have been selected for the HOF the first year he was eligible.
Through his play, he was at the forefront - with a few other WRs - that ushered in the change to passing overtaking the running game in the league - years before the NFL made rule changes that cemented the transition.
Dallas Fans often - and RIGHTFULLY SO - complain about a predisposition by the HOF committee to deny deserving Cowboys players entry (spearheaded by the Mara, Halas, Ford, and Rooney franchises).
Raiders Fans can claim the exclusivity of their greats (the Rooneys being the driving force ...along with former owner Al Davis bucking up against the League).
Think about - and keep this in mind - regarding future HOF enshrinees.
Oakland Raiders / NFL Great Ken Stabler was inducted one year and one month after he died.
Oakland Raiders/ NFL Great Cliff Branch will be inducted three years and three days after he died.
Those players were denied entry while they were alive to participate in the ceremony with their families, friends, teammates and coaches (HS, collegiate, professional).
It appears Chuck Howley will.
Hopefully Ware doesn't endure that.
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What it looks like to me is that they're prioritizing the older guard lately. This is how you have Cliff Harris and Drew Pearson in, although you could have made a case for Pearson without the prioritization. Cliff Branch this year who is another you could have made a case for without it but this is the impression I get. Like someone mentioned earlier, Kevin Greene had to wait 17 years and he was every bit as dominant as Ware and for longer. And remember, he played for Pittsburgh. No Steeler is ever denied entry to the Hall, right? Lol.

Greene was never as dominant as Ware.. his best season topped out at 16.5 sacks twice while Ware's two best seasons were 20 and 19.5. Ware also played RDE/ROLB not LDE/LOLB .. Before the league went absolutely nuts with the passing game it a general rule that the right tackle was the lesser player.. and that is still generally the case though admittedly less so now. What it means is that while Greene was facing right tackles most of his career, Ware was facing guys like Walter Jones, Orlando Pace, Willie Roaf, Trent Williams, Jason Peters and so on. Last but not least, let's not just act like Greene's career and legacy were not tainted by steroids. He was busted for it several times but somehow always managed to appeal his suspensions down to one game and in some cases no games.


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Greene was never as dominant as Ware.. his best season topped out at 16.5 sacks twice while Ware's two best seasons were 20 and 19.5. Ware also played RDE/ROLB not LDE/LOLB .. Before the league went absolutely nuts with the passing game it a general rule that the right tackle was the lesser player.. and that is still generally the case though admittedly less so now. What it means is that while Greene was facing right tackles most of his career, Ware was facing guys like Walter Jones, Orlando Pace, Willie Roaf, Trent Williams, Jason Peters and so on. Last but not least, let's not just act like Greene's career and legacy were not tainted by steroids. He was busted for it several times but somehow always managed to appeal his suspensions down to one game and in some cases no games

Well if you're using sacks as a barometer, Green had 160 to Ware's 138.5 and had double digit sacks for 10 seasons to Ware's 8. Dominance and for longer as I stated. You make good points otherwise though.


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Another thing, Dick Vermeil does not belong in the HOF, that cry baby is so overrated it's not even funny.
120-109 regular season record, lol, might as well put Garrett in there, he's just another Jeff Fisher
Dick Vermeil took two lousy teams with poor rosters, helped rebuild the teams, and had one in the SB and another one winning it. He belongs.