News: PFT: Cowboys should lift NDAs, allowing cheerleaders to tell their stories regarding voyeurism

The Fonz

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Copy the Rams:

More mature cheerleaders will solve the problem



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Damned if ya do,damned if ya don't. There really is no pleasing people. They want someone's head.


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It's not strong evidence, it's merely he say she say, 1 cheerleader expressed what she THOUGHT she saw. I'm not saying he's innocent, what I'm saying is we don't know either way, so to condemn is foolish.
I don't know where you are getting that THOUGHT, she said emphatically it was Dalrymple. The other 3 didn't see who it was. And they have already verified it was Dalrymple that entered the dressing room. He admitted to it and they have the key entry.


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I am not sure that is necessary. As bad as the accusations sound, the team, the victims, and the accused are going through their due process. I don't think, like any of our personal faults, are anyone else's business - personal details that is. We as fans know something may have happened and that is all that is necessary for us.


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I don't know where you are getting that THOUGHT, she said emphatically it was Dalrymple. The other 3 didn't see who it was. And they have already verified it was Dalrymple that entered the dressing room. He admitted to it and they have the key entry.

She thought, because she can't prove it, and it was only her who saw him, yes he admitted to it, never said he didn't, him taking pictures is what wasn't proven. The took his phone , hired a forensic company to make sure no pictures was taken and nothing was found. Everyone want to ignore that and automatically believe what the woman said she saw.
Too add if they was that distraught 300,00 dollars makes it all go away?


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Was it a television viewer who reported the war room incident? How can a television viewer have better visual access of the room than the occupants? Not saying it didnt happen, but this one smells a little funny to me
A guy watching the stream in Shreveport contacted the club. According to the ESPN reporter, that stream camera has a different angle than the ESPN camera and only the club has the recording of that, if they actually still have it.

I agree it is strange that one guy out of all watching the stream saw that but according to the reporter, someone watching, I think in Nebraska, said the same thing.

Doubtful we will ever know the truth but I put together a payout to the cheerleaders, a disciplinary letter in Dalrymple's file and their total avoidance of anything related to his retirement announcement and I believe the cheerleader and the stream viewer from Shreveport.

One part of Dalrymple's story is total hogwash. He went into the cheerleaders' dressing room because he needed to go to the bathroom even though there was a men's room 20' away because he thought it was empty. Just where did he think the cheerleaders would be changing after watching them on the stage at the luncheon where he had just been? And they have yet to explain the second security guard, always posted outside their room, was at the time. They went in there to change, wouldn't that be the time for both security guards to be there? While they are vulnerable?

Not going to convince me this isn't all based on what Dalrymple knows about Booger that makes him vulnerable. They go through the motion with the disciplinary latter to cover themselves and they keep him on. Of course, at that time his job 1 was getting his boss a gold jacket.
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U guys need to read more. He didn’t deny entering, he said he needed to go to the bathroom and thought it was empty

You know, I'm sure none will admit because they want Jerry to suffer, but I've went looking for that bathroom that private secluded bathroom before myself.


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A guy watching the stream in Shreveport contacted the club. According to the ESPN reporter, that stream camera has a different angle than the ESPN camera and only the club has the recording of that, if they actually still have it.\

I agree it is strange that one guy out of all watching the stream saw that but according to the reporter, someone watching, I think in Nebraska, said the same thing.

Doubtful we will ever know the truth but I put together a payout to the cheerleaders, a disciplinary letter in Dalrymple's file and their total avoidance of anything related to his retirement announcement and I believe the cheerleader and the stream viewer from Shreveport.

One part of Dalrymple's story is total hogwash. He went into the cheerleaders' dressing room because he needed to go to the bathroom even though there was a men's room 20' away because he thought it was empty. Just where did he think the cheerleaders would be changing after watching them on the stage at the luncheon where he had just been? And they have yet to explain the second security guard, always posted outside their room, was at the time. They went in there to change, wouldn't that be the time for both security guards to be there? While they are vulnerable?

Not going to convince me this isn't all based on what Dalrymple knows about Booger that makes him vulnerable. They go through the motion with the disciplinary latter to cover themselves and they keep him on. Of course, at that time his job 1 was getting his boss a gold jacket.

You act like that's unusual for someone to look for a bathroom that you think is private, if he had to do the business and and thought it was empty its nor farfetched. The whole stream thing is the most farfetched thing here, no way only 1 person saw that out of all the streamers, my bet it the second guy didn't see it either. Espn has the footage if they wanted to go back and see it.


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She thought, because she can't prove it, and it was only her who saw him, yes he admitted to it, never said he didn't, him taking pictures is what wasn't proven. The took his phone , hired a forensic company to make sure no pictures was taken and nothing was found. Everyone want to ignore that and automatically believe what the woman said she saw.
Too add if they was that distraught 300,00 dollars makes it all go away?
You sure that was the phone? They took his company phone. Is he going to use a company phone to do that or another? He said he didn't have a personal phone, is he lying?

The money isn't an issue to me, they had lawyers and if you've worked with them, they are all about "take the money, that's the best you can expect". The lawyers made 800K and knew they would have a tough time in court proving the allegations.

But Dre, the damning part of this isn't the dressing room incident or the war room one. This guy was considered the best at what he did and did it for 32 years and was considered Booger's right hand and after he suddenly announces his retirement. Two spotlight seeking magpies are totally silent? They didn't even put up anything on their web site about him.

I think they kept him on after the incident(s) to get Booger into the HOF with the understanding if any of this ever came to light, he would fall on his sword. Shortly after the crisis manager, Wilkinson, contacted the ESPN reporter, Dalrymple announces his retirement with 0 response from the Jones family or anyone on the club.


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You act like that's unusual for someone to look for a bathroom that you think is private, if he had to do the business and and thought it was empty its nor farfetched. The whole stream thing is the most farfetched thing here, no way only 1 person saw that out of all the streamers, my bet it the second guy didn't see it either. Espn has the footage if they wanted to go back and see it.
No, the streaming camera is the club's, not the one they use in the war room because ESPN will not grant streaming rights to others. If a recording of that exists, it belongs to the club and it was at a different angle than the ESPN broadcast camera. And I agree, it is hard to believe.

The cheerleaders dressing room has a men's room bathroom 20' away. He was coming from the presentation where the cheerleaders had been and they left the stage to go change. Where did he think they would be changing, that men's room? Ane why not the two security guards as always posted outside their dressing room, not the men's room?

It's all a mistake, an innocent mistake so they pay 2.4M, put a disciplinary letter in his file and totally ignore him when he announces his retirement after 32 years of loyal service?

The Joneses are hoping for a lot more people who think as you do about this. They're hunkered down now hoping this passes soon so they can come back out and entertain us all.


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It's not strong evidence, it's merely he say she say, 1 cheerleader expressed what she THOUGHT she saw. I'm not saying he's innocent, what I'm saying is we don't know either way, so to condemn is foolish.

I respectfully disagree.

The keycard evidence shows he was in the cheerleaders locker room when he shouldn’t have been. That corroborates the cheerleaders’ story.

The Cowboys also refused to turn over video camera evidence or to say how long he was in the cheerleaders’ dressing area. If he was innocent and turned around immediately once he saw the cheerleaders undressing the Cowboys would have released that info. The fact that they paid a multimillion dollar settlement is strong evidence that he was there for a while doing what the cheerleaders claimed.

Dalrymple was with the Cowboys for over 3 decades. He knew he shouldn’t have been in the cheerleaders dressing room. No excuse.


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They didn't fire him because he had a Lawyer and was ready to fight on grounds of wrongful firing, so apparently there wasn't any grounds to fire him.

So why was he fired when news of the settlement went public?


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The cheerleaders had an opportunity seven years ago to tell their story. They didn't. They chose to sign NDAs. Three continued to work for the team, one in an office capacity and two to cheer.

And before someone says it, I 100% believe them, but they settled the matter and the Cowboys made changes. So at this point, the matter should be resolved. Reporting on it seven years later doesn't change that. I'm amazed at the vigor in which people want to unravel something that was settled between all the parties involved.


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You sure that was the phone? They took his company phone. Is he going to use a company phone to do that or another? He said he didn't have a personal phone, is he lying?

The money isn't an issue to me, they had lawyers and if you've worked with them, they are all about "take the money, that's the best you can expect". The lawyers made 800K and knew they would have a tough time in court proving the allegations.

But Dre, the damning part of this isn't the dressing room incident or the war room one. This guy was considered the best at what he did and did it for 32 years and was considered Booger's right hand and after he suddenly announces his retirement. Two spotlight seeking magpies are totally silent? They didn't even put up anything on their web site about him.

I think they kept him on after the incident(s) to get Booger into the HOF with the understanding if any of this ever came to light, he would fall on his sword. Shortly after the crisis manager, Wilkinson, contacted the ESPN reporter, Dalrymple announces his retirement with 0 response from the Jones family or anyone on the club.

CC i hear you and agree with you... there's a lot that doesn't make sense because RD being the PR guy he is was trying to muddy the waters and provide confusion to the situation. Even probably lying. And keeping JJ at arm's length to try not involve him in this even though JJ paid the $2.4m settlement because "nothing" happened. LOL.....All you need are a couple of brain cells rubbing together to figure out that there does appear to be a cover up at worst. JJ's silence and ignorance of the latest developments is
obviously legally driven and what raises eyebrows for me as well. The old ostrich defense, stick your head in the sand and hope it goes away.


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You sure that was the phone? They took his company phone. Is he going to use a company phone to do that or another? He said he didn't have a personal phone, is he lying?

The money isn't an issue to me, they had lawyers and if you've worked with them, they are all about "take the money, that's the best you can expect". The lawyers made 800K and knew they would have a tough time in court proving the allegations.

But Dre, the damning part of this isn't the dressing room incident or the war room one. This guy was considered the best at what he did and did it for 32 years and was considered Booger's right hand and after he suddenly announces his retirement. Two spotlight seeking magpies are totally silent? They didn't even put up anything on their web site about him.

I think they kept him on after the incident(s) to get Booger into the HOF with the understanding if any of this ever came to light, he would fall on his sword. Shortly after the crisis manager, Wilkinson, contacted the ESPN reporter, Dalrymple announces his retirement with 0 response from the Jones family or anyone on the club.

The camera thing could've been found out, they hired a forensic company and investigated, if he had another phone, they could've found out. He had to have some other provider. Also, if there was any shred of evidence that he took pictures of Jerry Daughter , Gene Daughter , Steven Sister, Jerry Jones Jr. Sister, he would've been gone , in fact the investigator mentioned as much. Rich was told if anything was found he would be fired.
They didn't need Rich to get Jerry in the HOF. Jerry could very well been mad at Rich, he cost him bad publicity, an investigation, 2.4 million for being careless and stupid. You have to take all into account, the big thing for me is that Rich hired a Lawyer to bring a wrongful firing suit. To me if there was evidence of wrong doing you're not doing that. I feel they just don't want the negative publicity because he did admit to going in the backdoor and nobody knows for sure what happened but him and that cheerleader


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So why was he fired when news of the settlement went public?

He wasn't the writer started investigating in November, but he didn't contact a ybody with the Cowboys until after Rich retirement, those were his words on 105.3. And he even said he felt the Cowboys took the investigation very serious from sources he talked to and the investigator he knows well
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TY^^ AMEN. I mean when will this overly sensitive bunch grow a pair? Its getting way out of hand.
I don't understand what's overly-sensitive about this topic? Why don't you clarify that for me before I continue...