Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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Bs, everyone with a brain knows the court of public opinion killed Zeke because he kept acting like a fool.

In fact I recall the advisors recommending NO PUNISHMENT. Goodell did what he did.


So maybe what you meant to say was Zeke wasn’t suspended *just* for the alleged assault

Which again, I would ask are we comparing an alleged assault to an extra marital affair? I’m not of the belief that the other things didn’t influence the NFLs decision, but without the alleged assault, there’s no suspension
Zeke got killed because his actions were so close to the Ray Rice situation. Thats it
I think what did him in was his stunt at the St. Patty's Day parade, while under investigation. It was he said/she said and that pushed them over to the she side.

I think the other tipping point was the public knowledge that, at the behest of his HC, Meyer at that time, his father moved to Columbus to try and get him under control. That's was an eye opener for most people.

I do think something happened and it got out of hand and they both admitted to using alcohol and drugs, particularly coke, and that combination can make normal people very abnormal.
Apologies, investigator. You would think the person actually investigating the case would carry more weight regardless.
She sure thought she did or she wouldn't have told Booger because that's when he went public. I do not know what happened to her but it had to be evident to Goodell where Booger got that information that he was so sure of. I believed him at the time and figured out the leak was fact. The league office has more leaks than the Sam Adams Guzzling Team.
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Ill piss off after I show you how quoting someone works.

THIS is what I said. " Jerry can literally do ANYTHING he wants that is not illegal. Do you get that fact? ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!"

Now tell me where my words are incorrect? Jerry owns the team, thus he can do anything he wants. he can hire anyone, fire anyone come and go as he pleases, spend money on what he wants. Anyone that doesnt like it he can tell to piss off. There is only ONE person that Jerry might have to answer to, and that is his wife. How much so? I have no clue because only Jerry knows how much control over his actions she has.

But back to my actual words that you changed.. the man answers to nobody. We all do. We have to be at work on certain days, certain times and do certain work based upon the requirements of the job. Jerry doesnt play by the rules the rest of us do. That is a FACT. And like I said, if his actions ARENT ILLEGAL, he can do ANYTHING HE WANTS.
I'm confused....

Are you trying to defend his actions or tell people he won't be forced to sell the team over this?

He is a public figure and either way its a very bad look at a time when other sorded events of long ago have come to the surface.

The guy has a wife and kids. Ask them if it's all no problem.
She's 25, which means she was conceived right about the last time the Cowboys played in an NFC championship game.

Hmmm.... I don't see this news anywhere on the official Dallas Cowboys website. I wonder why. :muttley:

Won’t see any reporting on the Dalrymple story either. Swept under the rug. The Jones way…

Didnt you hear Stephen last week say that the culture of the organization is “solid”? Lol
Stockholm Syndrome has some odd side effects. Dudes run to the old man's defense as if he gives a hoot about them.

It's one thing to have an affair. It's quite another to father a child, write a check, and pretend the child doesn't exist. That's a weak move no matter who does it.

Is it any of my business? Nope. Does it tell me more about the kind of person Jerry is? You betcha.
The kind of person he is? Look, I don’t wanna defend the guy—he’s a greedy, drunken, obscenely wealthy attentionwhore who is most responsible for our team’s 26 year drought of SB titles. But think about it. Imagine yourself, young, powerful, insanely rich, surrounded by beautiful women willing to do anything, and you give in. Bam, the girl’s pregnant. What do you do? What’s the right thing, the number one priority? Provide for the kid?
The kind of person he is? Look, I don’t wanna defend the guy—he’s a greedy, drunken, obscenely wealthy attentionwhore who is most responsible for our team’s 26 year drought of SB titles. But think about it. Imagine yourself, young, powerful, insanely rich, surrounded by beautiful women willing to do anything, and you give in. Bam, the girl’s pregnant. What do you do? What’s the right thing, the number one priority? Provide for the kid?
You think 375K is providing for the kid?
I'm confused....

Are you trying to defend his actions or tell people he won't be forced to sell the team over this?

He is a public figure and either way its a very bad look at a time when other sorded events of long ago have come to the surface.

The guy has a wife and kids. Ask them if it's all no problem.

No you are changing the parameters of the discussion. I never said this is a good look. I never said he wont face repercussions at home. I said he answers to nobody and can do as he choses as long as it is not criminal activity. I said this will have zero impact on his ownership of the Cowboys. Public figure? ba... who cares. He is not an actor like Johnny Depp. Depp has lost out on movie roles because he depends on others to place him in movies. Jerry depends on nothing outside of his own decisions. Nothing he is going to do is going to change the fact that 90k people will continue to show up at AT&T to watch games, nor will it change the fact the Cowboys will have 6 of the 10 highest rated games on TV next year. As a guy once said... I could shoot a guy.... I think you get the point. Jerry could do just about anything and it wont hurt him. I can think of only a couple of things that would make people give up their support of the Cowboys.
So for starters, you don’t know what the terms of the NDA were. It may have allowed for the *mother* to tell *her child* who her father is

If that was not included, it is extremely cruel to expect her mother to not tell her who her father is

So your interpretation of the NDA is that it’s A-OK for the mother to tell someone else that then makes it public?

That’s interesting.
You are killing it today CC lmao. Alexandra may decide to change her yacht's name to "Booger's Love Child".
You think 375K is providing for the kid?
see... you dont even know the facts.

The 375k was a one time payment to mommy. Jerry then provided "certain monthly, annual and special funding” from the trusts until she turned 21, and then additional lump sums upon turning 24, 26, and 28. We have no clue how much those payments were. Again... im just reporting FACTS, not making any moral judgements. Ill leave that up to you all.

Im sure those monthly payments were MORE THAN ENOUGH to "Provide," for the child.
So maybe what you meant to say was Zeke wasn’t suspended *just* for the alleged assault

Which again, I would ask are we comparing an alleged assault to an extra marital affair? I’m not of the belief that the other things didn’t influence the NFLs decision, but without the alleged assault, there’s no suspension

Comparing the two, or looking at them as "equal" was never the point. The only point I was making was that if there was any room to punish Jerry it would have to be under something like Article 46 Conduct Detrimental. Because there is no law against what he did. That certainly doesn't mean I believe Jerry impregnating his extra marital affair is the equivalent of beating on a woman. Although, as a father I will say its pretty damn terrible to not be involved in the life of your child. I can't respect it, at all.
Where does that dollar amount come from?
that is what was reported to have been paid to the MOM of the child once they reached an agreement. Dont let others twist the actual FACTS of what was done.
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