Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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The kind of person he is? Look, I don’t wanna defend the guy—he’s a greedy, drunken, obscenely wealthy attentionwhore who is most responsible for our team’s 26 year drought of SB titles. But think about it. Imagine yourself, young, powerful, insanely rich, surrounded by beautiful women willing to do anything, and you give in. Bam, the girl’s pregnant. What do you do? What’s the right thing, the number one priority? Provide for the kid?

Do not try and speak logically about this situation. We want to tar and feather the guy. Only we can make mistakes in our lives and not be judged.
Ever since the one and done in the playoffs there’s been nothing but distractions. Add the players we’re going to lose in fee agency and it has all the makings for a rough 2022 season.
she is suing so she can go after him to prove he is her father, She is not currently suing him monetarily, though I suspect after she proves he is her father, that's when the money grab will come.
Of course.

However, this was referring to the agreement signed. She was a minor at the time, so the agreement would not cover her ability to go after Jerry.
Literally the celebration of the last SB coming back to haunt Jerry lol how fitting.
that is what was reported to have been paid to the MOM of the child once they reached an agreement. Dont let others twist the actual FACTS of what was done.

From everything I’ve read, there have been an ongoing series of payments.
Where does that dollar amount come from?
That's the amount I saw I this thread that she was paid for her silence. The Mom, not the baby, no one can silence a one year old.

They can prove this girl is his daughter by comparing the little girl's babble at one year old with anything out of Booger's mouth since 1965.
That's the amount I saw I this thread that she was paid for her silence. The Mom, not the baby, no one can silence a one year old.

They can prove this girl is his daughter by comparing the little girl's babble at one year old with anything out of Booger's mouth since 1965.

Thanks for the clarification.

I think that’s ********.
This isn't just rich guys, it's a lot of guys that just turn their back and walk away and do nothing. Booger did something. Whether that's what we would have done really doesn't apply.

So he played around on his old lady. Anyone really surprised by this? Think it only happened once? That is between the two of them. And they may have some arrangement. "OK, you can sleep with other women, just leave me the hell alone. And, oh yeah, get me a boat".

The real twist in this to me is did his children just find out about her? What about Booger's grandchildren hearing and seeing all of this?

Tell ya one thing. Ole Booger is going to be shifting uncomfortably in his church pew come Sunday. For once, he'll want no cameras on him.
You think 375K is providing for the kid?

375k in the 90’s was fairly good. I received an extra 100k in 2015, and my whole family has lived quite comfortably ever since. We can only speculate, but I’d imagine Booger probably added to that over the years, if for no other reason, to create goodwill and discreet interaction. Look, I certainly don’t wanna defend the goofy SOB, but let’s not go crazy.
Wait so he paid them to keep quiet yet now she's suing because?

She want in on his will?
Yep. The previous money train is about done so she sues and Jones will write another check. Jones deserves every bit of this.
I would be surprised legally if this goes anywhere. If the article is correct, Jerry and the Mother had a legal settlement. The daughter is suing Jerry because she said she should not be bound the agreement between her Mother and Jerry.
I doubt Jones wants this to go to court. She's about to get a big payday.
If she and her mother are who they appear to be, they’re lowlife opportunists looking to make an easy buck wherever they can.
Can't argue with that. The mother knows a rich horny toad, when she sees one. Being the lowlife he is, Jones made it easy for her.
Apparently just because you agree to something for money, you don’t have to honor your end of the bargain. That’s sleazier than anything the other person is trying to hide.
no honor among thieves or rich drunk horny toads. They deserve each other.
375k in the 90’s was fairly good. I received an extra 100k in 2015, and my whole family has lived quite comfortably ever since. We can only speculate, but I’d imagine Booger probably added to that over the years, if for no other reason, to create goodwill and discreet interaction. Look, I certainly don’t wanna defend the goofy SOB, but let’s not go crazy.
I am not going crazy, he's worth over 8B and if she is his biological daughter, she is due. He sent his other daughter to an Ivy League school and gave her a job doing God knows what except posing as an upskirt model at drafts.
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