I think there are terms like lowlife and gold digger and conjecture about the mental state of people 25 years ago a young woman today that should not be used. How in the hell do we know where she is emotionally and mentally right now in her life or even what she wants? So far, all I've been about to tell is that she wants to know for sure that Booger is her father. She hasn't asked for anything but that. She could very well be after a bigger piece of a pie she feels she deserves and if she is his daughter, who can say she doesn't deserve that? Because her Mom was who she is and the other 3 have Booger's wife as their Mom? What did they do different from her to deserve their inheritance?
I have a friend that was adopted and she spent a small fortune trying to find her biological mother. Her adoptive parents helped her as well because she was obsessed with knowing. I cannot speak to the mental state of mind that would put someone into and not everyone will feel the same about it. This woman, btw, is one of the top psychiatrists in this state and one of the contributing factors to her being in that profession was this "not knowing" thing.
And those that say this is none of our business are right but it is still fun to discuss because of who we get to cast as the bad guy and he may not be that at all.