Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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no what ifs iv children get cut out of wills all the time they cant sue and win i court whining they were vcut off not outside of 18 ..thers no what if they CHOOSE inheritance its not a given or guaranteed..sorry but the word CUT OIFF happens within a family unit that were raised in the home..

Shes NOT entitled to squat ,ZERO gold digging money grab..

Dude she hurt you bad know who I'm talking about.
Interesting choice of words, extorted. Do you know what transpired that long ago between Booger and this woman? Did she try and extort money from him or did he see this as the best way out for everyone and it was his idea? 375K is an odd amount too, wonder how that became the figure?

There are also other solutions to a pregnancy so she didn't have to have the baby but chose to and he either agreed or offered to pay her to stay quiet about it. It is unclear when his wife knew about it or his children by her. This may be old news to all of them for all we know.

One thing about it, the last thing Booger wanted 25 years ago was a divorce that would nave forced him to sell the team because he was not as diversified as he is now. If his wife knew about this, the solution might have been her idea in order for him remain her husband.

This is not an issue for the NFL anymore than Kraft's DisneyWorld adventures. Snyder's situation is different as that includes how the team was operating as a NFL franchise and acceptable business practices. And there are employee complaints filed.

It's funny the stance you take here as opposed to your stance about the cheerleaders. Here you offer the woman the woman may have thought it was the best for all parties to settle, yet that was never a thought for you in the cheerleader incident for Jones.
I think there are terms like lowlife and gold digger and conjecture about the mental state of people 25 years ago a young woman today that should not be used. How in the hell do we know where she is emotionally and mentally right now in her life or even what she wants? So far, all I've been about to tell is that she wants to know for sure that Booger is her father. She hasn't asked for anything but that. She could very well be after a bigger piece of a pie she feels she deserves and if she is his daughter, who can say she doesn't deserve that? Because her Mom was who she is and the other 3 have Booger's wife as their Mom? What did they do different from her to deserve their inheritance?

I have a friend that was adopted and she spent a small fortune trying to find her biological mother. Her adoptive parents helped her as well because she was obsessed with knowing. I cannot speak to the mental state of mind that would put someone into and not everyone will feel the same about it. This woman, btw, is one of the top psychiatrists in this state and one of the contributing factors to her being in that profession was this "not knowing" thing.

And those that say this is none of our business are right but it is still fun to discuss because of who we get to cast as the bad guy and he may not be that at all.
I think there are terms like lowlife and gold digger and conjecture about the mental state of people 25 years ago a young woman today that should not be used. How in the hell do we know where she is emotionally and mentally right now in her life or even what she wants? So far, all I've been about to tell is that she wants to know for sure that Booger is her father. She hasn't asked for anything but that. She could very well be after a bigger piece of a pie she feels she deserves and if she is his daughter, who can say she doesn't deserve that? Because her Mom was who she is and the other 3 have Booger's wife as their Mom? What did they do different from her to deserve their inheritance?

I have a friend that was adopted and she spent a small fortune trying to find her biological mother. Her adoptive parents helped her as well because she was obsessed with knowing. I cannot speak to the mental state of mind that would put someone into and not everyone will feel the same about it. This woman, btw, is one of the top psychiatrists in this state and one of the contributing factors to her being in that profession was this "not knowing" thing.

And those that say this is none of our business are right but it is still fun to discuss because of who we get to cast as the bad guy and he may not be that at all.
Some of these fans have no idea what they’re saying. They are just going to bat for Jethro. Lol
My math isn’t a little fuzzy I just put 23 instead of 33. With this lawsuit he’ll likely have to provide his DNA.
When you make false or incorrect statements then we can only assume it’s all questionable.

If he wanted to dispute he’s the father he can provide his DNA at anytime.

Is that still your position that he’s disputing he’s the father?
Jerry and the mother put the 25 year old into this. She didn't ask for this. She didnt ask to be born. Jerry deserves 0 sympathy for his sexual deviance. I actually blame the media for never reporting this the last 25 years. I can argue it DID cross over int the football side.

This never happened because I've been listening to 105.3 today and they didn't speak a word on it.
Jerry should take care of the girl, what an awful situation for her to be brought up in. None of it her fault.
And she’s become quite an over achiever working in Washington for a US Rep and formally the White House.

We might could argue she’s done much more with her life than her step siblings considering.
When you make false or incorrect statements then we can only assume it’s all questionable.

If he wanted to dispute he’s the father he can provide his DNA at anytime.

Is that still your position that he’s disputing he’s the father?

It’s not my position it was reported he’s disputing it. A lot of stuff is being reported. Eventually the truth will be uncovered.
It's funny the stance you take here as opposed to your stance about the cheerleaders. Here you offer the woman the woman may have thought it was the best for all parties to settle, yet that was never a thought for you in the cheerleader incident for Jones.
How so? I thought the best thing for the cheerleaders and Booger was to settle it with no coverage. This was a misdemeanor, what were they going to get? I think the reason Booger saved Dalrymple was self-serving.

And the woman I am referring to is not the Mom, it is Booger's wife, if she knew. If she didn't know and just found out, this is a whole new ballgame around the Highland Park Hillbilly mansion and might find Booger face down in the cement pond.

I am speculating that his wife knew and part of how this was all handled was at her request to keep the status quo. I think a wife has one mindset when her husband cheats but to have a pregnancy involved complicates the thinking and the maternal instincts kick in. I think she might have been looking for the best possible outcome for everyone.

What the hell do I know? I just saw this at 7 this morning and I am already past the woman, the daughter and into the mind of Booger's wife. Y'all just can't keep giving me this stuff because you know I'll run with it.
And she’s become quite an over achiever working in Washington for a US Rep and formally the White House.

We might could argue she’s done much more with her life than her step siblings considering.
How do you know all of this?
Interesting choice of words, extorted. Do you know what transpired that long ago between Booger and this woman? Did she try and extort money from him or did he see this as the best way out for everyone and it was his idea? 375K is an odd amount too, wonder how that became the figure?

There are also other solutions to a pregnancy so she didn't have to have the baby but chose to and he either agreed or offered to pay her to stay quiet about it. It is unclear when his wife knew about it or his children by her. This may be old news to all of them for all we know.

One thing about it, the last thing Booger wanted 25 years ago was a divorce that would nave forced him to sell the team because he was not as diversified as he is now. If his wife knew about this, the solution might have been her idea in order for him remain her husband.

This is not an issue for the NFL anymore than Kraft's DisneyWorld adventures. Snyder's situation is different as that includes how the team was operating as a NFL franchise and acceptable business practices. And there are employee complaints filed.
Well, sensitive subject and I probably should have chosen my words more carefully.

I'm guessing the well ran dry after a while and someone may have figured it would run forever was what I was aiming for.

Suing a parent for support as an adult doesnt really add up.

Ill guess one last time and speculate that the plaintiffs attorney reached out to Jerry some time ago and he wasn't blindsided by this.

No real difference. He will deny it and it will go away soon. It is what it is.

I just hope he is fully devoted to player personnel etc and improving this team because we really need his football acumen, as well as the primo advantage of not having a middle man on key free agent acquisitions.
Well, sensitive subject and I probably should have chosen my words more carefully.

I'm guessing the well ran dry after a while and someone may have figured it would run forever was what I was aiming for.

Suing a parent for support as an adult doesnt really add up.

Ill guess one last time and speculate that the plaintiffs attorney reached out to Jerry some time ago and he wasn't blindsided by this.

No real difference. He will deny it and it will go away soon. It is what it is.

I just hope he is fully devoted to player personnel etc and improving this team because we really need his football acumen, as well as the primo advantage of not having a middle man on key free agent acquisitions.
I cannot believe you actually wrote that.
How do you know all of this?

Censoring myself for reasons... I only saw this earlier today myself...

The newspaper says, "The only time she has disclosed her father's identity was when she had to obtain security clearance from the FBI to work in the White House for President DT, the lawsuit said. She currently works for U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, an Amarillo (Texas), according to her LinkedIn profile."

Jackson was chief White House physician for portions of the O and T administrations.
Censoring myself for reasons... I only saw this earlier today myself...

The newspaper says, "The only time she has disclosed her father's identity was when she had to obtain security clearance from the FBI to work in the White House for President DT, the lawsuit said. She currently works for U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, an Amarillo (Texas), according to her LinkedIn profile."

Jackson was chief White House physician for portions of the O and T administrations.

I already like her immensely more than her deadbeat dad.
Who cares?

This girl has lived a life a lot of people with parents would switch places with if given the opportunity.

People screw for pleasure. Jerry had a child that was not intended. Lets call him the Devil now for having sex or falling to temptation. Sounds mature doesnt it? Maybe it was scummy to hide it at first...but the girl and mother were/are well taken care of.

Do we know if Gene and Jerry had an agreement on sex with others? We dont know that they did or didnt as FACT. They could though...and it seems extremely reasonable. Do you think Gene is some oblivious old hag with no brain? You dont think she knows how a majority of rich men act with their spoils?

This is either a money grab or a lawsuit that both parties are actors in a plan to deflect attention away from something else. Maybe both.

The crowd using this as a way to call Jerry a no-good, fake family man are desperate to hang hate on something. If what is being reported is in fact true that he has never seen her...thats weird...Ill give you that. know what? A lot...a lot of successful people that can afford to give someone the material life that this girl has lived and I fully suspect has enjoyed...dont see their kids a lot due to work. Case in point...a lot of traveling sports figures. Its not the greatest way to know your father...but at least this girl was able to watch her paternal father rise to fame and fortune unlike some of these kids with rich, un-famous parents that travel for work.

The girl should hate her mom, too. Does she? Sure seems like the Mom was in contact with Jerry to mysteriously have a TV gig(Jerry has TV connections...Moose, Tony, Troy, Witten, Irvin). So she was taking all this money and lying to her kid the whole time? Is the daughter fine with that? Or its ok because of money? How long has this girl known Jerry was the father? So many questions.

Anyway...whatever. Hopefully Jerry has a whole neighborhood in Starwood filled with his mistresses and fun babies.

People turn over money. Jerry isnt perfect in this by any means...but if this is a LARGE money grab after being well taken care of...that girl has to look in the mirror I guess. If Jerry was in fact cutting her off...thats trashy too. Something tells me that the Jones would have made sure this girl was taken care of even after the 28 year old payment. Dont know it for fact but Jerry seems to treat his players well and his mistress and unintended daughter well...why would the family cut her off if she was being reasonable with her requests if any? And...why would Charlotte, Stephen and Jerry Jr cut the girl off if something happened to Jerry? Jones family doesnt seem selfish like that...I could be wrong though. I guess this girl wants a bigger piece of the pie.

Does seem odd that ol' deal makin' Jerry couldnt settle this out of court. Girl must want equal share of the estate. I am really curious what the relationships truly are amongst these people...and how reasonable or unreasonable each side has been with their requests and offers.
Censoring myself for reasons... I only saw this earlier today myself...

The newspaper says, "The only time she has disclosed her father's identity was when she had to obtain security clearance from the FBI to work in the White House for President DT, the lawsuit said. She currently works for U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, an Amarillo (Texas), according to her LinkedIn profile."

Jackson was chief White House physician for portions of the O and T administrations.
LMAO, did you see who the guy is that replaced Dalrymple? Wilkinson, the crisis manager and in house investigator on all things Dalrymple. Damn, Booger must be expecting a lot of flotsam and jetsam coming his way.
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