CFZ Ya'll have got to chill with the overreactions


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I understand this is what football fans do, but jeez there is zero perspective in every single one of these threads.

Brown drops the ball and costs us the game...cut Dak, Dak's not the guy, etc...Then it's cut Brown he's not the guy either. Fire Will McClay, This is Mike McCarthy's fault, Kellen Moore, blah blah blah. Many Cowboys fans out here acting like children after a loss. Keep in mind that the Chiefs went to overtime with the Texans today and the overreacting has a lot to do with us struggling against them last week too.

What it really comes down to right now is we have to be able to run the ball and get stops on defense. Today we were running the ball pretty well, but the defense played their worst game. I agree that Kelvin Joseph isn't it. But at the end of the day unless Trayvon Mullen is better then we don't really have a choice. It's not ideal when you lose two starting DB's. Then Vander Esch/Hankins being out really hurt our ability to stop the run. We weren't consistently getting pressure, but also Trevor Lawrence was slippery and hard to bring down and kept extending plays with his legs.

Now on the flip side, we haven't been THAT bad against the run every game. Hopefully we will get Hankins back at some point and Vander Esch as well. We have to do better there, but if we do the biggest concern will be the secondary. Hopefully Mullen comes in and has a shot at starting at some point.


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Until we can learn how to build a football team I'm rooting for another first round loss in the playoffs. I want the FO to suffer another long off season.

We show flashes of being the best team in the league and then we have games like today and last week. So yes, I want everybody to be on the hot seat again this off-season.


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First time on this site, eh?

haha c'mon I get it it happens every time we lose but give me some credit I've been posting here for 13 years.

IMO the root cause of the overreactions is that the fanbase has seen so many promising teams fall on their face. As soon as there are signs of it happening again, it triggers fanbase wide PTSD.

Right but this happens to just about every fanbase in the NFL

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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I understand this is what football fans do, but jeez there is zero perspective in every single one of these threads.

Brown drops the ball and costs us the game...cut Dak, Dak's not the guy, etc...Then it's cut Brown he's not the guy either. Fire Will McClay, This is Mike McCarthy's fault, Kellen Moore, blah blah blah. Many Cowboys fans out here acting like children after a loss. Keep in mind that the Chiefs went to overtime with the Texans today and the overreacting has a lot to do with us struggling against them last week too.

What it really comes down to right now is we have to be able to run the ball and get stops on defense. Today we were running the ball pretty well, but the defense played their worst game. I agree that Kelvin Joseph isn't it. But at the end of the day unless Trayvon Mullen is better then we don't really have a choice. It's not ideal when you lose two starting DB's. Then Vander Esch/Hankins being out really hurt our ability to stop the run. We weren't consistently getting pressure, but also Trevor Lawrence was slippery and hard to bring down and kept extending plays with his legs.

Now on the flip side, we haven't been THAT bad against the run every game. Hopefully we will get Hankins back at some point and Vander Esch as well. We have to do better there, but if we do the biggest concern will be the secondary. Hopefully Mullen comes in and has a shot at starting at some point.
I used to throw a fit and be in a bad mood for days after games like this. Not anymore. Just not worth it for something I have no control over. I admit that I'm somewhat amused seeing all the meltdown threads.


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Lolol it's one hour after a stupid loss. Overreaction even happen after a win.


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I understand this is what football fans do, but jeez there is zero perspective in every single one of these threads.

Brown drops the ball and costs us the game...cut Dak, Dak's not the guy, etc...Then it's cut Brown he's not the guy either. Fire Will McClay, This is Mike McCarthy's fault, Kellen Moore, blah blah blah. Many Cowboys fans out here acting like children after a loss. Keep in mind that the Chiefs went to overtime with the Texans today and the overreacting has a lot to do with us struggling against them last week too.

What it really comes down to right now is we have to be able to run the ball and get stops on defense. Today we were running the ball pretty well, but the defense played their worst game. I agree that Kelvin Joseph isn't it. But at the end of the day unless Trayvon Mullen is better then we don't really have a choice. It's not ideal when you lose two starting DB's. Then Vander Esch/Hankins being out really hurt our ability to stop the run. We weren't consistently getting pressure, but also Trevor Lawrence was slippery and hard to bring down and kept extending plays with his legs.

Now on the flip side, we haven't been THAT bad against the run every game. Hopefully we will get Hankins back at some point and Vander Esch as well. We have to do better there, but if we do the biggest concern will be the secondary. Hopefully Mullen comes in and has a shot at starting at some point.

10-7 will be the result Good Night


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I used to throw a fit and be in a bad mood for days after games like this. Not anymore. Just not worth it for something I have no control over. I admit that I'm somewhat amused seeing all the meltdown threads.

I'm already agitated about this one bc I've got buddies that are Jags fans and one of them was chirping all week about this game. It's annoying bc I don't even talk smack to others about their teams bc I don't want to hear it when my team loses.


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I dont need to see a WR make a catch or drop a catch to know Dak is average. Average arm. Average accuracy. Average at reading defenses. The only thing he is in the top 10 in the NFl is salary and that dont help the Cowboys.

Word Mofo

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If you want to be happy realize this game was meaningless. The Cowboys weren’t going to get the #1 because the Eagles schedule doesn’t pose a threat from here on out. The #5 seed is close to a lock at this point, so maybe they can get their heads screwed on straight, get TY Hilton up to speed, and make a run in the playoffs.