Name the Worst Hollywood Remakes of Good Movies


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Hollywood has remade so many good movies just for that remake to be a bomb. So here is your chance to say what remakes of movies did you hate?

For me " Pointe Break" really upset me. Loved Patrick Swayze as Bodi and that whole remake stunk!!!

So what's your choices?


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The Longest Yard was pretty hohum.
Humhum=Horrible? I like Adam Sandler but they couldn't find someone else to play Paul Crewe?
Quite a few bad ones but will mention some:

Point Break
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Total Recall
The Mummy
Red Dawn
The Fog
The Karate Kid
Conan the Barbarian

I can keep going but won’t :muttley:
The Karate Kid remake was pretty bad, am convinced a cardboard box could have done a better job.


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I nominate the worst remake ever, "The Pink Panther". I like Steve Martin but nobody, and I mean nobody, should ever attempt to mimic a Peter Sellers role. There will only be one Clouseau.

Blake Edwards said that Sellers was the reason for the sequels, his fans and other actors demanded it. Compounded by the revelation he really didn't have much of a sense of humor and created one of the most iconic characters in film making history.

Martin should have just left it at Navin in "The Jerk".

Side note: my wife and I came up with a good drinking game. Every time Clouseau or his wife said the word "darling", we had to take a good drink of wine. Damned near missed the end of the film.


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Humhum=Horrible? I like Adam Sandler but they couldn't find someone else to play Paul Crewe?

The Karate Kid remake was pretty bad, am convinced a cardboard box could have done a better job.
Oh, it was watchable, but I have the same problem you did. Sandler was a very poor choice. Never made sense. Just another instance of hollywood shoving what they want down our throats.

Was watching Fire Country last night, and a building was burning. Got to the Ammo, and bullets went whistling everywhere.

Problem is, that's not how it works. As a bonified redneck, I guarantee that bullets do not go off when burned. They pop like firecrackers. W/o the barrel to trap the energy and propel the bullet, the lead is harmless. We have thrown many many many bullets into fire, so this isn't conjecture, it's proven fact!!!!


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Total Recall definitely.

I have to say Flight of the Phoenix. The original was so good. The remake tried but just seemed like an imitation.
Oh, forgot about that. Total Recall remake was a bore.

The Mummy. When they did one w/ Cruise. They completely missed the whole point, and it was obvious they didn't comprehend what made the previous movie series so good.


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Oh, forgot about that. Total Recall remake was a bore.

The Mummy. When they did one w/ Cruise. They completely missed the whole point, and it was obvious they didn't comprehend what made the previous movie series so good.
They forgot the essence of a good ”popcorn movie”.


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Oh, forgot about that. Total Recall remake was a bore.

The Mummy. When they did one w/ Cruise. They completely missed the whole point, and it was obvious they didn't comprehend what made the previous movie series so good.
I liked the mummy with tom cruise. That resurrection chamber was pretty cool

There was the claim by archeologists that they found the tomb of gilgamesh in iraq. We invade Iraq, and their are accounts from soliders that the first thing we did in baghdad before looting started was raid their museum of antiquites and take things and some of them dealing with resurrection tablets.

I had heard this narrative on multiple podcasts and thought it was cool, and then this movie comes out, and my eyes lit up while watching it
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A Nightmare on Elm Street...don't try to make me sympathize with a child-killing chomo. The makeup was bad, also.

All Rob Zombie Halloween movies. I can go on and on. Michael Myers doesn't need a backstory; he's just plain and simply evil. He especially doesn't need a backstory done in the typical crazy-white-trash-family trope that Zombie does in EVERY single movie. The rape scene was completely unnecessary, and only done for shock-value. The mask in the 2nd one is TERRIBLE, and the stupid scene of Michael's mom on the horse was only done so he can put his wife back in the movie since her character died - and she is a TERRIBLE actress. Then, to end it with Michael speaking? STOP. The ONLY thing Zombie did well was casting Malcom McDowell as Dr. Sam Loomis.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Maybe this is nostalgia speaking, but the 1990 version was WAY better.


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I nominate the worst remake ever, "The Pink Panther". I like Steve Martin but nobody, and I mean nobody, should ever attempt to mimic a Peter Sellers role. There will only be one Clouseau.

Blake Edwards said that Sellers was the reason for the sequels, his fans and other actors demanded it. Compounded by the revelation he really didn't have much of a sense of humor and created one of the most iconic characters in film making history.

Martin should have just left it at Navin in "The Jerk".

Side note: my wife and I came up with a good drinking game. Every time Clouseau or his wife said the word "darling", we had to take a good drink of wine. Damned near missed the end of the film.
Ever see Martin in “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”?


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Along with the worst, we should give the best credit as well.

”The Thing”
The 1982 "The Thing" remake was one of the best remakes ever. I think they decided to make the 2011 "the Thing" a prequel because they knew they couldn't make a remake near as good.

Man of Steel was a terrible "remake" of Superman.

Avatar was a terrible (basically a) "remake" of Dances with Wolves mixed with Ferngully (or even A Man Called Horse)


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I did a quick scan and saw Total Recall, Ben-Hur, Carrie and Conan The Barbarian were already posted but I will add:

Fantastic Four
Ghost in the Shell
Planet of the Apes
The Amityville Horror
The Day The Earth Stood Still
The Manchurian Candidate
The Omen
War of the Worlds

The Last Airbender
is actually a remake of the superb American television anime series Avatar: The Last Airbender. M. Night Shyamalan screwed it just like his earlier FIRST R-rated movie, The Happening, so badly that I wrote off all his movies from that point on.