Online dating


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Finding myself recently single after years off the market, I’m considering dipping my toes into the online dating world. I’m nervous about it. Do you have any experience or tips for me?
Finding myself recently single after years off the market, I’m considering dipping my toes into the online dating world. I’m nervous about it. Do you have any experience or tips for me?
In my limited experience with it, would not recommend but mileage may vary from person to person. Best place to meet someone is the grocery store or church :laugh:
I tried it in late 00s, pretty hit or miss, mostly miss. I did actually have one pretty serious relationship out of it.
If they have only face pics, she's going to be heavy.ha I bailed on one after ordering water, said had to go to the bathroom.
It's worth a shot
Finding myself recently single after years off the market, I’m considering dipping my toes into the online dating world. I’m nervous about it. Do you have any experience or tips for me?
Don't do it...unless you're just looking to hook up. I met several women through a few different sites, and they all claimed to be looking for a relationship when all they really wanted was a fling...or just some attention. I heard a lot of the men are absolute pigs, but obviously that's just hearsay...but a lot of hearsay.
Don't do it...unless you're just looking to hook up. I met several women through a few different sites, and they all claimed to be looking for a relationship when all they really wanted was a fling...or just some attention. I heard a lot of the men are absolute pigs, but obviously that's just hearsay...but a lot of hearsay.
Ugh, thanks
If you don't really care much about looks, eHarmony might be worth a shot. They match you on your profile answers, and you don't really get to scroll through other least that was my experience about 10 years ago.
Looks aren’t EVERYTHING, but they’re SOMETHING.
Carry a gun in your purse and stay in public places with lots of people.
If you get up to use the rest room, take your drink with you.
Finding myself recently single after years off the market, I’m considering dipping my toes into the online dating world. I’m nervous about it. Do you have any experience or tips for me?
Did it for about 8 years in my 30s on Tinder and it worked great. Met many nice and beautiful women. Had lots of one night stands but also a couple of (though short lived) relationships. Didn't find the wifey there though, that happened by accident on a party. So still be open to other chances of meeting people.

Most of them told me about really scary and weird men though. Some even said "it's so nice with you because your not a freak" lol. Not the complement you want to hear but that's the times.

Just be careful (if you're female) and don't be a freak if you're a guy. No show off pictures, no nudes and just start talking. You can have alot of fun this way. My experience was nothing but positive, so I'm a little bit biased though.
Limited experience. I tried it for a bit after I got divorced. Had a few dates. I met one nice lady, but it never went further than the first date. Went out on a date with someone I had known for years, and just happened to run into her profile on the site. And another person I went to dinner with brought her 3-year-old boy with her (who spent the whole time running around the restaurant screaming). Nothing went anywhere, so I threw myself into being a dad and not worrying about dating.
My long-time gf and I met on Match. Virtually every couple I know at this point met online. I had nothing but good experiences. Met lots of cool people I would never ordinarily encounter, that was something I really liked about it. So ymmv obviously, but I can't relate to the negativity here (except obviously about needing to be careful safety-wise).
Finding myself recently single after years off the market, I’m considering dipping my toes into the online dating world. I’m nervous about it. Do you have any experience or tips for me?
I’ll try and make this short but I spent a lot of time with this and met my wife of 17 yrs on it. Being that I was on so long ago may mean that some of this is outdated but here is what I liked etc.

I got on because in my late 20s snd early 30s I was the only guy in my group not married snd bar hopping solo was not fun. I usually had beer at BW3…not exactly girl central. I had a broken engagement and so I spent a few years on in Dallas and Houston

1) Enjoy it and meet as many people as possible in person. I loved knowing that all these people were in my area and we could meet at any restaurant or wine bar etc. I thought this was the best way to see if there was a match. I only met one really crazy person but it may be different from the girls side.

2) With all that is said above, obviously go out in a crowded place and make it as safe as possible

3) Don’t limit yourself to just “the one” type people. I was early 30s and met 50 yr old women, 22 yr old women etc. I honestly took it as a shot to enjoy going on dates.

4) Make your profile blunt. When I met my wife I rarely traveled and at the time was a fearful flyer. She worked for an airline in corporate, traveled the world and her name was “TravelPro” so obviously I knew what to expect and once we started traveling on her passes around the world my fears etc went away. She told me straight up..”if traveling a lot is an issue, this won’t work.” I had also tailored my bio to pretty much lay out my likes/dislikes

5) Finally don’t be desperate. I have a brother that tried it snd he’d quit after a month because he couldn’t get people to talk. He also was only reaching out to “short hot girls.” I was my wife’s first date snd as she put it “you’re a Match *****” So just enjoy the interaction and with the whole thing.

One last thing. There are people here saying it’s bad. Yes I heard from women I went out with that guys were bad at times. Yes some people want to hook up on the guy side. But there were plenty of women who wanted me to be a boy toy too so it’s not all one sided. I enjoyed the process and now I have a wife and 3 kids from it
I’ll try and make this short but I spent a lot of time with this and met my wife of 17 yrs on it. Being that I was on so long ago may mean that some of this is outdated but here is what I liked etc.

I got on because in my late 20s snd early 30s I was the only guy in my group not married snd bar hopping solo was not fun. I usually had beer at BW3…not exactly girl central. I had a broken engagement and so I spent a few years on in Dallas and Houston

1) Enjoy it and meet as many people as possible in person. I loved knowing that all these people were in my area and we could meet at any restaurant or wine bar etc. I thought this was the best way to see if there was a match. I only met one really crazy person but it may be different from the girls side.

2) With all that is said above, obviously go out in a crowded place and make it as safe as possible

3) Don’t limit yourself to just “the one” type people. I was early 30s and met 50 yr old women, 22 yr old women etc. I honestly took it as a shot to enjoy going on dates.

4) Make your profile blunt. When I met my wife I rarely traveled and at the time was a fearful flyer. She worked for an airline in corporate, traveled the world and her name was “TravelPro” so obviously I knew what to expect and once we started traveling on her passes around the world my fears etc went away. She told me straight up..”if traveling a lot is an issue, this won’t work.” I had also tailored my bio to pretty much lay out my likes/dislikes

5) Finally don’t be desperate. I have a brother that tried it snd he’d quit after a month because he couldn’t get people to talk. He also was only reaching out to “short hot girls.” I was my wife’s first date snd as she put it “you’re a Match *****” So just enjoy the interaction and with the whole thing.

One last thing. There are people here saying it’s bad. Yes I heard from women I went out with that guys were bad at times. Yes some people want to hook up on the guy side. But there were plenty of women who wanted me to be a boy toy too so it’s not all one sided. I enjoyed the process and now I have a wife and 3 kids from it
The age is probably a big factor. I was in my mid 40's when I joined, and I think as rule, they have their minds made up about exactly what they want and are usually unwilling to compromise. I got a lot of interest, but in most cases, once they found out I made less than $100,000 a year, they lost interest. (Part of that is living in CT, where many women really overvalue themselves, IMO. I miss living in NJ.)
I actually started dating one of the women I met, and ended it because she said I wasn't "financially stable". Meanwhile, she lived in her parents' house, sharing a room with her 2 daughters.

It all good now. I've come to realize I prefer living alone. I like knowing where all my stuff is, and doing what I want, when I want.
The age is probably a big factor. I was in my mid 40's when I joined, and I think as rule, they have their minds made up about exactly what they want and are usually unwilling to compromise. I got a lot of interest, but in most cases, once they found out I made less than $100,000 a year, they lost interest. (Part of that is living in CT, where many women really overvalue themselves, IMO. I miss living in NJ.)
I actually started dating one of the women I met, and ended it because she said I wasn't "financially stable". Meanwhile, she lived in her parents' house, sharing a room with her 2 daughters.

It all good now. I've come to realize I prefer living alone. I like knowing where all my stuff is, and doing what I want, when I want.
Well said. I think I got lucky too. was one of the only sites in the game and this was early 2000s. All of this was new. So the people getting on there weren't jaded and for the most part I met 95% decent, hard working, normal women. I only had one stalkers one. And yeah being that I was newly single, in my prime/younger....I did have some hook ups. But there were 3-4 girls that I had more than a few dates with over the years and many were just nice people enjoying dinner and a drink. Heck the 50ish woman was one of the coolest women I met and she had kids...that just ended because she started inviting me to charity events etc and it started to feel a little weird like I was a "rented" younger guy :D

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