I’ll check it out, thanks
i just signed up with 2...Harmony and Silver Singles...i am 65 and been a paraplegic for 35 years...after 40 years of marriage my wife finally left me a year ago.
I was in US Navy stationed in Philippines and Japan....so i married a wonderful Pilpina....but i have my issues and not easy to live with...anyway i have no expectations.....i am mostly independent and i dont need a mommy....so i said what the heck i will pay for 6 months and give it a shot...they even have help
if you are disabled and trying to make a go of it....but its hard to see past it...and Tobascocat told me GORICO just dont try to shoot too high.....so of course i sent a message to a woman 69 and i swear she looks 35...maybe its an old picture but they warn you not to be deceiving.......well if you dont try then you know for sure
it wont happen....i may have only a point .0001% shot....but i believe in miracles too....that is how i have stayed faithful Cowboy fan for 50 years....and kells i dont
even know how to date?....i was so shy in highschool i did not have a girlfriend and in the Philippines they love you sight unseen....the love stuff can come later
i got engaged on my first time with the woman i stayed married for 40 years....but i feel freed up....i aint got a shot probably anyway so i am going for it...i hope you
find a good source to connect with on your end....i paid the 60 bucks for 6 months for both of them.....and i got some real high compatibility scores....but it takes
a special woman to see past an electric wheelchair and i am not rich either.....but if you have no expectations its actually kind of fun.....hope you make connections
and who knows Kells....you might find you knight in shiningt armour???