How was that not interference on Turpin (running into punt receiver)?

The video clearly shows the hands to the face but in that situation it may not be a foul. ESPN’s official never mentioned it, nor did Joe Buck or Troy Aikman.
Nowhere in the rule book does it allow hands going to the face or neck of an opponent.

Maybe all 3 of them didn’t see it. Seems highly unlikely since it was very apparent. Or maybe they had no explanation of why a foul so obvious and safety related wasn’t called.

Had a Cowboy done that the San Diego police wouldn’t been involved.
It’s also part of the rule that if the blocker is still actively engaging in the block, he can driven into the player making the fair catch.

They got the rule correctly.

The part they missed was the hands to the face
And didn’t the defender hit Turpin? He can’t so that either if so.
Neither Joe Buck, Troy, Aikman, or ESPN’s expert official made mention of the hands to the face. It doesn’t appear to be a foul in every situation. Everyone got a good view of it, and nothing was said about it during the replay.
I wouldn't be trusting the announcers to be the end-all when it comes to the playing rules. It's not the main thing for their jobs and a lot don't know some of the rules. It's the official "expert" who should know these things. In viewing the replay, the Charger not only had his hand on the facemask but his fingers were curled around the bars. A penalty for facemask also could have been called because they look for a grasp and control of a player via the facemask. People missed it focusing on the turnover.
I wouldn't be trusting the announcers to be the end-all when it comes to the playing rules. It's not the main thing for their jobs and a lot don't know some of the rules. It's the official "expert" who should know these things. In viewing the replay, the Charger not only had his hand on the facemask but his fingers were curled around the bars. A penalty for facemask also could have been called because they look for a grasp and control of a player via the facemask. People missed it focusing on the turnover.
One could argue that grasping the facemask was what enabled the defender to control and manipulate Tolbert into position to make contact with Turpin. Obviously HE could see Turpin coming up trying to make the fair catch while Tolbert could not. He knew what he was doing because he had obviously seen the fair catch signal but continued to barrel down the field at Turpin which in turn induced Tolbert to continue blocking. Some small blame must go to Turpin because he should have been screaming the code word to let Tolbert know to get out of the way.. Then again maybe he was and Tolbert didn't hear it. None of which excuses the guy from grabbing the face mask and using it to maneuver Tolbert into Turpin.
I wouldn't be trusting the announcers to be the end-all when it comes to the playing rules. It's not the main thing for their jobs and a lot don't know some of the rules. It's the official "expert" who should know these things. In viewing the replay, the Charger not only had his hand on the facemask but his fingers were curled around the bars. A penalty for facemask also could have been called because they look for a grasp and control of a player via the facemask. People missed it focusing on the turnover.
ESPN’s expert official never said anything about it so in that situation it must not have been a penalty. He was being blocked.
What? Why do you keep repeating this? Of course it is a foul. Special teams isn't exempt from playing by the rules.
I’m going to keep repeating it. If it was a foul, then why wasn’t it called a foul and why didn’t ESPN’s expert official say it was a foul? The play was reviewed and neither Joe Buck or Troy Aikman said anything about it.
Nowhere in the rule book does it allow hands going to the face or neck of an opponent.

Maybe all 3 of them didn’t see it. Seems highly unlikely since it was very apparent. Or maybe they had no explanation of why a foul so obvious and safety related wasn’t called.

Had a Cowboy done that the San Diego police wouldn’t been involved.
Like you said, it was very apparent and all three of them clearly saw it on replay, and no one mentioned it. The rule could apply differently to a player that’s being blocked.
It’s obviously a penalty to put hands to the face. In any on field situation. The studio ref knew it was very obviously a penalty and it’s a mystery, I guess, why he wouldn’t point it out.
If it was obviously a penalty ESPN’s expert official would have pointed it out and said the refs missed it.
I’m going to keep repeating it. If it was a foul, then why wasn’t it called a foul and why didn’t ESPN’s expert official say it was a foul? The play was reviewed and neither Joe Buck or Troy Aikman said anything about it.
Congratulations, you have reached gold/platinum/diamond level for being a troll.
Congratulations, you have reached gold/platinum/diamond level for being a troll.
No one takes you seriously here you would be better off wasting your time insulting people somewhere else. :thumbup:
It was a crucial time in the game their is a lot of money, bet on these games. I think the refs are involved in changing these games, for the highest bidder. To me it looked like they were trying to help the chargers win.How is it that replay officials and the refs don't call hands to the face. It is unbelievable.
No one takes you seriously here you would be better off wasting your time insulting people somewhere else. :thumbup:
Well, you don't even believe the ridiculous comments you make..."because ESPN didn't say there was a penalty, hitting someone in the throat after a fair catch is clearly not a penalty"... you DO NOT believe your own posts.

Stop being provocative and trying to get people riled up.... try that.
one of the worst non calls ever. Yeah the announcers didnt even address it. Sorry thanks for the 3 SB's Troy but youre not a very good announcer
I wouldn't be surprised at all if all announcers were told to drop the subject after an obvious blown call to prevent the officiating from looking like what we already know it is.
Well, you don't even believe the ridiculous comments you make..."because ESPN didn't say there was a penalty, hitting someone in the throat after a fair catch is clearly not a penalty"... you DO NOT believe your own posts.

Stop being provocative and trying to get people riled up.... try that.
I got you riled up because you can’t handle an opinion that differs from yours. You’re the only one that got riled up and now you’re going on the attack. Lol The call on the muffed punt was controversial. The grabbing of the face mask should have been a penalty. This is how it was explained.

According to Google. “It wasn't a foul because Tolbert was actively blocking the Chargers' Taylor. That means Tolbert wasn't passive in that situation. However, as many fans noted, Taylor had grabbed Tolbert's facemask, which should have been a penalty and would have negated the Chargers' fumble recovery.“
I got you riled up because you can’t handle an opinion that differs from yours. You’re the only one that got riled up and now you’re going on the attack. Lol The call on the muffed punt was controversial. The grabbing of the face mask should have been a penalty. This is how it was explained.

According to Google. “It wasn't a foul because Tolbert was actively blocking the Chargers' Taylor. That means Tolbert wasn't passive in that situation. However, as many fans noted, Taylor had grabbed Tolbert's facemask, which should have been a penalty and would have negated the Chargers' fumble recovery.“ shall grasp and,opponent, it is a foul.

Nowhere in here does it state any exception to the rule.
I haven’t had any discussions about the facemask that occurred. All we talked about was the hands to the face. The facemask was a foul that should’ve been called. You have to look at the video carefully to see that the defender grabbed the facemask and wasn’t just pushing it.

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