What is your current faith in Dak?


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Yes. It is. Strongly related to critical thought... assessing both or all sides as intellectually-honestly as one can. Strongly rooted in focusing on just the substance of topic x, y or z, and being allergic to getting distracted from that. To my point, let's target the pom-pom waving itself... that's fair game... positive nothing burgers.. as-is negative nothing burgers. That, as opposed to targeting the pom-pom wavers as just being inferior... and using the normal tools of insult and mockery to convey them as being that.
I don't think there is anything else to call them after a certain point...


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Yes. It is. Strongly related to critical thought... assessing both or all sides as intellectually-honestly as one can. Strongly rooted in focusing on just the substance of topic x, y or z, and being allergic to getting distracted from that. To my point, let's target the pom-pom waving itself... that's fair game... positive nothing burgers.. as-is negative nothing burgers. That, as opposed to targeting the pom-pom wavers as just being inferior... and using the normal tools of insult and mockery to convey them as being that.
Dr. Phil is in the house. We'll talk about this after the break.


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I still got a lil faith in Dak, but if we had a better solution, I would hop on that opportunity.

Dak is a damn good quarterback, but he is missing that "something". No matter what anyone says, you got to respect Dak for being able to do what he's done, coming from the draft position that he came from.

Dak managed to become 2nd team All Pro without a running game. That's not easy to do. With that said, he's missing that special "something" and I don't know if he'll ever have it.


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Dr. Phil is in the house.
(Aside: You can expose it, you can explain why it's actually a sad self-commentary when people use it, but that's really all any of us can do, me included.)

anything else to call them
The point would be why call them? Them. What's the point?

Call out the insidiousness of the comment, and lay out why it's insidious.

Attack the comment. Every time. Exclusively.

Attacking the commenter suggests one doesn't feel his/her ability to attack the comment is especially compelling/potent, and so s/he's trying to use some substitute for that... ostensibly because it's all about winning, not about coming to better conclusions.


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(Aside: You can expose it, you can explain why it's actually a sad self-commentary when people use it, but that's really all any of us can do, me included.)

The point would be why call them? Them. What's the point?

Call out the insidiousness of the comment, and lay out why it's insidious.

Attack the comment. Every time. Exclusively.

Attacking the commenter suggests one doesn't feel his/her ability to attack the comment is especially compelling/potent, and so s/he's trying to use some substitute for that... ostensibly because it's all about winning, not about coming to better conclusions.
LOL. You must have the patience of Jobe. Might as well argue with a fence post than with some of them. They are what they are. On both sides. (not just the cheerleaders).


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You must have the patience of Job.

Not really. I just have had to learn over time to disengage once I find myself repeating myself... to be satisfied at that point that I see I've brought all the substance I can possibly bring to a given discussion, and it's come to a place in the road where there's really nothing worth saying left to be said. No point in attacking individuals. That tends to just be self-indulgence on my part and ego stroking.

Genuinely have had to learn that, though. Didn't come naturally.

And speaking of which, I'm at that point in this discussion. :) Later.


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I have faith that we will never win anything significant with him as the QB of the Cowboys. While other teams have moved on from first rounders and QBs who’ve won SB’s, we are stuck with well maybe year 9 is it! We know it’s not. Big money baby!


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Jamie Gertz / Robert Downey / Andrew McCarthy-level faith ……… Less Than Zero


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You mean ANOTHER great regular season.

A "year" includes the playoffs....and he's never had a great playoffs in his life....hence use of the word "another" wouldn't apply
Football is a team sport.

Did CD have a great year? Most people would say he had an amazing year. How has he done in the playoffs?