What is your current faith in Dak?


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Guilty. You're right on that much. Yes, I want "people" to think. Yes, if they hadn't already thought that far, I'm all for their being persuaded.

Guilty again.

If you're not one of those people, oh shucks.

Unsolicited but highly useful advice.

When you have substance to defeat what someone else has concluded, use that.

Because when you instead aim at the presenter of substance rather than the substance presented, intelligent people key in on that, and they are led to believe either you just get too many warm fuzzies from feeling all attack dogish, or you actually realize you're lacking in the substance department so you're opting for some other deflection hoping no one will notice.

No charge. And bonus... you get the last word if you want, because God knows I'm too easily bored by silliness to continue with this exchange.
You go girl! That was some speech!

(PS...I believe you did here EXACTLY what you accused me of doing.)


Safety third
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I have no faith in him to be a difference maker.

I saw his warts as 2016 progressed. The type of warts that are very very difficult to overcome.
Twice as his career progressed I started to consider that I may have been wrong, but the warts showed up when the lights got bright.

I've never really not been done with him, but being an optimist I at least held a glimmer of hope until the first playoff lost against the 49's. Now there is that feeling that no matter how well the regular season goes it's all for naught. Kind of a lipstick on a pig type of thing.


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1) What is your current faith % in Dak?
2) When did Dak make you a skeptic?
3) When did he lose you?'

For me
1: When it comes to lead an +500 hundred team in the regular season: >75%.

As far as Play off success goes as in at least make it to the NFCCG: 10%. I mean it's never zero, but the closest thing.

2: I became a Dak sceptic after the game against KC in the 21 season. I started rewatching older games against capable opponents and in 5 out of 6 games he basically sucked. The play off loss that year kinda made it almost certain. And I'm ashamed of giving him two more changes despite knowing better.

3: This year's game against GB. Heck this dude could lead us to 17 wins by leading 40 points or more, I am done with him. This time I still wouldn't trust him even after a sound wild card win. The only future game I would support him in would be the next Superbowl if he's taking part with a star on his helmet. But as far as that goes, see playoff faith above.

But the same thing goes for Jerry and MM. It's not Dak as an individual I have a problem with. It's this whole dilapidated building I don't trust anymore. Dak's name is just on the mailbox.


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Doesn’t seem like there are many believers left for poor Dak. The silent majority, the lurkers, the tailgate crowd and season ticket holders, do you think it is the same?


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I'm seeing too few people wade into the deeper question... what better alternative do you perceive to be out there, just begging to be noticed and pursued by Joneses/McClay?

I mean, I'm open to dreaming as much as the next guy, but if we're limiting the conversation to the scope of reality, it's kind of strange to even be having this conversation, given the state of play.

The only reasonable conversation we might have, and some it appears are having in other threads on occasion... is it time to blow it up?

Those are your two options here in reality, as far as I can fathom.

From where I sit, the current QB gives you as much of a shot on balance as does any other QB not named Mahomes. It's largely a matter of what you're able to surround him with, then. And/but, yes, that matters, too. So maybe it's time to blow it up just because you come to the conclusion you can't possibly surround him with enough talent to get to the holy grail.


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Doesn’t seem like there are many believers left for poor Dak. The silent majority, the lurkers, the tailgate crowd and season ticket holders, do you think it is the same?
people are tired of the fight its getting old. You bring up that our 2nd in MVP voting had a great season and that its a team game.You get the church of Dak garbage. I myself think they are full of **** but I dont care for alot of cowboy fans anyhow.

If Dak is gone next year i have no problem with it maybe they see something in Lance (which I doubt)or even Cooper (which I doubt as well) Ill lose 0 sleep. I do however find myself hoping for the extension just to get under the skin of those that have made this place miserable.

My angst with the cowboys have more to do with the jones than the QB.


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My faith in Prescott is a nuanced situation. I have faith that he can get Dallas double digit wins and to the playoffs.

I have zero faith that the Cowboys can win a SB or make a NFC Championship game with him or anyone (Mahomes, Montana, Elway, Aikman, P. Manning or Brady) under center.


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There's always going to be mascots, cheerleaders, homers, etc. They will pom pom wave no matter what.
Not to pick on this particular poster, but just seeing that as a widely-held sentiment... (in fact, plausibly why this thread was even created, if I'm not reading too much into the OP's words... )

Value of that thought is a little compromised if one dares to consider the just-as-vivid observation, if not too-obvious-to-even-mention one... there's always going to be critics, hecklers, egomaniacs who walk around self-deluded to consider their team's owner sadly unaware of their genius, sadly unaware of the NFL championships that could be had if only their team's owner would put them in charge. In charge of player acquisition, the draft, salary cap management, practices, game management... sadly, their genius only gets exposure on an internet sports forum. But thank goodness for those mascots, cheerleaders, homers for that blessing that they receive on a regular basis.

Count me with those who consider the disparaging stuff as just weak attempt to demagogue a conversation rather than introduce ever-stronger reason or factoids into it. Kudos to those who try to deliberate on the basis of substance.

Speaking for me, that's why I'm here, to read that stuff. To respond to that stuff. I'm confident I'm not alone, having seen ample evidence that I'm not.

The other stuff is just puffery, and useless.


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I'm seeing too few people wade into the deeper question... what better alternative do you perceive to be out there, just begging to be noticed and pursued by Joneses/McClay?
I think you’re losing sight of what matters to fans. What’s the point of winning every regular season just to experience another flop in the playoffs? The point of the NFL is to win the Super Bowl, not to just win games.

Maybe the better question would be are you willing risk tanking the season just to get a better draft pick for a higher chance of a franchise quarterback in the draft? I have a feeling many fans would say yes to that also.


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Not to pick on this particular poster, but just seeing that as a widely-held sentiment... (in fact, plausibly why this thread was even created, if I'm not reading too much into the OP's words... )

Value of that thought is a little compromised if one dares to consider the just-as-vivid observation, if not too-obvious-to-even-mention one... there's always going to be critics, hecklers, egomaniacs who walk around self-deluded to consider their team's owner sadly unaware of their genius, sadly unaware of the NFL championships that could be had if only their team's owner would put them in charge. In charge of player acquisition, the draft, salary cap management, practices, game management... sadly, their genius only gets exposure on an internet sports forum. But thank goodness for those mascots, cheerleaders, homers for that blessing that they receive on a regular basis.

Count me with those who consider the disparaging stuff as just weak attempt to demagogue a conversation rather than introduce ever-stronger reason or factoids into it. Kudos to those who try to deliberate on the basis of substance.

Speaking for me, that's why I'm here, to read that stuff. To respond to that stuff. I'm confident I'm not alone.

The other stuff is just puffery, and useless.
It's called objectivity. There were Dak haters who hated Dak as a rookie when he hadn't even had a chance to grow yet. They knew he was going to be bad and never win anything out of the gate. Those people are who I think you are speaking about just like I was speaking about the pom-pom rosy unicorn believers. Both extremes are frankly insane. If you see ample facts/evidence one way or another then you make a decision. Some people come to proper decisions at different times given the evidence but having no objectivity from the get-go or 10 years into failure is another subject.


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I think you’re losing sight of what matters to fans. What’s the point of winning every regular season just to experience another flop in the playoffs? The point of the NFL is to win the Super Bowl, not to just win games.

Maybe the better question would be are you willing risk tanking the season just to get a better draft pick for a higher chance of a franchise quarterback in the draft? I have a feeling many fans would say yes to that also.
The only reasonable conversation we might have, and some it appears are having in other threads on occasion... is it time to blow it up?

Those are your two options here in reality, as far as I can fathom.

From where I sit, the current QB gives you as much of a shot on balance as does any other QB not named Mahomes. It's largely a matter of what you're able to surround him with, then. And/but, yes, that matters, too. So maybe it's time to blow it up just because you come to the conclusion you can't possibly surround him with enough talent to get to the holy grail.


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It's called objectivity
Yes. It is. Strongly related to critical thought... assessing both or all sides as intellectually-honestly as one can. Strongly rooted in focusing on just the substance of topic x, y or z, and being allergic to getting distracted from that. To my point, let's target the pom-pom waving itself... that's fair game... positive nothing burgers.. as-is negative nothing burgers. That, as opposed to targeting the pom-pom wavers as just being inferior... and using the normal tools of insult and mockery to convey them as being that.


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I think you’re losing sight of what matters to fans. What’s the point of winning every regular season just to experience another flop in the playoffs? The point of the NFL is to win the Super Bowl, not to just win games.

Maybe the better question would be are you willing risk tanking the season just to get a better draft pick for a higher chance of a franchise quarterback in the draft? I have a feeling many fans would say yes to that also.
you do know that doesnt guarantee anything right? There are many examples of it not working in fact probably more than the other side but I do get the thought process.IMO opinion the value in tanking anddrafting high if you will is to get the blue chippers at the other positions. DT,OT ,WR,CB ,etc.

of course I also know that the cowboys when they were in that spot didnt necessarily excel. We got Zeke which I wouldnt have done we passed on Ramsey we drafted a gimp in Jaylon smith, Collins has been better with everyone else and Tapper sucked. AB for a 5th round pick provided value the best pick from that drfat ended up being the QB everyone is salty with in the 4th round. Oh and the preseason all start rico gathers cant forget him. Point is theres no guarantee this FO will utilize the picks in a manner thats going catipult into a Lombardi

But thats just me


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95% for Dak in the regular season at home vs non winning teams up until December.
Anything outside of that 50%
Playoffs about 20%.


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It would be so awesome if they won the Super Bowl. I expect Dak to have another great year regardless.
You mean ANOTHER great regular season.

A "year" includes the playoffs....and he's never had a great playoffs in his life....hence use of the word "another" wouldn't apply


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His red flags as a QB have been clear to anyone who simply isn't a fanboy for years.

My most recent sign from him is when he started going "here we gooooo!"

Like....he just didn't accidentally start doing that. He sat there, and thought "what could I say pre-snap that would become MY ohmaha, ohmaha? I want to say something that everyone will think 'oh that dak is just so unique and clever!'" when in reality it makes him look like the biggest dork ever. Kinda like when average receivers have these big pre-planned endzone celebrations that you know they spent time choreographing, even though they may only score twice a year. Those kind of receivers should spend more time working to be a better receiver and 0 time on end zone celebrations.

Same with Dak. You look dumb. Learn how to not look like a confused rookie QB in the playoffs first....and THEN maybe you can spend time coming up with lame ways to be unique.

Heerreee we gooooo! LMAO. How does he not watch film of himself and not feel super embarrassed and have that self realization that he sounds like a dweeb saying that?


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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I'm seeing too few people wade into the deeper question... what better alternative do you perceive to be out there, just begging to be noticed and pursued by Joneses/McClay?
So you stick with status quo and accept Dak's inability to compete against good teams because there might not be a better alternative out there? Screw that. That's the same thing the Garrett homers used to say when trying to justify keeping Garrett.