Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

4 guesses Tuesday. Should've been 3, but I changed my mind about the fourth letter, thinking they wouldn't use that word...but now that I think about it, there's more than one meaning.

3 for Framed. Never saw it, but it seemed like a good guess.
04/17/2024| Framed: 3 ––– Wordle: 4
Framed: 3: Seen it and got a few laughs.

Wordle: 3

Dang, I had to look at that for awhile. I had RA in the middle as yellow blocks, and all I could think of were words with those letters. BRAVE, FRAME, GRAPE, etc.

Framed: 3
BTW gents, tomorrow morning I am off for a trip to the Oregon Coast for a week. I should have cell service and hotel Wi-Fi, so I'll hop on and knock out my Wordle/Framed, but I may be spotty on when I do it. Just throwing that out there!!
Wordle: 6

Well, that was close. I was down to thinking of Folly, Lolly, or Jolly. Glad I picked the right one.

Framed: 6

Whew!! Talk about cutting it close on both games today!!