Does Anyone Else Want a Rebuild Out of Boredom?


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With the same head coach and same QB, it just feels like the other pieces don’t matter. We will waffle somewhere between average and good, which I’m beginning to despise.

At this point I’d rather have a rebuild and accept an awful team with awesome draft pick position for a few years just to inject some novelty and long term hope

I know that’s not logical. I know anything can happen if you get to the playoffs, but I have 0 belief in this team as is. It’s like wanting to restart franchise mode in Madden because you made some bad decisions and just kept playing through it anyway.


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This fanbase doesn't have the stomach for it. I know I don't.


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Everyone talking like rebuilds are bad, but look at the Texans, Bears, etc.... Sometimes new faces are needed to re-ignite the team and get it going again. Didn't even take the Texans all that long. Those Texans and Bears fans have a lot to look forward to this year, meanwhile we're stuck with greedy old 50 million Dirk, and no cap space to add players.


Captain Catfish
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With the same head coach and same QB, it just feels like the other pieces don’t matter. We will waffle somewhere between average and good, which I’m beginning to despise.

At this point I’d rather have a rebuild and accept an awful team with awesome draft pick position for a few years just to inject some novelty and long term hope

I know that’s not logical. I know anything can happen if you get to the playoffs, but I have 0 belief in this team as is. It’s like wanting to restart franchise mode in Madden because you made some bad decisions and just kept playing through it anyway.
It won't be as bad as you think, Jerry is setting the stage for an excellent show.


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Honestly rebuilding is the only thing that makes sense given the offseason they’ve had.

Move on from the QB and head coach. Start getting your cap in good position.

If they plan on keeping Dak. It makes far far far more sense to have extended him already.


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They should’ve started the rebuild last year. It won’t matter though, Jerry will just tear down and rebuild the same structure he had before starting with another retread head coach.


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They should’ve started the rebuild last year. It won’t matter though, Jerry will just tear down and rebuild the same structure he had before starting with another retread head coach.
The rebuild can't start until they can get a good chunk of Dak's salary hit off the books.


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Jerry only cares about being competitive each year, but not the best lol


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It’s happening already, Dak and McCarthy are on their last years. The only thing is there isn’t much rebuilding to do. The defense is awesome, the OL, #1WR, TEs are in place. It can be rebuilt in 1 draft and by signing a new HC. After this year bring in Belichich or go with Zimmer, draft a QB round 1 and a a RB round 2…done. I want to see them with a new coach and QB but to see them be contenders for a good 4-5 years. So yea I guess out of losing not out of boredom.


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The only way to get a ring will be to rebuild/retool. Our time was last year and we failed miserably. The proof is in the pudding, and the bottom feeders are now at the plate to see if they have done righteous for the fans the last few years. Texans, Bears, etc. They will have 5 years I guess to succeed. Otherwise, they will be on the outside looking in like we are now


You Have an Axe to Grind
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If you want to know what real boredom is suffer watching losing seasons every year trying to rebuild. I would rather retool and stay competitive. I’m not interested in moving on from cornerstone players.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If it was done properly, then absolutely yes! But, it would be dreadful…..just like it was for about 15 years because Jerry and son don’t really have a plan or the intellect(football wise) to pull it off. The best we’re going to get are competitive seasons with little chance to win a ring.


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With the same head coach and same QB, it just feels like the other pieces don’t matter. We will waffle somewhere between average and good, which I’m beginning to despise.

At this point I’d rather have a rebuild and accept an awful team with awesome draft pick position for a few years just to inject some novelty and long term hope

I know that’s not logical. I know anything can happen if you get to the playoffs, but I have 0 belief in this team as is. It’s like wanting to restart franchise mode in Madden because you made some bad decisions and just kept playing through it anyway.
yes I am bored with most of this current team players, and the HC and his staff.
And I am bored with dak and lamb, and now elliot again lol. ( these are our current triplets lol) here we go!!
Would like something new.

But if they just make Zimmer HC, I would probably still be bored.
I want belichik, or some young guy to light a fire under the players.


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You are right in the middle of it right now.
I guess I just don’t see it. To me a rebuild is an intentional effort to offload talent that won’t be around anyway in 3 years (DLaw, Martin, maybe Dak, etc) in order to horde draft capital and $ for a major push.

That’s not what the Cowboys do or are doing currently. They wait until guys are wrung out and have almost no value before seeking trades or dumping them. If anything they are doing what they’ve always done, which is just stay competitive and do just enough to be in a playoff hunt


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With the same head coach and same QB, it just feels like the other pieces don’t matter. We will waffle somewhere between average and good, which I’m beginning to despise.

At this point I’d rather have a rebuild and accept an awful team with awesome draft pick position for a few years just to inject some novelty and long term hope

I know that’s not logical. I know anything can happen if you get to the playoffs, but I have 0 belief in this team as is. It’s like wanting to restart franchise mode in Madden because you made some bad decisions and just kept playing through it anyway.
I want the best team possible each year. Sucking for a few years to get a better draft position is an inferior strategy.


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I want the best team possible each year. Sucking for a few years to get a better draft position is an inferior strategy.
I want a culture change. The ‘89 1-15 team was humbling for Jerry and Jimmy. People laughed at them. They said Jimmy and Jerry were out of their league. I think that made Jerry hungry, it hurt his ego, he did everything he could to win. Then we won and Jerry got satisfied, complacent, proud of himself. I would happily sit through 2 or 3 seasons like ‘89 if it meant Jerry got his competitive spirit back.

For me it’s not about draft position but more about Jerry’s position in the NFL. When Jerry was trying to prove he belonged he was a different owner. We need that back. So maybe going 1-16 or 0-17 for a couple seasons would make Jerry/Stephen feel the need to prove themselves. And maybe not filling up the stadium would be good too. Either way I’d suffer through some bad seasons if it meant a culture change back to winning is everything like was had in the 90’s.


Cowboys Diehard
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Our fanbase is one that's stuck with a FO of Jerry & Son. Consequently, we're forced to settle for being entertained. It's called fate! :omg:
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