Signed by Cowboys Dak Prescott on a four-year contract, $240 million extension

Whether the contract is a good idea or not is up for debate but what is not up for debate anymore is how incompetent the team is at negotiating these. You could have had this exact contract done a year ago for 52-53m if you did it early on the offseason. You could have had Lamb done a year ago for 30m as there was not a real 30m receiver at that point. You could have Parsons done today for 35-36m but he will likely cost 40m. All these slow walking contracts just keep costing the team money at the expense of the rest of the lower end of the roster. You have the core but because of their incompetence at negotiating these in a timely manner they dont have the pieces around the core that they should.
If they were going to reset most Qb contract metrics why not get this done months ago?
I think in their mines extending Dak before the draft or now wouldn't matter coz 1. they knew it was going to get done before the season started and 2. any savings from Dak's extension is to sign Parsons, NOT additional free agents. JMO

BTW.....did you hear Jimmy Johnson say they need to get Dak some help for the playoffs. He specifically mention the running game.
Only against tomato cans. What's his playoff record again? Or are we only interested in his regular season garbage time stats?
Wins arent a QB stat anymore than they are a G stat. As for his playoff stats they pretty much mirror every top QB with the sole exception of Mahomes who basically has better playoff stats than everyone else by a wide margin.
I think in their mines extending Dak before the draft or now wouldn't matter coz 1. they knew it was going to get done before the season started and 2. any savings from Dak's extension is to sign Parsons, NOT additional free agents. JMO

BTW.....did you hear Jimmy Johnson say they need to get Dak some help for the playoffs. He specifically mention the running game.
But now Jerry Jones got to have the first Sunday pregame shows be all about him.
I could not agree more....I am just absolutely gutted....gutted!!!!!!! There is ZERO hope, because we are now stuck with this joke for FOUR more years....not THREE....not TWO....because Booger and Chuckles have ZERO ABILITY to think on the fly and get out from under QB disasters like other model organizations have done....this is one of the single darkest days in Cowboys history....and I am serious!!!!!!!
I’m not gutted because I knew it was coming. But getting this close to the season with no deal had me more optimistic than I’ve been in a while.

The team is now completely tied to Dak for another 5 years because even if he leaves after 3 or 4, the cap hits will drag beyond his stay. I’m pretty sure this team won’t be properly clean of Dak and his cap implications until 2030 or later.

So I guess what I’m saying is, get ready for a lot more disappointment.
He received another pay raise earlier this off-season.
It was just moving money on the existing contract, which still leaves him very underpaid. He will get a bigger payout in the next year or two guaranteed.

Dak is likely to have the title for a while though, because all the young guns that have shown any promise have already been paid. CJ Stroud is likely the next big contract outside of Mahomes.
See that's where you are wrong , assuming we are not pulling for his success because that benefits the Dallas Cowboys. But we know better . You guys that love Dak need to accept reality , and take in what Dak has done year after year. Which is mediocre playoff performance. The proof? No advancement during post season.
KJJ (and many others) too worried about his message board relevance status and painting his face with #4s and $ signs on CCCG & SB Sunday than understanding how this all works.

The funniest part is telling others to go find another team when for 28 years that’s exactly what we’ve had to do those 2 weekends. It’s hard for them to understand part of being a fan is being entertained and maximizing that entertainment.
You serious bruh? Last game he played Jan 14 2024. To put Dallas even deeper in the hole. His second pick of the game.

Do you even watch games?

That throw was something a rookie QB would do...could've gotten back into that game a little bit or at least changed the momentum.. instead he blew it totally. Total choke job. There was still a lot of football left before that happened. Game ender. Anyways, no looking back now. That's our QB for 4 more years. Time to let it go.
So I am guessing the hate brigade will turn their attention to Parsons next. Let’s trade Parsons to Houston for two number 1s :facepalm: :rolleyes:
Dumbest franchise in professional sports led by the most spineless owner. Enjoy the next 4 years of suckage, peeps
Yes. A franchise owner and GM missing a spine and has a pickled brain, we expect signings like this morning's.
We know Stephen has a low football IQ. The players will have nice January vacations, though.
If it's any consolation, we weren't going to win a Super Bowl in the next 4 years with or without Dak. So there's that.
I mean the “rapist” Watson got 230 million guaranteed, while not playing for 2 years almost, so there most be something behind the scenes we don’t know about…
Watson also has 5 year contract VS a 4 year contract. A bidding war for him also drove his market up
Nope, not angry. I just know that we aren't winning a Super Bowl or getting deep in the playoffs for at least 4-5 more years. It's more acceptance based on the facts that have been presented to us over the previous 8 seasons. It's all good. Still going to enjoy watching the team play. Maybe a miracle will happen..

The people that are boohooing and wanting to leave, they gotta go. Like women that leave their husbands over a one time argument.
I understand what you’re saying. I just decided a few years back I’m not gonna get excited till the playoffs. Fantasy footballers think Dak is all that. Real fans not so much

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