Grandpa, What Was it Like?


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My grandson officially became a Cowboys fan in 2011, Jason Garrett's first season as HC. My grandson was 10 at the time. I don't know how it happened, really. For as long as he could remember at that age, he had witnessed my eventual misery every season. LOL, perhaps it was his way of helping out his poor, sad, grandpa.

His favorite Cowboy of all time is Demarco Murray.

He endured three consecutive seasons of 8-8 so you can understand that, when the Cowboys went 12-4 in 2014, he was ecstatic. The wildcard victory in the playoff against the Lions that postseason was like a SB to him.

Sadly, it still is.

My grandson is 24 now. The day after the Cowboys lost to the Bengals in that horrific fashion, he asked me this question, as if I don't volunteer the information every time we sit down to watch a game together.

Grandpa, what was it like?

What was it like when the Cowboys were fighting for a SB every year? What was it like to expect your team to, not only reach the playoffs, but be one of the last, if not the last, team standing?

What was it like to win a SB?

I knew he wasn't looking for stats or dates, or particular player stories. He already knew them by heart, whether he actually wanted to or not. He was so frustrated with the present circumstances that he just wanted to imagine my experiences at his age.

However, here's the thing....

I never properly respected the accomplishments of those teams during that period of time...,during that era. I took it for granted most of the time.

I mean, I enjoyed them to be sure. I enjoyed watching them, I enjoyed reading about them, I enjoyed bragging about them. I wanted to be one of them.

I had never been on that "other side" of the coin. Ironically, I became a Cowboys fan because I felt sorry for them after they went 5-4 in 1970 and lost to both the Vikings and Cardinals by over a 30 point margin. My luck, they went undefeated after that but lost SB 5. Of course we all know the rest.

I had been a fan for 16 years before I experienced a Cowboys losing season or even a tie season.

During the mid-80's, I felt that it was expected that the Cowboys should have a period of not being a significant team. After all, I certainly got my share of championships and championship games as well as the share of many other fan's teams. It would only be fair for me to endure a period of losing. Big of me, right?

And so I was forced to endure.......5 losing seasons before the Cowboys won 3 of the next 4 Super bowls. Poor me!

Obviously, looking back, I can see that I felt somewhat entitled. Can you really blame me?

During my first 36 seasons as a Dallas Cowboys fan, I experienced 32 postseasons, 45 playoff games, 22 division titles, 14 conference championship games, 8 Super Bowls and 5 NFL championships.

Rather than try to explain what it felt like, I gave him some advice. Enjoy the Now. Appreciate the team, even when they lose. Understand that the more they lose, the more exciting it will be if they build something special.

I can tell you that if the Lions win the Super Bowl, the Motor City party will be on. The parade will be like a Roman triumph. The procession will include Mahomes, Allen or Jackson wheeling by in a wooden cage. Some guy will be sitting on the main float behind Campbell, whispering in his ear, "You are only a man." The city will turn into a giant coliseum.

And if the Cowboys ever become a powerhouse once again? Savor it. Appreciate it. Thoroughly enjoy the moment because that is all it ever is.
Back in the 60. 70 , we were told we just couldn’t win the big game. And then we beat Miami. Tom Landry, and then you had Cowboys, Bob Lilley. The Manster I don’t know where all the Cowboys have gone. We used to have men on the field. Now we have children.
never forced yourself to endure losing seasons. That’s what creates winning seasons. I think the worst season was the strike season, because that introduced the salary cap.
My grandson officially became a Cowboys fan in 2011, Jason Garrett's first season as HC. My grandson was 10 at the time. I don't know how it happened, really. For as long as he could remember at that age, he had witnessed my eventual misery every season. LOL, perhaps it was his way of helping out his poor, sad, grandpa.

His favorite Cowboy of all time is Demarco Murray.

He endured three consecutive seasons of 8-8 so you can understand that, when the Cowboys went 12-4 in 2014, he was ecstatic. The wildcard victory in the playoff against the Lions that postseason was like a SB to him.

Sadly, it still is.

My grandson is 24 now. The day after the Cowboys lost to the Bengals in that horrific fashion, he asked me this question, as if I don't volunteer the information every time we sit down to watch a game together.

Grandpa, what was it like?

What was it like when the Cowboys were fighting for a SB every year? What was it like to expect your team to, not only reach the playoffs, but be one of the last, if not the last, team standing?

What was it like to win a SB?

I knew he wasn't looking for stats or dates, or particular player stories. He already knew them by heart, whether he actually wanted to or not. He was so frustrated with the present circumstances that he just wanted to imagine my experiences at his age.

However, here's the thing....

I never properly respected the accomplishments of those teams during that period of time...,during that era. I took it for granted most of the time.

I mean, I enjoyed them to be sure. I enjoyed watching them, I enjoyed reading about them, I enjoyed bragging about them. I wanted to be one of them.

I had never been on that "other side" of the coin. Ironically, I became a Cowboys fan because I felt sorry for them after they went 5-4 in 1970 and lost to both the Vikings and Cardinals by over a 30 point margin. My luck, they went undefeated after that but lost SB 5. Of course we all know the rest.

I had been a fan for 16 years before I experienced a Cowboys losing season or even a tie season.

During the mid-80's, I felt that it was expected that the Cowboys should have a period of not being a significant team. After all, I certainly got my share of championships and championship games as well as the share of many other fan's teams. It would only be fair for me to endure a period of losing. Big of me, right?

And so I was forced to endure.......5 losing seasons before the Cowboys won 3 of the next 4 Super bowls. Poor me!

Obviously, looking back, I can see that I felt somewhat entitled. Can you really blame me?

During my first 36 seasons as a Dallas Cowboys fan, I experienced 32 postseasons, 45 playoff games, 22 division titles, 14 conference championship games, 8 Super Bowls and 5 NFL championships.

Rather than try to explain what it felt like, I gave him some advice. Enjoy the Now. Appreciate the team, even when they lose. Understand that the more they lose, the more exciting it will be if they build something special.

I can tell you that if the Lions win the Super Bowl, the Motor City party will be on. The parade will be like a Roman triumph. The procession will include Mahomes, Allen or Jackson wheeling by in a wooden cage. Some guy will be sitting on the main float behind Campbell, whispering in his ear, "You are only a man." The city will turn into a giant coliseum.

And if the Cowboys ever become a powerhouse once again? Savor it. Appreciate it. Thoroughly enjoy the moment because that is all it ever is.
He will be really excited one day. The people in Buffalo are going to feel it this year for the first time.
My son was born in 1994. He has been a fan since he was very little. He told me if he dies and doesn't go to heaven his biggest fear will be he will go to hell and for his punishment he will have to watch all the Dallas Cowboys losses over and over again for eternity.
...relax gents. We got a championship on the horizon. Dont lose hope, and getcha Dak Jersey. ;)
I was born in 1991. Started to watch NFL. In 2003. Was not a Dallas fan until 2005. Sadly, never been happy with this team, except in 2014…
First, congratulations on the grandchildren. I bet that's a great feeling.

Second, I was there to witness the 71 and 77 SB victories, so when 92 came around I was rubbing it in to anyone who'd cross my path. I was an annoying SB in my youth. I've tasted those long droughts but the past 30 years have taught me, this franchise will NEVER see another SB in my lifetime. The Jones family only care about the bottom-line- dollars. Winning comes in 3rd or 4th.

Tell your grandson to move on and don't look back.
You have to be in your 30's to recall at all the Cowboys in a SB. You have to around 40 to fully appreciate it. The popularity of the franchise is still a testament to the greatest of Landry and Co. plus Jimmy Johnson. Took an inept Jerry Jones to turn things sour for such a long, long time.
You have to be in your 30's to recall at all the Cowboys in a SB. You have to around 40 to fully appreciate it. The popularity of the franchise is still a testament to the greatest of Landry and Co. plus Jimmy Johnson. Took an inept Jerry Jones to turn things sour for such a long, long time.
What about being 69. Lol I remember the players like they were yesterday.

I don’t know why Jerry Jones doesn’t get credit for the 90s Super Bowl wins. It was him that actually wanted more players on our team than Jimmy. Jimmy didn’t want Troy Aikman. I don’t know how people forget that. If it wasn’t for Jerry, we probably never would’ve won those Super Bowls. They were a great team,. But that’s what’s missing the team coaching just like players.
" Imagine a Dallas Cowboy team without the Joneses the last 30 years. You'd be in "The winning Zone. But since you're not....Welcome to the Twilight Zone...better known as Jerryville.....
What about being 69. Lol I remember the players like they were yesterday.

I don’t know why Jerry Jones doesn’t get credit for the 90s Super Bowl wins. It was him that actually wanted more players on our team than Jimmy. Jimmy didn’t want Troy Aikman. I don’t know how people forget that. If it wasn’t for Jerry, we probably never would’ve won those Super Bowls. They were a great team,. But that’s what’s missing the team coaching just like players.
You’re joking yes? I’m confused.
You’re joking yes? I’m confused.
No, I’m not joking, it was Jerry that wanted Troy Aikman, Jimmy took the other quarterback in the supplement draft I don’t remember who he was because he was insignificant. Then and now. No people don’t like Jerry, but he deserves just as much credit then , do you not remember that?
No, I’m not joking, it was Jerry that wanted Troy Aikman, Jimmy took the other quarterback in the supplement draft I don’t remember who he was because he was insignificant. Then and now. No people don’t like Jerry, but he deserves just as much credit then , do you not remember that?
No I don’t, and if Jerry had a single thing to do with personnel during that period you’re calling Johnson a total liar.

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