Things to never say to a cop

About 25 years ago I worked in industrial relations/HR and used to get the chance to argue against police unions looking for better pay and conditions. Must have done a good job against them - waa told that they were glad I was leaving when I changed jobs!
Officer. I smell alcohol, can you step outside?
Me. If I could walk, I wouldn't be driving.

All joking aside, true story. I'm a little kid in the back seat. Father driving erratically while arguing with my mother. Cop pulls him over. The first thing my mother says when the cop walks up, don't mess with my husband when he's been drinking. She said that just to make him go through the motions.
Officer. I smell alcohol, can you step outside?
Me. If I could walk, I wouldn't be driving.

All joking aside, true story. I'm a little kid in the back seat. Father driving erratically while arguing with my mother. Cop pulls him over. The first thing my mother says when the cop walks up, don't mess with my husband when he's been drinking. She said that just to make him go through the motions.
Who did you go to live with, after the divorce?
Officer, your boots look dirty, may I lick them clean?

You might want to lay off the donuts and food. You are a two second run away from having a heart attack. I did not know they made tactical vests that big to cover that out of shape body.

Why do you pervert the image of the flag by putting a blue line through it. Is the Flag not good enough?

Officer, what does Rules for thee but not for me or Back the blue until it happens to you mean?
"That's him right there, officer! That's the guy who stole my meth!"
This one hits home. My family knows a man who was a cop back when no states had made cannabis legal yet. Some dude called up the police department to complain, "Someone stole my marijuana."
I knew a Cop and he told me a funny story. He had pulled over a college girl for speeding. He got her info and noticed when came back to the car she had hiked up her skirt and showing more cleavage. She said to him " Officier I thought attractive people didn't get tickets"? He replied " They don't, here's your ticket and you might want to button your blouse and lower your skirt some before you catch a cold".

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