Neither you nor
@Acceptablename will receive an argument from me. I simply have a different opinion about the term.
I have been unhappy with Jones complete stubbornness in not trying a different approach from a management perspective. Either he is the final decision-maker or no one will be.
That said,
watching and
following the team I fell in love with as a child has never disappointed. Have I been frustrated with the team during games? Yes. Do I facepalm myself during most occasions whenever Jones opens his mouth? Yes. Do I look at the short-term and long-term relative successes of other teams during the past three decades with regret? Yes.
Have I always continued to love this:
solely and without reservation every single day for 50 years? Oh yeah hell.
I understand who and what a bandwagon fan is. It is not me. That is okay. I am not someone else. I will always find joy inside Jones' hell. It is not required for anyone to share my viewpoint. It does not elevate or diminish anyone else in my eyes if that is their choice. Jones is an <expletive> for unapologetically regressing the franchise's standards for
YEARS. No one should be required to remain loyal to the franchise he did not create and handicapped with his inbred ignorance.
That said, the franchise existed before him. It will exist well after both he and I are worm food. I love this franchise. Not the Jones family. I have not always enjoyed the product they shovel at us but I do not care one iota for the excellence, so-so or below average stuff every other team offers.
That's just me. Cowboys. 24. 7. 365.