The New League year begins today!


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Is there anything happening beneficial for the Cowboys? Is there of chance some more cash comes out way with the start of the new league year??? Please give your thoughts!!!

THIS IS OUR YEAR BABY! Quest for #6 :facepalm:
but you are so what's the difference?? :huh: :huh: :huh: ;)
The difference is that your friends, your real friends, are there when you need them most.

I am your friend. One day... ONE day... we will kick you of your caffeine addiction. Get you past your excessive energy impulse to create threads. And finally, FINALLY, land you in a place of self-confidence that yes... YES... you too can post and expect responses without begging for other members' thoughts.

It will be a tough road but we will get there. Together. I LOVE YOU, MAN! This Bud Light is for you!
The difference is that your friends, your real friends, are there when you need them most.

I am your friend. One day... ONE day... we will kick you of your caffeine addiction. Get you past your excessive energy impulse to create threads. And finally, FINALLY, land you in a place of self-confidence that yes... YES... you too can post and expect responses without begging for other members' thoughts.

It will be a tough road but we will get there. Together. I LOVE YOU, MAN! This Bud Light is for you!
The way you could show me love, and MAYBE I could calm down (I bet nobody tells risen to calm down lol), would be to fax my info to the higher up mods than you to get me nominated to be a mod!! I've been waiting too long, I can't go on much longer!! :laugh:
The way you could show me love, and MAYBE I could calm down (I bet nobody tells risen to calm down lol), would be to fax my info to the higher up mods than you to get me nominated to be a mod!! I've been waiting too long, I can't go on much longer!! :laugh:

I am your friend. I am also a friend of my fellow staff. There is no way in Hades I will ever do that to them. :laugh:
Caffeine is not your friend!!!
I bet caffeine is his only friend, that is why he is here annoying with his little "give your thoughts" like a little kid.

Are we there yet, daddy? Are we there yet, daddy? Are we there yet, daddy? Are we there yet, daddy?
Is there anything happening beneficial for the Cowboys? Is there of chance some more cash comes out way with the start of the new league year??? Please give your thoughts!!!

THIS IS OUR YEAR BABY! Quest for #6 :facepalm:
All of those 5th round picks they got will now be available for trade.
You're already getting enough attention to satisfy most members here. Don't worry, be happy! :grin:

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