Recommended Tony Romo's 3 Interceptions


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On play number 3 it looked like Witten may have had an option route, but by choosing not to threaten the corner on the backside it left that area free. There were several other cases of Romo seemingly predetermining his passes. In particular two to Witten down the seam that were well covered. I've never seen so many "touch" pass attempts from Romo and overall there was a little less pace on his throws it seemed. So in addition to bad reads and predetermining it appeared like Romo just is not confident enough or physically or mentally ready to let it rip with that extra torque. Also if the one time he attempted his escape spin it looked to be in slow motion compared to previous years. The one time he ran it looked like he really didn't want to and it was more like a jog. To me it was almost like his back was distracting him from making sound decisions. In the past Romo with extra time would be a defense killer, but yesterday it was almost like it made him nervous. The throw against his body to Witten in the endzone was the most disturbing. Romo throws that away typically unless it's the last play of the game and if he does throw it, he doesn't try to lob it in there like he is playing a pee-wee team. All around just very odd play from Romo yesterday. I don't know that one week will cure all these issues, I'm just hoping to see some progression over the next month. My concern is that Romo has changed the way he throws to reduce the torque on his body and it the windows just are not large enough for that to work in the NFL.


Regular Joe....
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Pre snap, the 1st thing a QB does on a pass play is check the Safeties. No excuse for not reading the Safety on that 1st INT. Once you see that Safety bit on the short pattern by Witten, you should know that you have single coverage deep.


Regular Joe....
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Aikman, at least, thought Romo was supposed to be keying off the strong safety there. I find it hard to believe he's not reading the coverage with they way those two downfield routes were structured.

Yep, the play is designed to make the Safety react one way or another. He either plays deep coverage or he takes the short guy. I mean, that's why you draw up those plays. We got exactly what we wanted on that play. We just didn't do what we were supposed to do, which is make the Safety pay.


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Maybe we should continue to employ them, because we've been last in the league and it's really a new thing for us and Romo has been sitting out in practice...


Original Fan
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good analysis and writeup. A couple things about the PA fakes. The cowboys are one of the few teams i see that still run under center with any regularity. the PA fakes that come off these conventional under center handoffs are dangerous because of the amount of time Romo spends with his back to the defense. the running back is obv not available for protection he's preoccupied with the fake handoff so Romo is down an extra blocker. Almost everybody else in the league has shifted exclusively to the shotgun pistol handoff PA. I think part of the reason that the fakes are bad is because Romo is always cognizant of the threat of a free defender running at him with his back turned, so he never fully commits to it in case he wants to do one of his patented 360 spins to his left.

Second thing, the cowboys don't have a strong identity of running the football. So even though we were gashing SF (not having bowman and aldon smith really killed them in this respect) in the run, clearly their gameplan preparation during the week was to not even bother selling out for it. Let demarco get his yards and prevent the big play downfield. They never really deviated from this the entire game. It was almost like watching the seahawks play peyton in the SB; peyton got his yards and all those completions, but the defense was always hanging back waiting for that one errant pass, and boom, INT. So in essence, there was nobody to fake, the niners were always content to let their front 7 take care of the run. All it did was allow the defense to get a longer look at the routes developing.

Very good points.

The league is largely pass-first; Lord knows Romo is.

We don't need to expose Tony and limit his reads until we've become established as a run-dominant team (which I'd love to see).


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No reasonable person thinks Eli is better than romo . Or that Eli is the reason why the giants won .

Crazy talk. He helped lead team into and through playoffs until they win Super Bowl twice.

There is no debate here.

And Romo is not better than Eli.

To add, those giants teams don't win those two Super Bowls with Romo under center.

Accept that.


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Romo is not moving that good, definitely not throwing well when he is moving...
Until he is fit enough to do those , he has to play pocket QB

Great point! I really think that is the root issue. It sounds like it's limiting our play calling if their having to go max protect to make sure he doesn't take a hit. One of his greatest assets is his ability to extend plays by avoiding the rush. It really looks like to me that concerns about his back are essentially negating that. We started to see it last year so I don't think it's rust and it was in full display yesterday. As soon as teams figure out that he has limited mobility and won't take of and run and he will go down if someone gets near him we're sunk.


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The 3 picks were Romo's fault. Pure and simple.

I agree. He had T Williams open for a big play but went to Dez and was picked and ball returned to the 2 yard line. Harris wide open in the endzone, Romo hesitates then role out throws pick going to Witten. Fact is with the coverage on that play it is one thing missing Harris but Romo needed to throw the ball away given the coverage around Witten. I was very disappointed in Romo play however unlike some I don't expect this to continue to happen. I make no excuse for Romo he needs to get his head out of his backside these mistakes by him were preventable


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The bigger fundamental issue is not the play calling it is the teams execution especially from the QB position. Play action passes around the end zone, Peyton, Brady, and Brees make those plays by executing and seeing the field and just maybe they to audible out of running plays but execute so there is no one calling them out. In the 90's every defense knew to stop Emmitt or the slant to Irvin. It didn't happen because the players on the field did their jobs.

You can blame the play calling but I know of a few times we have heard that Romo has changed the play at the LOS, he is to blame and that is where the HC has to take those privileges away from the player if he does not know how to use them properly or can executed to his audible. Parcells used to say that Romo's gunslinger mentality was not always a good thing and yesterday we saw throws in double coverages, missing wide open WR, and not sticking to the game plan in short yardage.

I am not a Romo hater nor a Romo defender, or do I think our play calling is the best. Yesterdays game came down to QB play and turnovers. I believe our WR get frustrated from being open and the ball going to another direction which in turns causes the WR to not always run their routes to the best of their ability. That is one thing I saw from the Broncos WR last night they all ran like the ball was coming their way and that is how our group needs to play.

Need some Cowboys leaders to lock the door and get on some peoples butts, this team is not very strong from a talent perspective on D, but O has fire power and execution is critical to win ball games.
hmm maybe Garrett ?

Ultra Warrior

6 Million Light-years beyond believability.
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There's no defending Tony for his play yesterday. He was Bad. Very easy to defend his run with the Cowboys up to this point. If you see it differently, go stare at a wall.


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Romo sucked and selfishly audibled out of running plays to try to pad his stats. Romo is what is wrong with this team. He is holding us back.


Well-Known Member
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good analysis and writeup. A couple things about the PA fakes. The cowboys are one of the few teams i see that still run under center with any regularity. the PA fakes that come off these conventional under center handoffs are dangerous because of the amount of time Romo spends with his back to the defense. the running back is obv not available for protection he's preoccupied with the fake handoff so Romo is down an extra blocker.

i know this is going to sound stupid here, but this is the EXACT reason I hate running them in Madden. 50% of the time I take a blistering sack to my backside.


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For me, I'm stripping things down even further.

The fundamental issue regarding this team's playcalling and the utter and complete lack of patience when it comes to the running game.

Point your finger in whoever's direction you prefer, as I don't care to argue who's doing what, only that it is being done.

But this team just does not have the patience to consistently use its' running game, no matter how well it may be working.

Fans have long complained about it and some have staunchly and stubbornly defended it, but I think at this point, there is no longer any denying it.

Opponents do not have to worry about stopping the Dallas running game, at some point or another, we will do it for them.

While I don't necessarily disagree with you, we were down 21-3 in about 10 minutes in this game.


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1. Play Action Pass from 12 personnel - Hanna/Witten are your TEs with Murray as your single back. Dez and Williams as your WRs with close splits to the formation. Both Hanna and Witten stay in to block the edges and Dez runs a crossing route underneath as Williams runs the post so you have only 2 guys out on routes w/ Murray as a check down.

Two things, the call is on 1st and 10 and Romo sells the fake by turning his head to Murray. This in turn is good and bad, good in that he gets the defense to flow to his right to key on the run, but bad because he loses sight of the defenders in front of him and also losing reads on Dez and Williams on their routes.

Which brings me to my opinion on this play. As Romo looks down field, Williams is making his break behind the traffic towards the left pylon. By the way that the play quickly unfolded, it looks to me like Romo had pre-determined his throw to Dez pre-snap. If Romo had just scanned the field a tick longer he may have seen the SS drop right in front of Dez and moved on to his next progression which should have been Williams or the check down to Murray.

2. Play Action Pass from S11 personnel - Witten/Murray w/ Dez, Beasley, and Harris as your receivers. Witten stays in to block then leaks out still covered. While Beasley runs a flat route, Dez a crossing route in the back of the end zone, and Harris runs a sluggo. Murray helps with blocking as well.

Again it's 1st and goal here, and Romo sells the fake again by turning his head to Murray. After the fake Romo wants to hit Harris but sees both LBs eyeing him down. I think he doesn't trust himself to fit the ball to Harris behind the LBs and then Murray's man has Romo scrambling to the right. Whether it was a bad throwaway or poor decision by Romo whatever that was it was ugly.

3. Play Action Pass from 13 personnel - Witten/Hanna/Escobar as your TEs and Murray as your single back. Dez is your lone WR that runs a skinny post and Witten goes out on a pattern too. (couldn't tell what is was) Hanna and Escobar stay in as blockers but Escobar and Murray are the check downs this time.

1st and 10 again - see the pattern yet? Romo again sells the fake with his head turn but this time he quickly snaps it back to scan the field. The problem is that Romo never sees the backside corner drop into the deep center of the field. Romo never accounted for him and unloads the ball to Dez hoping that Dez can make the circus catch.

Here's my extended analysis on these particular plays. All of them were PA passes and they were all called on 1st and 10. In the offseason Tony's stats when throwing PA passes was posted here and everyone was screaming for more PA passes because we rarely ran them. Well PA passes are great, but one of the big issues when trying to run them is to, #1 sell the fake to the defense to suck them in, and #2 make an easy completion for your QB.

Let me talk about #1. PA pass fakes is an art form that must be perfected at the NFL level. It's just not about going through the motions. First and foremost the QB has to sell the fake to the runner. If the QB keeps his vision down field and doesn't really sell the fake then the LB are going to drop in their zones and read pass all day. You can always sell the fake in other ways too, with the OL, by going low hat or use a pulling OG but you invite yourself to quick QB pressure. On play 1, I don't think Williams was ever part of his progression because as soon as Romo got to his landmark he set his feet and unloaded the ball into triple coverage. As Romo turns his head to sell the fake, he doesn't see the SS drop right in front of Dez or that the FS commits to Dez from behind. On Play 2 it seems like Romo doesn't trust himself more than anything as he sees Harris but doesn't pull the trigger. On Play 3, Romo never accounts for the backside corner #20 dropping into the deep center as help. Cowboys are in a heavy run formation and the 49ers are in their base defense, in hindsight they probably should have ran there as they have the personnel advantage to run there vs the 49ers base defense.

On with #2, making the easy completion for your QB. PA passes are designed to suck the defense in order to get your play makers behind them. And while Dallas was able to get the 49ers to commit on 2 of 3 PA calls, they failed to make the easy completions. Play 1 is a basic Hi/Lo concept where you want the far S to commit to the crosser or the skinny post and whichever he commits to you go the opposite. Play 2 was more of the QB not trusting himself to get the ball in a window. And Play 3 was a play call that was probably doomed from the beginning because of the defense on the field.

So where do we go from here? I simply don't know because the sample size is too small. The Cowboys ran more PA passes and Romo was fine on those but they were on different downs and distances. Maybe scrap the idea on 1st downs and go with a run or straight up pass play instead?

Maybe tweak the passing concepts to make the reads easier for Romo so that he can make the correct read when he hits his landmark on the fake?

Maybe send more route runners out at the expense of less protection? That's a risky proposition considering Romo could get rattled pretty easy with one good hit.

As the season goes on though, we will see how Linehan and Romo fix these issues.

simply put. Romo made throws he shouldn't. it was one of those classic moronic throws he makes. he will pull some magic at times, but also tends to have brain faarts.... the first interception should have never been thrown, since he threw to triple coverage down field. if that was a shorter route, he could smoke it in there, but throwing that far down field the DBs have a chance to react to the ball. the end zone throw was bad bad bad. he had other options but never considered them and threw it like its a playground game. somehow the importance of the moment got lost on him.

his last throw to Dez was also bad. on that one, you have to give your WR a chance. it seemed he didn't throw it down field enough. he has to lead the receiver in that play, so he can make the acrobatic catch...if not, its too long.....

lets just say, romo had a bad game.


Kane Ala
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For me, I'm stripping things down even further.

The fundamental issue regarding this team's playcalling and the utter and complete lack of patience when it comes to the running game.

Point your finger in whoever's direction you prefer, as I don't care to argue who's doing what, only that it is being done.

But this team just does not have the patience to consistently use its' running game, no matter how well it may be working.

Fans have long complained about it and some have staunchly and stubbornly defended it, but I think at this point, there is no longer any denying it.

Opponents do not have to worry about stopping the Dallas running game, at some point or another, we will do it for them.

We haven't run the ball in the past because we couldn't. But when you can run on 2nd and long reliably and 3 and short the same then you have a running game; then you should run the ball. I've bemoaned the lack of a running game esp in short yardage situations and more so around the EZ for years. You have to go into all kinds of gyrations around the GL when you can't run. Why we did that yesterday is a complete mystery to me. We should have run the damn ball inside the ten and esp inside the 5 and we'd have made a game of it possibly.

So there aren't any knowledgeable fans I know of that haven't and aren't concerned with the play calling esp now that we can consistently run effectively. If that doesn't get fixed by the next game I'm going to be complaining more.


Kane Ala
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Great write up. I'm not certain that was a sluggo but the point was Harris was open and for some reason Romo didn't throw it. The announcer said he may not have trusted the lane he had early on. He rolled away from pressure but was going backwards. Why he threw it up like that I don't know. Moronic throw or he was throwing it away and for some reason didn't had no smoke on the ball. I don't know. Looked more like a moronic throw 'No Danny No' moment to me. I'm sure they will discuss it and hopefully it gets fixed. I'd rather it be a moronic throw to be honest as I have some concerns about his ball velocity and placement.

Oh, I thought the 'sluggo' was a short inside slant that developed very quickly as it should. But doesn't matter what you call it as the analysis seems spot on otherwise.

Again a really great write up. I enjoyed it. Well, the write up not the refreshing of my memory of it.


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While I don't necessarily disagree with you, we were down 21-3 in about 10 minutes in this game.

2nd and 1 at the 2 down just 7 and we're passing.

Then, with 1st and goal at the 5, Romo passes again and throws that awful pick. A touchdown at least narrows the gap in the first half.

The mistakes in playcalling and by the QB are inexcusable in my book.