Recommended Tony Romo's 3 Interceptions


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We haven't run the ball in the past because we couldn't. But when you can run on 2nd and long reliably and 3 and short the same then you have a running game; then you should run the ball. I've bemoaned the lack of a running game esp in short yardage situations and more so around the EZ for years. You have to go into all kinds of gyrations around the GL when you can't run. Why we did that yesterday is a complete mystery to me. We should have run the damn ball inside the ten and esp inside the 5 and we'd have made a game of it possibly.

How far back are you going with the "couldn't" thing? We sure could last year, and the only ones to shut it down was us. As is the norm under the Garrett regime.

So there aren't any knowledgeable fans I know of that haven't and aren't concerned with the play calling esp now that we can consistently run effectively. If that doesn't get fixed by the next game I'm going to be complaining more.

I sure hope that everyone has finally caught up to the fact.


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Pretty much all his passes all game was bad not just the picks


Kane Ala
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How far back are you going with the "couldn't" thing? We sure could last year, and the only ones to shut it down was us. As is the norm under the Garrett regime.

I sure hope that everyone has finally caught up to the fact.

Almost to the beginning of the Garrett regime. We did run the ball effectively reasonably well with that 2007 line and Barber. It wasn't what we have now and it did cause some problems. Last year was the beginnings of running effectively but not what you'd want. Yes, Murray had a good average. But when we needed to pick up a few tough yards we failed too often. This years OL looks promising but its early.

As to your last comment: I can't and won't comment on anyone specific but it appears to me the collective football consciousness of this forum leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to certain aspects.


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I would like for you to prove both of those Eli statements, please.

No you go google the stats and see how lobsidded they are . Eli has lead the league in INT's and turnovers multiple years . It's not even close .


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Crazy talk. He helped lead team into and through playoffs until they win Super Bowl twice.

There is no debate here.

And Romo is not better than Eli.

To add, those giants teams don't win those two Super Bowls with Romo under center.

Accept that.

Completely insane LOLOL, and if Eli were on the cowboys he'd be in a body bag by now . Yada yada . None of the ex QBs on nfl channels really talk bad about Romo . He's an excellent QB top. 6/7 when healthy . Yesterday he was horrible it's just one game . Eli has HORRIBLE seasons not just horrible games .


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His decision making yesterday reminded me of the Monday night game that Parcells put him in. You'd expect this kind of decision making from a rookie, not someone in his 12th year in the NFL.


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His decision making yesterday reminded me of the Monday night game that Parcells put him in. You'd expect this kind of decision making from a rookie, not someone in his 12th year in the NFL.

Wait, wait...upon further review of film...



Kane Ala
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2nd and 1 at the 2 down just 7 and we're passing.

Then, with 1st and goal at the 5, Romo passes again and throws that awful pick. A touchdown at least narrows the gap in the first half.

The mistakes in playcalling and by the QB are inexcusable in my book.

And I would agree with this wholeheartedly.


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.....Good stuff in original post. Appears to me that the play action is the best time to have anyone but Dez or Witten as the 1st options. As stated the 49rs didn't care if we got 6.5 per carry on the run, they were not gonna let Dez get away from them, they moved toward dez even more as they saw playaction............and he attacted triple coverage with TWilliams breaking open, use that flypaper attractant that Dez is...........tweak the routes so TWill is more visable to Romo or separated more, as Dez ran the deep crossing and Twill a deep post the FS just let both of them come to him........he has to be forced to make a decision.


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Stats mean nothing Really ? Dan Marino . He was better than aikman stop being a homer . Dudes a legend .

So, the whole purpose of this game is to get stats and winning be damned.

Sorry, stats say Dallas has the #9 defense in the league. You believe that?


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These interceptions are more the exception for Tony than the mean, thanks for breaking it down, it was difficult to watch the first time not sure how you could survive additional exposure. As a longtime fan that was one of the worst games I have seen from Tony, his long passes hint that we may have a long battle ever selling the deep pass route. That will really shrink the field for opposing pass defenses.I suffered through the early days of Troy Aikman, if Tony's deep pass is gone this may make those seasons very similar to 2014, hope none of you can remember those years with much clarity.

I watched almost all the teams playing Sunday and our running offense looked very good in comparison to the rest of the league, not sure what the issue was with Tyron Smith as this game film will keep a left tackle out of the pro bowl. Revis playing for the Patriots looked human, Patterson playing for Tenn did not, yikes that kid has talent as I am sure Coach Dooley will testify. We will have our hands full with Tenn, they played hard and made few mistakes under Wisenhunt. If you watched the Seattle vs GB game on Thursday I believe you have seen how good the best teams are playing in contrast to our play.

Jason Garrett will not survive many more games like this one in fact another like this one could be more than Jerry can spin.

On Romo...hideous performance. The Cowboys must hope it does not become a trend because this season could be over before it really starts. I would go so far as to say that 2-4 after six games seems like too much to overcome, especially if Romo's play does not "markedly" improve during that time. The only cupcake on the horizon seems to be the Rams, but on the road, Garrett has, over his entire tenure, been ultra-conservative with the game-plan and less competent with game management. The defense looks okay, but it looked okay for the first four weeks last year...then, after the Broncos, the bottom fell out. There are still bad pieces in the wrong places and questions remain. That said, basing the entire season on one game would be silly at this point. They need to get the Titans and the Rams, because Seattle and the Saints are going to bring elite offenses and at least one salty defense to the could get real ugly with those two. The Giants, whatever they are, have Eli, who always seems to find a way to give the Cowboys fits, regardless of their roster condition. The Cowboys need to be above .500 at the halfway imo (maybe 5-3?), because the team has shown a perennial pattern of petering performance as the season nears its end.

I will follow this year from a distance because, while I don't want to descend to rooting against the present for the future but the time has come to go one way or the other...either get to the playoffs and build on it, or get down to the basement, restock, re-tool and re-invent. The 8-8 paradigm is a no man's land of false hope, feeble ambition and reduced ability to remake a roster with earlier round talent. Some will disagree, but after nearly 5 years under Garrett, something has to give. Whether entirely Garrett's fault or not, the organization threw out Ryan, the 3-4 and the depth. They bet the ranch on Ware, Ratliff and came up snake eyes and set the team back years. It will take time to infuse the defense with quality depth that does not have them constantly shuffling the roster and bringing in street veterans to get line pressure.
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So, the whole purpose of this game is to get stats and winning be damned.

No, stats give an indicator as to who is helping their team and who is hurting it.

Winning is typically having a group of guys, as an aggregate, with better stats then the group of guys wearing the other uniform.

For example, Romo's 3 INTs cost us the game yesterday. Those are stats.

Sorry, stats say Dallas has the #9 defense in the league. You believe that?

Stats with ridiculously small sample sizes however, are useless.
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It was a horrible game by Romo and his performance cost us the game, without question. I have to think some of it was being rusty but that isn't to excuse the performance.

One thing about the two of the picks is the philosophy Romo is employing. As a general approach you can throw the ball to Dez in double coverage and if he doesn't catch it he will at least knock it down and prevent the INT 19 times out of 20. On these plays Romo threw one pick into triple coverage rather than double coverage and on the deep route pick, Dez was interfered with or he would have been able to knock the ball the away. Its not to excuse the performance of Romo but its a factor and a philosophy that he needs to stop falling back on when he is in trouble.

Romo basically said that postgame, that he threw the ball into coverage because Dez usually will come up with it or knock it down. I agree he needs to stop doing that.


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So, the whole purpose of this game is to get stats and winning be damned.

Sorry, stats say Dallas has the #9 defense in the league. You believe that?

We are talking after week 1 dan Marino played for a decade and a half . Individually yes stats mean a whole lot to me . My favorite moment of being a cowboy fan is when emmitt smith broke walter Payton's record . So yes speak for yourself .


Mr. Fixit
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2nd and 1 at the 2 down just 7 and we're passing.

Then, with 1st and goal at the 5, Romo passes again and throws that awful pick. A touchdown at least narrows the gap in the first half.

The mistakes in playcalling and by the QB are inexcusable in my book.

Romo was rusty pure and simple but Garrett and Linehan should have recognized this and protected him, especially when Cowboys were running so successfully. It was mind boggling because everyone could see that car wreck of a game coming after the first pick, and the coaches could have prevented it by playing more conservatively (running, short passes, etc.) until we could settle down.