News: Bob Sturm: Why I was so wrong about Cowboys coach Jason Garrett

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The problem with your theory is that we have seen Garrett as on OC for 7 straight years. And he was woefully underwhelming in his affinity to be pass happy and abandon the run. And now the VERY FIRST year he no longer runs the offense we all of a sudden blossom into one of the best running teams in the league?

How do you explain this?

garrett as an OC produced several top 10 and a #2 offense in the league? garrett as a HC and OC not as much success.

and once again, the anti garrett crowd points to lack of running, in a pass happy league. so I guess McCarthy sucked because he was pass happy. so was billicheat. so was Denver. so was indy. so was NO and the list is long. but that's the one thing and probably the only thing the anti garrett crowd continuously hangs their hat on, yet totally ignore all these other teams who were pass happier than dallas, including the current OC who was head coach of Detroit and set a record with the # of pass attempts by a QB in a season.


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18,076 cant be serious. Seattle wont he SB two years ago and was runner up and they do it with defense and running the ball. SF the last few years has been strong because they run the ball. NE was one of the better running teams in the league last year. Get your facts straight.

So why did the Cowboys suddenly morph into a 12 win team if it wasnt the resurgence of the running game? Waiting..................

aha, defense. that's the key. not just the running game. New England won it because of their passing and improved defense. Denver invested heavily on defense and was a passing team when they made it to the superbowl, NO won it on average rushing game, heavy passing game and improved defense. so did Indy when they won their superbowl. no one denies that having a defense is not a key ingredient of having a successful team.

I do have my facts straight. NE was # 2 passing team in the league. #15 rushing. but yeah, let perception get in the way of reality.


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So how did that pass happy success work our for Garrett? 8-8, 8-8 , 8-8. We are NOT the patriots or Denver. How did it work out when we ran the ball? 12-4.

Facts are stubborn things arent they.

how did it work out when the defense improved from 32nd and one of the all time worst to #19. but I am sure that had nothing to do with improved record. in 2013 we went 10 quarters without making one stop on the defensive side. the opponents scored at will. but lets not let facts and reality get in the way of our agenda.


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Admitting I was wrong is never difficult. It has been a very trying learning process having Garrett as an OC and a head coach. And when the owner says the same thing, there is no arguing that. Would you like me to pull up the article quoting Jerry two years back about Garrett? Jerry admitted that Garrett has screwed up and that the team has suffered through his growing pains. So if you cant see that, or admit that, then the one in denial is you.

Now if you are going to tell me that one 12-4 season is all of a sudden going to erase all of that, then Im just going to tell you that my opinion completely disagrees with you. So when it comes to Garrett, I have been right on the money. He had no business being hired originally, and there were many other candidates more qualified that should have gotten the job. Now if your going to give anyone 10 years or 15 years to learn no matter what, then there is no question that a good year is going to come up at some point.

Now many of you Garrett apologists have used last year to somehow try and act like its all Garrett and he has finally come of age. Now if Garrett was still running the offense, calling the plays, and doing the game plans, then maybe we could sit here and say that wow, he finally understands how to coach and got over the hump of the running game jitters. But unfortunately for you guys, the ONE great season and the miraculous one year turn around from no running game to dominant run game came the VERY first year Garrett no longer was in control of the offense. And that only underlines my point, and the point of many others that Garrett simply didnt know what he was doing or was in over his head. It definitely in NO WAY underlines anything about Garrett coming of age.

So I have taken the time to lay out my opinion with some facts to back it up. Now if you have nothing to come back with, then by all means, just blow it off by telling me I was wrong again. Give it a shot. Refute my points. If you can.

The question is about Garrett as the Head Coach, not as the OC. I've always said that he was the right HC, but should delegate the OC job.

The part of the HC's job that relates to building the right team mentality takes time. In my estimation the rule of thumb would be about a 2 to 3 year delay to see results in this area. Garrett had to inherit a locker room that was a complete disaster. Remember when Parcells told the players not to "eat the cheese" in regards to not getting an inflated ego? Wade basically had semi-trucks of cheese force fed to the players when he was the HC. That team ended up with leaders like Jay Ratliff. They were a bunch of entitled underachievers. The only guys that didn't fall into that were Romo and Witten who were tight with Garrett. Even as OC Garrett stood up to TO when Wade wouldn't or couldn't.

Wade inherited the opposite from Parcells. That team was well disciplined and went 13-3 in his first season but steadily declined as the lack of discipline caused the players to develop an overwhelming sense of entitlement and eventually they just quit on Wade.

Garrett took over for Wade at mid-season and managed to get a 1-7 team to go 5-3 in the 2nd half of that season. After that the team mentality had to be purged and that is a slower process when a bunch of players have contracts that prevent them from being cut immediately.

It might have been 3 straight seasons of 8-8, but there was progress in 2013 despite the record. They had 3 losses by only 1 point that season, another loss by 2 points and another loss by 3 points.

It's fairly obvious that the current locker room mentality is what you want and Garrett has done an excellent job of building up that winning type mentality. The only player that might have any of that Jay Ratliff type of over-entitlement would be Rolando McClain and he is basically a loner on the team, not a leader like Ratliff or TO. McClain only got a veteran's minimum deal plus incentives which also limits his impact on the team.

The front office might have under-cut Garrett a little this season. Garrett really wanted to keep Murray but the FO didn't. Garrett valued his leadership and no nonsense approach to the game. Keeping the right locker room mentality is a high priority for Garrett but the FO saw the probability of decline as high for Murray based on the history of RBs at that age and when coming off seasons with super high numbers of carries. Hopefully, the FO made the right decision.

Building the character of the team is by far the number one job of the Head Coach. Many coaches can do the X and O stuff. Since off-loading the OC duties, Garrett has not had any in-game issues which people criticized him for in his early years as HC. Jimmy Johnson said from the beginning that he thought Garrett would become a very good HC, but as a young coach that he should not be both the OC and HC.


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It amazes me that JG is the Draft guru on this board. Every time I watch the Draft Cam, JG is busy playing "footsies" with Jerry's Daughter and the both of them are carrying on like a bunch of little school kids (giggling, etc.). My friends, who are not Cowboys Fans, love watching the both of them on the Draft Cam. I guess Jimmy use to do the same thing in the War Room since JG is the 2nd Coming of Jimmy.


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Each team is different pal. There is no one way. But when you have a team with a poor defense, and Romo, you better be able to run the football. 8 years with Romo and the pass happy thing and it didnt work. You want to continue to beat a dead horse? Common sense really. Now if you give me Tom Brady, then yah, I would be more pass happy. But there is no denying that running the football helps the team in many ways. For my money, I would always want a strong run game.

And wow, what happened last year when we had one? Gee..............

ok, I am glad you are starting to understand that every team is different and there is no single formula.

so "you better be able to run the ball". what if you can't. what if you don't have the personnel? doesn't the score also dictate what you have to do? in 2013 we had one of the worst defenses ever. we went two games without stopping an offense once. they never punted. being couple of scores behind specially in 2nd half forces you to pass. but should we just run the ball to pad the stats so some fans such as yourself don't complain?

having a good defense helps the team. having a good OL. helps the team. not being behind by 2 scores helps the team.

having a running game does not equal to success.


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It amazes me that JG is the Draft guru on this board. Every time I watch the Draft Cam, JG is busy playing "footsies" with Jerry's Daughter and the both of them are carrying on like a bunch of little school kids (giggling, etc.). My friends, who are not Cowboys Fans, love watching the both of them on the Draft Cam. I guess Jimmy use to do the same thing in the War Room since JG is the 2nd Coming of Jimmy.

wow, the level of maturity on this comments is probably at a preschool level. awesome contribution to the conversation with a relevant comment.


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Garrett has improved tremendously as a head coach, I don't see how anybody can say he has not. However, lets not forget that he has made some horrible game day decisions that directly caused us to lose games. Even Jerry admitted this with his "Garrett in training" comment as well as saying one of the reasons he was not going to fire Garrett was because he did not want another team to get the benefits of the "growing pains" that we had to go through while Garrett was learning how to coach.

So yes, Garrett has improved tremendously because we were losing at least 2 games a year due to his coaching blunders during the 8-8 sagas. Hopefully those days are over.

no denying that. tell me about one coach who has never made mistake as part of their maturation?


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I love how you Garrett homers try to act and pretend like we didn't choke away playoff chances.

Heck, the year before last was one of the more epic meltdowns I've seen.

Blaming the salary We still had a equal or better roster to what was in our division and a waaaaaaay better QB. We constantly just got pimp slapped by good coaching.

Youre really going to act like poor little Jason just had no talent.

The clown wouldn't even run the ball and put more pressure on a bad oline by not doing anything to protect them.

So glad Jerry leg dropped him when he wanted to remain O Coordinator.

perspective. you and many like you predicated 5-11 and 6-10 seasons when we ended up 8-8. at the end you and many like you switched their tune and complained about exceeding your own expectations. you just want to complain. you just want to pick. all you have done is point at garrett not running the ball as the single reason for all the failures. bravo!!! what an insightful approach.

facts are facts. we are one of the youngest team in the league. what does that mean (I am sure that this will go over your head). it means that we have rebuilt the roster. while maintaining a competitive team. instead of multiple losing seasons.

the simple, little fact that there is a difference between wanting to run the ball and having the ability to run the ball is so lost on you, because you are so consumed by your agenda.

and yes, this team was devoid of talent in many areas. if you can't see that, then I can't help you. keep your eyes closed and continue to drivel as you have.


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I mean signing Linehan and working to keep the defense off the field as opposed to being last in the NFL in attempted runs and whatever rushing stat you can find.

The defense was garbage last year too but we went 12-4 because we actually attempted to control the ball.

so what would you do if you were down by two TDs in the 4th quarter with the defense that was like a sieve trying to hold water? keep running the ball to pad your stats so you can say I ran the ball? or try to win the game?

nevermind I know your answer

the defense wasn't garbage last year. the defense was 19th in the league. improved in almost every category, specially on 3rd down conversions.

but keep throwing out falsehoods to defend your perception.

btw, how did being a top rushing team in the league workout for the jets? or Commanders?


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I love how you Garrett homers try to act and pretend like we didn't choke away playoff chances.

Heck, the year before last was one of the more epic meltdowns I've seen.

Blaming the salary We still had a equal or better roster to what was in our division and a waaaaaaay better QB. We constantly just got pimp slapped by good coaching.

Youre really going to act like poor little Jason just had no talent.

The clown wouldn't even run the ball and put more pressure on a bad oline by not doing anything to protect them.

So glad Jerry leg dropped him when he wanted to remain O Coordinator.

ahhh, you mentioned a bad Oline, then in the same breath say why we didn't run the ball? not sure it makes sense.


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Well lets just look at why the Cowboys had a turnaround. Why did they? For my money, it was the resurgence and the commitment to the running game. If you can agree on that, then I dont see how you sit here and tell me that Garrett is the reason for the running game turnaround.

Now as far as sticking to our guns, Im not sure we have a choice. Garrett is going to be here for a long time. Now I do think he is in the right place as a walkaround coach not heavily involved in the offense or game day. And Jerry seems to understand the importance of GREAT coordinators to run both sides of the ball. So the infrastructure is now in place. I think Garrett is doing what he does best. Walk around, be a politician, and oversee things. Be a players coach.

better defense from one of the all time worst had nothing to do with the improvements. yeah...sure. it was all the running game. then we should have just traded all our draft picks to get gurley or Gordon and just laugh our way to a superbowl because the running game is the only thing needed to be a successful team.


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Yep, you nailed it. One of the big reasons you run the ball is to keep the defense off the field. Garrett never figured that out or couldnt. When you are pass happy and get a lot of 3 and outs, the other team wins time of possession and scores more. Hence the bad ranking. Football 101 stuff.

that is far from the truth.

Indy was #1 passing team. #22 rushing. TOP 31.54
steelers #2 passing team. #16 rushing. TOP 32.24
NO, #3 passing team. #13 rushing TOP 30.35
Denver #4 passing team. #15 rushing TOP 30.34

perception is a powerful drug!


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Yep, you nailed it. One of the big reasons you run the ball is to keep the defense off the field. Garrett never figured that out or couldnt. When you are pass happy and get a lot of 3 and outs, the other team wins time of possession and scores more. Hence the bad ranking. Football 101 stuff.

There's a massive difference in calling running plays, and being able to run the ball.

Garrett didn't call them because Dallas proved over and over they couldn't do it. How many 3rd-and-1 failures did you have to witness?

Romo was the only option he had to win games. He used it. Just as Linehan would have at that time.


Village Idiot
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You mentioned Garrett is back as a walk around coach that motivates people and oversees things...with great coordinators. Sounds like a Jimmy Johnson type of coach.

Except for the whole back to back Super Bowl thing.


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1st 4 years

Belichick: 6-10, 7-9, 7-9 and 11-5 for a 31-33 record 1-1 in post season
Garrett: 8-8, 8-8, 8-8 and 12-4 for a 36 and 28 also 1-1 in post season

This Coaching comparison reminds me of Wayne Fontes of the Detroit Lions. Jason Garret is my Wayne Fontes. Every year, Fontes was on the brink of getting fired yet he always survived.

YearAgeTmLeagueGWLTWin-Loss Percentage of teamG W plyfL plyfWin-Loss Percentage of team in RankNotes
198848Detroit LionsNFL5230.4004
198949Detroit LionsNFL16790.4383
199050Detroit LionsNFL166100.3753
199151Detroit LionsNFL161240.750211.5001
199252Detroit LionsNFL165110.3135
199353Detroit LionsNFL161060.625101.0001
199454Detroit LionsNFL16970.563101.0003
199555Detroit LionsNFL161060.625101.0002
199656Detroit LionsNFL165110.3135
9 yrs13366670.496514.2003.0

Jerry had to compartmentalize Garrett's responsibilities to Clapping and Motivation Speeches in 2014 while only allowing the assistant coaches to handle the team. Jerry's ego is too big to fire Garrett so he will do everything in this world to make sure JG succeeds. Jerry showed the world in the 1990s that anybody can coach the Cowboys and win a Super Bowl and he will do his best to make sure a "Coach in Training" wins a Super Bowl. Our biggest weakness in 2015 is keeping JG confined to his Clapping and Speech roles. If JG provides any input to any Game Planning, we will be screwed and Romo will once again have to save JG's butt.
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