Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

For me.. I just don't care unless it could keep Zeke off the field.

Something like this is something the team should be upset with but I don't get why fans would be.

I don't get why people use athletes to get on some kind of moral high. Like you will find something great with 20 year old millionaires with fame. What do you guys expect?

Just win.. That's all I care about. I want to be entertained.

Exactly. I didn't care how many lines of coke Irvin snorted off stripper's bodies on Saturday night. Just as long as he helps the Cowboys win on Sunday.
For me.. I just don't care unless it could keep Zeke off the field.

Something like this is something the team should be upset with but I don't get why fans would be.

I don't get why people use athletes to get on some kind of moral high. Like you will find something great with 20 year old millionaires with fame. What do you guys expect?

Just win.. That's all I care about. I want to be entertained.

You stated the reason. Most fans would be bother by this because it could affect the overall team. Zeke already has the NFL just sitting there waiting for him to screw up. Why do something stupid like this? Especially when Zeke's own people were lamented just a couple of weeks ago that the NFL was essentially making him some sort of scapegoat leaving the investigation still open.

And by the way, it's not a moral high. It's reality. When you are now a millionaire at age 21 or 22 and are in the limelight all the time, unfortunately, that carries added responsibility - for yourself and for the franchise you work for. Some of you just writing this off as no big deal and that kids can be kids are missing the larger point.
You lost me on the Peyton Manning part.
Didn't he tea bag a trainer at Tennessee who was checking his leg?
Something pretty disgusting......
Going point haha. Forgot about that. My point was just that while in the NFL, he seemingly had no life outside of football and TV commercials.
The ESPN Feminist and Stephen A Smith will be all over this by tomorrow. Just wait they will make this into a National Story. They'll try to compare this to what Ben Rothlisberger did and try to get Zeke Suspended. Just watch.:popcorn::espn:

a 1-game suspension would not be the end of the world.
frankly, it may be good for the long term.
you dont want stuff like this to morph into something worse.
You stated the reason. Most fans would be bother by this because it could affect the overall team. Zeke already has the NFL just sitting there waiting for him to screw up. Why do something stupid like this? Especially when Zeke's own people were lamented just a couple of weeks ago that the NFL was essentially making him some sort of scapegoat leaving the investigation still open.

And by the way, it's not a moral high. It's reality. When you are now a millionaire at age 21 or 22 and are in the limelight all the time, unfortunately, that carries added responsibility - for yourself and for the franchise you work for. Some of you just writing this off as no big deal and that kids can be kids are missing the larger point.

And when Zeke is suspended for four games, watch the same guys talking about "what business of it is ours" also moaning and complaining that Goodell was out to get us and how if Zeke were available we would have won those games (assuming we loss).

That's one of the problems with the post-modernistic generation, it assumes that behavior ONLY affects those who engage in it, and that is the furthest thing from the truth.
Or we have a faith or ethical background that governs how we treat women. :)
I was not responsible for my actions between the ages of 18-22 while alcohol was in my system. Haha kidding, but I know what you mean.

I'm not saying I agree with his behavior. And in all honesty, I have never pulled a woman's top down/off in public. I wish he had just taken her inside and done whatever she agreed to with her, but I can't be mad at this particular event. She basically invited him to do it.
The girl very well could've been pulling down her shirt on her own power before and after this video was taken.

I'm at work so I can't watch the television but the websites for ESPN or The NFL are not even covering this yet so chances are, this is nothing but tmz trash.
And I doubted Zeke's ex-girlfriend's claims but the NFL is still investigating it.
You were saying? ;)
Like i said above, Cowboys. Gotta love it. At the end of the day, if this was some random kicker for the Jags, no one would care. Because its Zeke its making headlines over most of the other stuff going on in the world. Do i agree he needs to realize he plays for the Cowboys and has a target on his back, sure. Do i think he needs to stay home and play video games the rest of his life? No. There has to be a medium in this day and age.
I was not responsible for my actions between the ages of 18-22 while alcohol was in my system. Haha kidding, but I know what you mean.

I'm not saying I agree with his behavior. And in all honesty, I have never pulled a woman's top down/off in public. I wish he had just taken her inside and done whatever she agreed to with her, but I can't be mad at this particular event. She basically invited him to do it.

I understand your point. Our point, however, isn't necessarily a moral one but a responsibility one based on the day and age we live in and the climate under General Goodell.

I'm a fan of the Cowboys. I want to see them win. I want their best players on the field when they play. I don't want to see Zeke sidelined because of anything that can be misconstrued and get him in trouble - whether justified or unjustified.

That's my interest in this and why I'm more concerned about why he did it compared to if a Saints player did the same thing - allegedly. :)
You stated the reason. Most fans would be bother by this because it could affect the overall team. Zeke already has the NFL just sitting there waiting for him to screw up. Why do something stupid like this? Especially when Zeke's own people were lamented just a couple of weeks ago that the NFL was essentially making him some sort of scapegoat leaving the investigation still open.

And by the way, it's not a moral high. It's reality. When you are now a millionaire at age 21 or 22 and are in the limelight all the time, unfortunately, that carries added responsibility - for yourself and for the franchise you work for. Some of you just writing this off as no big deal and that kids can be kids are missing the larger point.

it is no big deal, if she asked him to do it, what is he supposed to say, no ma'am, after all I might upset some Cowboy fans who can turn coal into diamonds?
I'm really surprised this isn't plastered all over the ESPN home page right now.

"Cowboys RB Elliott Rapes Woman" would be the headline.

Give it time...Infact....give it 30 more minutes. It will probably be the lead story on Sportcenter. Or Kornheiser will run with it. He's got that perve look too. You know he's got a stash of goopy porn somewhere.

Exactly. I didn't care how many lines of coke Irvin snorted off stripper's bodies on Saturday night. Just as long as he helps the Cowboys win on Sunday.

Yea that world doesn't exist anymore. In today's world acting like a moron gets your arse kicked to the curb and if that happens to Zeke this team is screwed.
Like i said above, Cowboys. Gotta love it. At the end of the day, if this was some random kicker for the Jags, no one would care. Because its Zeke its making headlines over most of the other stuff going on in the world. Do i agree he needs to realize he plays for the Cowboys and has a target on his back, sure. Do i think he needs to stay home and play video games the rest of his life? No. There has to be a medium in this day and age.

But that goes without saying doesn't it? Zeke was drafted by the Cowboys. That's what he wanted because he understands how his status will be elevated with Cowboys success. He takes the good; he has to understand the bad (the scrutiny) and accept it because of who he plays for.

I mean, it is what it is. If he doesn't like it, he can always go play for the Jags, pull down as many women's tops he wants and see if the media even care. :laugh:
But that goes without saying doesn't it? Zeke was drafted by the Cowboys. That's what he wanted because he understands how his status will be elevated with Cowboys success. He takes the good; he has to understand the bad (the scrutiny) and accept it because of who he plays for.

I mean, it is what it is. If he doesn't like it, he can always go play for the Jags, pull down as many women's tops he wants and see if the media even care. :laugh:
LOL, The media doesnt care about the Jags in general, so I doubt theyd care about a few flashes caused by players. Unless a player is caught in Africa Lion hunting Jags players dont make headlines.
And when Zeke is suspended for four games, watch the same guys talking about "what business of it is ours" also moaning and complaining that Goodell was out to get us and how if Zeke were available we would have won those games (assuming we loss).

That's one of the problems with the post-modernistic generation, it assumes that behavior ONLY affects those who engage in it, and that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Your talking about the situation turning into something extreme.. Yes we would all get upset then and should.

As for now.. This is for the Cowboys to worry about.

I just can't find it in me to get too upset at millionaire 20 year olds with fame when they go out and do something immature and people take pictures and report stories about it.

I think everyone should've learned from the Dez situation. What has the guy really done that was just so awful that was unforgiving? Sagged at the mall? Got in a fight with his mom that started with his brother drinking his sprite? Not paying his Jewelry bill?

So what if these guys are immature. I expect them to be.
These NFL superstars have to realize that whenever people see them the first thing they are going to do is pull their phone out. You can't get away with the little things like they did in the 90's.......

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