I'm almost to the point where I don't blame Garrett


You Can't Fix Stupid
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I did say "almost"........his constant clapping would cause the Pope to start cursing because it's after every single play regardless of the outcome of the play.

The only explanation I can come up with after watching this for many years is he's bored......think about it.....he's not held to be responsible for anything that goes on with the team, no longer game planes nor calls plays. He holds a title now going on 8 years that he's clearly not qualified for, he wasn't when he was given the job and is not any closer to be qualified 7 years later.

Jason knows as well is we do he's not qualified for and certainly should have a 6M per year to go with it, which brings up my point of contention......he's not about to give up a 6M salary to do a job he knows he's not qualified for know full well he'll never get this kind of opportunity again.

Jerry has been in a position he clearly isn't qualified for going on three decades why should Garrett feel any different?


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I see a frustration that’s building because while we’ve become accustomed or numb to Jerry’s effects we’re used to flushing out the HC every 3 or 4 years which exerts some of our emotion while providing a renewed hope however artificial and short lived it might be.


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Once you come to realize the limits a dysfunctional organization presents you then begin to lower expectations much like dormant / mediocre type teams fans have done throughout history.

Jerry’s ways have lowered the bar whether it’s direct or indirectly. We’re completely at his mercy Without making him more directly accountable.

It is what it is. Over the years I’ve learned to detach myself emotionally while still following similar to how I’ve followed my dormant Alma Mater all my life as well. Similar to how most local fans follow their local team that suks.

By the time Jerry passes it will be a couple generations going on 40 years without much more success and the following will dwindle and we’ll become like many of the other teams followed mostly by local apathetic and uninterested fans who rally occasionally when they have a better team.


Fattening up
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I’m sure he feels he deserves every dollar he earns. HC of the Dallas Cowboys is a big job, and one of the more difficult coaching jobs in the NFL.

Not the least of the headaches is putting up with fans pretending things that just aren’t so are actually gospel. I’m not sure we’ve ever seen as many clever interpretations of reality as we’re seeing so far this offseason.


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I did say "almost"........his constant clapping would cause the Pope to start cursing because it's after every single play regardless of the outcome of the play.

The only explanation I can come up with after watching this for many years is he's bored......think about it.....he's not held to be responsible for anything that goes on with the team, no longer game planes nor calls plays. He holds a title now going on 8 years that he's clearly not qualified for, he wasn't when he was given the job and is not any closer to be qualified 7 years later.

Jason knows as well is we do he's not qualified for and certainly should have a 6M per year to go with it, which brings up my point of contention......he's not about to give up a 6M salary to do a job he knows he's not qualified for know full well he'll never get this kind of opportunity again.

Jerry has been in a position he clearly isn't qualified for going on three decades why should Garrett feel any different?
It's not Garrett's fault for being Garrett. Blame all that on good ol' Jerry.


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Fans sure like to complain about his coaching style (clapping, when a play is over, seriously... that's your problem) Not sure what they want here. Do they want someone who rants and raves and stomps his feet up and down the line, cussing out players and throwing clipboards and headsets around (then we would complain about how he throws temper tantrums and is not fit to be our beloved coach). Or maybe we prefer some one who remains motionless and stoic with a professional poker face (then we would complain that he just doesn't care and again, he is unfit to be our beloved coach). I get it people, you are simply tired of him, tired of not winning a ring, tired of him learning on the job, tired of clock management. And some of those are very valid concerns and I think that is what irritates people the most. However, once a play is over, then its over. You cannot change what just happened. But you do still have some say in how the next play may shake out. To me, his clapping is just another way of saying " Ok, we screwed that up, but that play is over. Get your head up, focus and execute the next play. The game isn't over yet". It doesn't appear to me that his coaching style is to belittle, badger, or rip a player on national TV. I don't know whether or not those mistakes or errors are addressed later on, maybe in the film room, locker, or his office. OK, what if he suddenly just stopped clapping, altogether, good play, bad play, win or lose. Would that make you happier? OF COURSE NOT. We would just find something else to groan about, because that is what we do as fans. Here's to having a better year next year with hopefully no excess drama on the field, on the sidelines, or off the field. Lord, there is so much drama going on these days, it is hard to just enjoy a game anymore. Anywhooo, that's my 222 cents. Go Cowboys!


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It's definitely not all his fault. However, has he learned from some of his major gaffes in crucial situations? I have no idea.


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It's definitely not all his fault. However, has he learned from some of his major gaffes in crucial situations? I have no idea.
sure hope he has learned from some of them, he is supposed to be smart (at least IQ wise). Of course, IQ and common sense don't always go hand in hand


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Fans sure like to complain about his coaching style (clapping, when a play is over, seriously... that's your problem) Not sure what they want here. Do they want someone who rants and raves and stomps his feet up and down the line, cussing out players and throwing clipboards and headsets around (then we would complain about how he throws temper tantrums and is not fit to be our beloved coach). Or maybe we prefer some one who remains motionless and stoic with a professional poker face (then we would complain that he just doesn't care and again, he is unfit to be our beloved coach). I get it people, you are simply tired of him, tired of not winning a ring, tired of him learning on the job, tired of clock management. And some of those are very valid concerns and I think that is what irritates people the most. However, once a play is over, then its over. You cannot change what just happened. But you do still have some say in how the next play may shake out. To me, his clapping is just another way of saying " Ok, we screwed that up, but that play is over. Get your head up, focus and execute the next play. The game isn't over yet". It doesn't appear to me that his coaching style is to belittle, badger, or rip a player on national TV. I don't know whether or not those mistakes or errors are addressed later on, maybe in the film room, locker, or his office. OK, what if he suddenly just stopped clapping, altogether, good play, bad play, win or lose. Would that make you happier? OF COURSE NOT. We would just find something else to groan about, because that is what we do as fans. Here's to having a better year next year with hopefully no excess drama on the field, on the sidelines, or off the field. Lord, there is so much drama going on these days, it is hard to just enjoy a game anymore. Anywhooo, that's my 222 cents. Go Cowboys!

Folks who laugh at Garrett for his clapping might go back and look at some of Jimmy's games, he did a bit of clapping himself.

And as far as people who would complain if Garrett remained motionless, etc. might want to look at Belichick's games, and Landry's games.

Point is what you want is results, there you can criticize Garrett, I prefer the stoic type coach (though there are plenty of films available that show Landry jumping up and down, etc.) because as Landry said, you are responsible for the next play, the more time you spend getting emotional the less time you have to think about the rest of the game...


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Folks who laugh at Garrett for his clapping might go back and look at some of Jimmy's games, he did a bit of clapping himself.

And as far as people who would complain if Garrett remained motionless, etc. might want to look at Belichick's games, and Landry's games.

Point is what you want is results, there you can criticize Garrett, I prefer the stoic type coach (though there are plenty of films available that show Landry jumping up and down, etc.) because as Landry said, you are responsible for the next play, the more time you spend getting emotional the less time you have to think about the rest of the game...
Yeah, I ignore the clapping posts. It's irrelevant.


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I don't think he's bored but I also don't think him and Jerry are one and together all the time. He knows he's a puppet and probably gets frustrated at Jerry but he's a good puppet and won't do anything to jeopardize his job. He knows this is his golden opportunity.


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I think winning HC of the year in 2016, just made things worse......We should have a new HC in 2018.


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when you don't know what to do when things get bad, you have to do something. So he claps, he has to wait a week to review the tapes because he can't see what's going on in the game.. but go ahead and blame Jerry.

I should start using the Jerry excuse at work. " the management is bad, so I can't do my job".. yep that will work.


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Jason's dad got him a 6M / year job doing nothing other than stroking Jerry's ego. He's not giving that up and Jerry loves the set up.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Fans sure like to complain about his coaching style (clapping, when a play is over, seriously... that's your problem) Not sure what they want here. Do they want someone who rants and raves and stomps his feet up and down the line, cussing out players and throwing clipboards and headsets around (then we would complain about how he throws temper tantrums and is not fit to be our beloved coach). Or maybe we prefer some one who remains motionless and stoic with a professional poker face (then we would complain that he just doesn't care and again, he is unfit to be our beloved coach). I get it people, you are simply tired of him, tired of not winning a ring, tired of him learning on the job, tired of clock management. And some of those are very valid concerns and I think that is what irritates people the most. However, once a play is over, then its over. You cannot change what just happened. But you do still have some say in how the next play may shake out. To me, his clapping is just another way of saying " Ok, we screwed that up, but that play is over. Get your head up, focus and execute the next play. The game isn't over yet". It doesn't appear to me that his coaching style is to belittle, badger, or rip a player on national TV. I don't know whether or not those mistakes or errors are addressed later on, maybe in the film room, locker, or his office. OK, what if he suddenly just stopped clapping, altogether, good play, bad play, win or lose. Would that make you happier? OF COURSE NOT. We would just find something else to groan about, because that is what we do as fans. Here's to having a better year next year with hopefully no excess drama on the field, on the sidelines, or off the field. Lord, there is so much drama going on these days, it is hard to just enjoy a game anymore. Anywhooo, that's my 222 cents. Go Cowboys!
Winning cures everything....even clapping, lol!


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Winning cures everything....even clapping, lol!

I’m not really sure most fans can accurately evaluate coaching without the results of the game or records of the season??

Was Jimmy a crappy coach when he was 1-15? He won his COY when he was 7-9 before he’d ever had a winning season. Just saying..