News: BTB: Keep calm and don’t panic Cowboys fans, the franchise is doing just fine


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I encourage you to state your opinion. It's when people go after other people for stating their opinion that my feathers get ruffled.

By all means, state your opinion. But show the respect to others stating their as well. Even if you disagree.

I've stated my position too many times to count. My mistake is assuming regular posters know where I stand, but that's actually arrogant and stupid. Aside from a small handful of friends, who would remember MY opinion, let alone care? My other mistake is an inability to keep my mouth shut. I see something I consider stupid, and I feel compelled, nay DRIVEN, to scoff and comment.

I LOVE football, especially the Cowboys, and I'm Hellbent on enjoying it. I'm also a big believer in the folly of second guessing driven, highly intelligent and richly compensated professionals. In addition, I don't like to blame any single person or event for the team's failure. I believe it's a collection of many factors together--a veritable "death by a thousand cuts".

I gotta say, I'm VERY dissatisfied with the absence of the Cowboy dominance I grew up with. I'm frustrated by the vanilla and predictable playcalling (consecutive empty sets in the RZ is a pet peeve), the poor halftime adjustments, Jerry's meddling and bad drafting, and the obviously biased officiating and league's harassment. But through it all, I endeavor to retain hope, patience and good humor. Everything has it's limits, however, and if we can stay healthy, draft well, and not get screwed by the league and it's zebras, and we STILL flop, I'll pick up my pitchfork and torch and lynching rope, and join the "Tar and Feather Garrett Club".


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Plan seems to be to count heavily on the draft. Too bad they won't avail themselves of the free agency option.
AND THATS FINE...BUT WE LACK A MIX OF FREE AGENTS AND young talent. Whats going to happen when those rookie contracts expire and they take their talents elsewhere? I see no plan for this.


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I've stated my position too many times to count. My mistake is assuming regular posters know where I stand, but that's actually arrogant and stupid. Aside from a small handful of friends, who would remember MY opinion, let alone care? My other mistake is an inability to keep my mouth shut. I see something I consider stupid, and I feel compelled, nay DRIVEN, to scoff and comment.

I LOVE football, especially the Cowboys, and I'm Hellbent on enjoying it. I'm also a big believer in the folly of second guessing driven, highly intelligent and richly compensated professionals. In addition, I don't like to blame any single person or event for the team's failure. I believe it's a collection of many factors together--a veritable "death by a thousand cuts".

I gotta say, I'm VERY dissatisfied with the absence of the Cowboy dominance I grew up with. I'm frustrated by the vanilla and predictable playcalling (consecutive empty sets in the RZ is a pet peeve), the poor halftime adjustments, Jerry's meddling and bad drafting, and the obviously biased officiating and league's harassment. But through it all, I endeavor to retain hope, patience and good humor. Everything has it's limits, however, and if we can stay healthy, draft well, and not get screwed by the league and it's zebras, and we STILL flop, I'll pick up my pitchfork and torch and lynching rope, and join the "Tar and Feather Garrett Club".

That was a very thorough explanation of your position on things. And I can see your points on much of it, even if I don't share all of the same opinions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.



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The habitual whiners here are too ignorant to see that the talent has been getting better and better.
so what? where are the Lombardi's or even MAKING IT TO THE CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.

enablers like you are the real problem. The ones around Jerry telling him he is doing fine are just minions like you


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The team keeps getting better whether we realize it or not.

Hey, have you heard the news? Teams in the NFC East are all making big moves this offseason, while the Dallas Cowboys are just sitting on their hands doing nothing.

breaking: giants and eagles making moves to get better. cowboys paying fees to the nfl

— Clarence Hill Jr (@clarencehilljr) March 7, 2018

And let’s not forget the Washington Commanders traded cornerback Kendall Fuller to acquire Alex Smith from the Kansas City Chiefs!

All this moving around has made Cowboys fans dizzy. And from that dizziness, nausea is starting to set in as they cannot for the life of them understand why the Cowboys aren’t doing anything to upgrade their team. Doesn’t the Cowboys organization want to win? (Of course they do.) Why are they letting others around them get better while they do nothing?

Well, the short answer is - they’re not doing nothing. They are doing quite a bit actually, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize a good thing when it’s sitting right in front of us.

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Well Clarence- you can damn well count on it being hard to recognize.


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I stopped reading BTB long ago. Epitome of a homer, rose-colored -glasses fluff piece. Every once in a while one of the writers will make a "this needs to improve" statement followed immediately by "but that's being taken care of" blurb.
Waste of time.
first of ALL THIS IS NO DIFFERENT THAN THE OPPOSITE DOOM AND GLOOM FAN SIDE..we are 22-10 the last two season , 39-28 the last 5 years and they have been slowing do a soft rebuild toward youth , letting go of Romo, Ware, Free retiring Leary gone, Murray gone, and 18 ST/Defensive players from 2016 gone, they also let go of the failed FA before the season ended last year and started two rookies on Offense at key positions..we are rebuilding toward youth and yet we are competitive and winning, sure its a disappointment last year but there were REAL reasons .. Its not looking at it with rose colored glasses, these fan sites do the complete opposite and looking at it with emotion and constantly comparing their team to others and acts as if we are Cleveland here.. we are NOT them or the bottom 10 in this league..we are in fact only 9-7 lat year because of major losses to stars, failed FA, retirement, and horrible scheduling..9-7 was a miracle that all that happened..if not been for collapses in the rams and GB games in the 4th qtr we would have been in the playoffs..thats reality we were beating the crap out of both those teams which were at the time playoff teams playing well... we had a chance mid year to be 6-2 but those games derailed us than the rest with zekes suspensions and injuries just was the knock out blow but in the 12th round not the first..this team is better than most on here want to see..Mistakes are and were made by US for sure coaches and GM failed us with depth but it was still at midseason a playoff type team , it just didn't end well..

so yes FO and Team writers may be a bit over the top on the upside but you guys are ridiculously ripping your own team when its really not as bad as you make it..lets all change our glasses..a nice shade of polarized blue would be good..


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The team keeps getting better whether we realize it or not.

Hey, have you heard the news? Teams in the NFC East are all making big moves this offseason, while the Dallas Cowboys are just sitting on their hands doing nothing.

breaking: giants and eagles making moves to get better. cowboys paying fees to the nfl

— Clarence Hill Jr (@clarencehilljr) March 7, 2018

And let’s not forget the Washington Commanders traded cornerback Kendall Fuller to acquire Alex Smith from the Kansas City Chiefs!

All this moving around has made Cowboys fans dizzy. And from that dizziness, nausea is starting to set in as they cannot for the life of them understand why the Cowboys aren’t doing anything to upgrade their team. Doesn’t the Cowboys organization want to win? (Of course they do.) Why are they letting others around them get better while they do nothing?

Well, the short answer is - they’re not doing nothing. They are doing quite a bit actually, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize a good thing when it’s sitting right in front of us.

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I agree with the article, its shows that you can also find inexpensive productive FAs on the 3rd day but last year didn't work out.. stop the sky is falling crap around here.. sure like you i and all of us is disappointed about the way 2016 ended and how 2017 turned out but again we aren't bottom feeders.. it took the jaguars like 10 years to build a team wioth all the money in the world and like 17 first round draft picks..they have one good year and now "why aren't we the jaguars" SMH


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signing Lawrence and zack to long term deals is a no brainer as far as the thought process is involved. the reality of achieving either is problematic at best. neither will be easy to sign. both will expect to be paid the top dollar for their positions with all the guaranteed money that comes with that distinction. the good news is, we've drafted well lately. can only hope that continues.
I wouldn't say signing Lawrence to a long term deal is a no brainer. I always get very suspicious over guys who only perform well in a contract year.


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I wouldn't say signing Lawrence to a long term deal is a no brainer. I always get very suspicious over guys who only perform well in a contract year.

That's great. So what will be any different next off-season? You either believe in the guy or you don't. Get the deal done and help your cap situation.


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That's great. So what will be any different next off-season? You either believe in the guy or you don't. Get the deal done and help your cap situation.
There won't be anything different. I wouldn't sign him to a long term monster deal. Don't trust the guy will put in full effort once he gets that mega deal.


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I wouldn't say signing Lawrence to a long term deal is a no brainer. I always get very suspicious over guys who only perform well in a contract year.
This is factually wrong. 2015 he had 8 sacks. Seven of those came in the second half of that toilet bowl season once we were basically out of the playoffs. Not a contract year and there was nothing left to play for at that point, yet he was averaging a sack per game. I'm in the wait and see camp too, but because of his back injuries, not because of his effort. I want to see him stay healthy two years in a row.


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We would be foolish to NOT get a deal done on Lawrence asap...before we are on the hook for the 17 mil guaranteed franchise tag. Its saves cap space if we get a deal done now. Whats more foolish would have been NOT to keep him. Clarence Hill must be drinkin the Kool Aid again...jeesh. This is hard to watch when the Dallas sports media is complicit in the enabling of Jerry Jones and the Jones Clan. We have done little to nothing this offseason. Praying for the best still.


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This homer writer from BTB wrote the same thing last month...he's got no credibility to me. He's the type of fan who is content with the current team thinking all it takes is a few breaks and we will be Super Bowl champs. Ignoring the flaws that constantly make this team a divisional round playoff bust at best. I can't believe he is seriously pumping up all these bargain bin signings :laugh: Sure, these bargain bin players can help you get through a season but if we're trying to make a playoff run, those players eventually reach their peak and can't bring much during those big-time games.

George Selvie, Jeremy Mincey, Benson Mayowa, etc. will help get you to 8-9 wins during the regular season but when Aaron Rodgers is torching you in the playoffs again and those guys can't do anything to help out your better players, that's where you will fail.

Right now, we are just repeating a process that has already failed in the past. The writer is optimistic about the current young guys...well we've had good, young talent for the last 10 years. Romo, Witten, Ware, Miles, MB3, Ratliff, Jenkins, Free, Dez, Lee, etc. all were young and promising at one point or another during the last decade and yet this team has nothing to show for it. What makes you think they will do any better this time around with the new group.


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first of ALL THIS IS NO DIFFERENT THAN THE OPPOSITE DOOM AND GLOOM FAN SIDE..we are 22-10 the last two season , 39-28 the last 5 years and they have been slowing do a soft rebuild toward youth , letting go of Romo, Ware, Free retiring Leary gone, Murray gone, and 18 ST/Defensive players from 2016 gone, they also let go of the failed FA before the season ended last year and started two rookies on Offense at key positions..we are rebuilding toward youth and yet we are competitive and winning, sure its a disappointment last year but there were REAL reasons .. Its not looking at it with rose colored glasses, these fan sites do the complete opposite and looking at it with emotion and constantly comparing their team to others and acts as if we are Cleveland here.. we are NOT them or the bottom 10 in this league..we are in fact only 9-7 lat year because of major losses to stars, failed FA, retirement, and horrible scheduling..9-7 was a miracle that all that happened..if not been for collapses in the rams and GB games in the 4th qtr we would have been in the playoffs..thats reality we were beating the crap out of both those teams which were at the time playoff teams playing well... we had a chance mid year to be 6-2 but those games derailed us than the rest with zekes suspensions and injuries just was the knock out blow but in the 12th round not the first..this team is better than most on here want to see..Mistakes are and were made by US for sure coaches and GM failed us with depth but it was still at midseason a playoff type team , it just didn't end well..

so yes FO and Team writers may be a bit over the top on the upside but you guys are ridiculously ripping your own team when its really not as bad as you make it..lets all change our glasses..a nice shade of polarized blue would be good..
I saw an article that said despite 20+ years without a Lombardi, the Cowboy STILL have the #1 winning percentage in the NFL!


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This is factually wrong. 2015 he had 8 sacks. Seven of those came in the second half of that toilet bowl season once we were basically out of the playoffs. Not a contract year and there was nothing left to play for at that point, yet he was averaging a sack per game. I'm in the wait and see camp too, but because of his back injuries, not because of his effort. I want to see him stay healthy two years in a row.
I'd take him at a decent contract. But the contract he can get and wants is going to be massive. I'd pay him like a 10 sack a year guy. He wants top dollar. Don't blame him. I just wouldn't pay him that. Paying him what he wants and getting 8 sacks a year will be a massive waste of money. If he has an 8 sack year this coming season his price will drop and probably sign a decent contract. If he has another monster season I let him walk with the contract he is going to get. If he gets injured I'd give up on him. I love the decision to tag him. I wouldn't rush a contract for him.


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This homer writer from BTB wrote the same thing last month...he's got no credibility to me. He's the type of fan who is content with the current team thinking all it takes is a few breaks and we will be Super Bowl champs. Ignoring the flaws that constantly make this team a divisional round playoff bust at best. I can't believe he is seriously pumping up all these bargain bin signings :laugh: Sure, these bargain bin players can help you get through a season but if we're trying to make a playoff run, those players eventually reach their peak and can't bring much during those big-time games.

George Selvie, Jeremy Mincey, Benson Mayowa, etc. will help get you to 8-9 wins during the regular season but when Aaron Rodgers is torching you in the playoffs again and those guys can't do anything to help out your better players, that's where you will fail.

Right now, we are just repeating a process that has already failed in the past. The writer is optimistic about the current young guys...well we've had good, young talent for the last 10 years. Romo, Witten, Ware, Miles, MB3, Ratliff, Jenkins, Free, Dez, Lee, etc. all were young and promising at one point or another during the last decade and yet this team has nothing to show for it. What makes you think they will do any better this time around with the new group.

He must come from the Mickey Spagnola school of writing.


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Clarence Hill is nothing more than a hack. He writes stuff to see what sticks so he can appear to be a savant lol. Instead of holding JJ accountable...he is enabling him like a child. Its been this way ever since Jimmy Johnson was chased off.