Stephen Jones podcast with Ed Werder, doesn't seem happy with JG


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until jerry steps away and gives total control to Stephen, it will be more of the same year after year. just as it has been since jimmy left the club. just imagine the enormity of the statue in the parking lot looking down on tom.


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You're right. Dak in his rookie year buried anything Aikman did in his. Jimmy was even flirting with starting Walsh over him. How'd that turn out?
There's a reason Aikman was taken with the first pick in the draft. They were just awful.


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Good news for Dak. Seems he's already earned a big contract following his rookie contract.

Now he better just pace himself.


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Pretty much vintage Stephen here.

It is interesting to hear them talk about Dak's preference for precise route running, and that being part of the thinking behind the addition of Hurns. Whether you believe it's an issue or not, it sounds like it's something Dak has requested.
Hope the receivers ask for precise passes where they would like it....


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Interesting Stephen would compare Prescott to one of the most accurate QBs to ever play the game. Especially when accuracy is not a strong suit of Prescott. Even his biggest supporters admit that part...maybe @Risen Star is right about the football knowledge of Jerry AND Stephen. Smh...


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Jerry, Stephen, and Garrett, all put the blame on the position coaches they fired this off season. Garrett's position does not allow him to come out and talk about lack of adjustments or handling adversity/injuries. He is one of the coaching staff. Stephen can do this.
Like I said before, Garrett is not a special Xs and Os coach, and heavily relies on his staff to coach the positions they're in charge off. When the O-Line is struggling and no adjustment is done, Garrett will look at the OL coach (behind close doors) and grill him. In front of cameras, he will wonder around the answer but never criticize the coaches publicly

I think SJ and JG are cahoots, and that relationship is still strong



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Interesting Stephen would compare Prescott to one of the most accurate QBs to ever play the game. Especially when accuracy is not a strong suit of Prescott. Even his biggest supporters admit that part...maybe @Risen Star is right about the football knowledge of Jerry AND Stephen. Smh...

He didn’t compare their accuracy though. He just compared that they are both guys who like to be in timing based systems I believe.


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I was listening to the Domsday Podcast with Matt Mosley and Ed Werder last night. Werder did a one on one interview with Stephen which lasted a solid 20 minutes. I found some of what he said pretty interesting especially in regards to the JG:

Team has underperformed given the talent level and should be perennial playoff contenders and competing for championships.

Team has not handled adversity well and zero excuses for injuries/no Zeke. He said injuries are a part of every NFL teams season and you have to adapt on the fly, mentioned the way the Eagles responded and not just at QB.

No position is off limits in the first round except for probably QB/RB and will take BPA/highest player ranked on their board if it's close. He said teams get in trouble when they reach due to need.

Has huge confidence in Dak and thinks he is a franchise QB. He said his style of play compares more closely to Troy Aikman rather than Tony Romo. Dak is better running a system than improvising on the fly. He anticipates Daks next contract to resemble franchise QB money.

He is pleased with the FA moves done so far. He still believes 100% in the philosophy of building through the draft and that most free agents are vastly overpaid. He did admit that last year they did a poor job in FA.

No word on Z. Martins contract. Had very little to say about Dez, only that he thinks very highly of him as a player and a person and they will be getting together soon to talk.

Maybe because it was a one on one podcast with Werder, Stephen sounded more relaxed and less defensive with the Q&A. What really jumped out at me was his indirect shot at JG. When you talk about a team underperforming and not handling adversity well that speaks directly to the HC. This is a far cry from the lollipops and rainbows talk his father usually uses in regards to JG. If this has already been posted I missed it and sorry for rehashed info. Oh and don't shoot the messenger.:)

Thanks for sharing!


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Jerry, Stephen, and Garrett, all put the blame on the position coaches they fired this off season. Garrett's position does not allow him to come out and talk about lack of adjustments or handling adversity/injuries. He is one of the coaching staff. Stephen can do this.
Like I said before, Garrett is not a special Xs and Os coach, and heavily relies on his staff to coach the positions they're in charge off. When the O-Line is struggling and no adjustment is done, Garrett will look at the OL coach (behind close doors) and grill him. In front of cameras, he will wonder around the answer but never criticize the coaches publicly

I think SJ and JG are cahoots, and that relationship is still strong


I think you are right..........Garrett is not getting fired, by Jerry or Steven.........regardless of what our record is next yr.

Put it this way fellas, if Garrett's job actually depended on results he would have been fired years ago, just like every other head coach in the NFL with similar results.


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If he thinks Dak is anywhere near Aikman on throwing before wr breaks or is open....wake me in 2025


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Stephen watched Philly happen without its starting QB, LT, MLB, RB, and CB.

The Dak stuff was based purely on hope. There is nothing about Dak so far that remotely resembles Troy Aikman. Troy had a powerful and accurate arm and he was most comfortable in the pocket. That is the polar opposite of Dak.

There was no mention of Dak have Troy's arm strength and accuracy. He did say he resemble Troy as a SYSTEM QB......which is actually true. This probably gives some hint to the Dak-friendly systems they're putting in place.


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Pretty much vintage Stephen here.

It is interesting to hear them talk about Dak's preference for precise route running, and that being part of the thinking behind the addition of Hurns. Whether you believe it's an issue or not, it sounds like it's something Dak has requested.
This has the makings of disaster. Accuracy and timing are not daks game. It wasn't at Mississippi st and hasn't been in the pros.

When twill Beasley and dez all have down years from 2016, it isn't all due to every route being rounded off


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There was no mention of Dak have Troy's arm strength and accuracy. He did say he resemble Troy as a SYSTEM QB......which is actually true. This probably gives some hint to the Dak-friendly systems they're putting in place.

Young Troy wasn't just a system quarterback. He was mobile when he was young.


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maybe it's due to an utterly predictable offense, an o line that is letting their qb get pummeled and the top notch rb in a run first offense being out


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More fuel to the Stephen/Garrett issue. Notice Stephen praises Dak and Garrett criticizes Dak. Garrett wants to deflect blame from himself.

The real son always wins over the red-headed stepson in the end.

I agree that if you said which style between Aikman and Romo is the best for Dak to emulate, it's definitely Aikman.

WRs run exact routes and get open by the QB and receivers being in sync.

Adlib until somebody gets open. Draw up plays in the dirt.

Aikman would not have tolerated WRs being clueless.

:hammer:Exactly.......some are trying to say he was comparing Aikman accuracy and arm strength. He was only saying between Romo and Akiman, Dak like Akiman is more of a system QB. Romo is more an improviser.....


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I don't think there's any question the one who protects Garrett is Jerry, not Stephen.
Jerry needs the spotlight -- Stephen doesn't. So when the reins are fully passed to Stephen things will change a lot with regards to coaching.


Defender of the Star
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If and when Red gets canned, who they bring in will tell us all we need to know about the future and direction of the franchise. If it’s another puppet we know Jerry is still pulling the strings