Could be wild week in Jerry World


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So one cannot not get seriously injured a like broken collarbone or injured back in HS football because its not the NFL. Your logic is missing a few 1s and 0s. A basic understanding of biomechanics...nevermind.

Guy has no clue.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I've had back problems for over 20 years. Most of the time it feels fine. But if you just move it the wrong way it can go out. Can't picture getting hit by 300 lb linemen. Just because Romo can play some golf doesn't mean he's NFL ready. Don't know how much proof you need. Missed 2 straight NFL seasons because of his health.


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I don't believe this will happen at all if it does talk about the direction of your team being a mess because you cant figure out what u want to do


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yep. Which, if the coaches and FO believe Dak is not the future, fine. But Romo isn't the future so how does bringing him back help you find the QB of the future? That move only makes sense if you believe he's the missing link to take this team to playoff heaven. You'll be picking late in the first round and have to give up a king's ransom to move up even if a team is willing to trade. Seems to me, if they're throwing in the towel on Dak, it would be better to let it ride and have the higher draft position to find the QB of the future.

There is one reason, however, that I could see ole Hog Jowels doing this. There have been a lot of open seats the first 2 games. Jerry is a marketer first and foremost so I could see him do it just to try and generate enthusiasm to fill the open seats. He's not losing money from the open seats directly, because they're all sold, the occupants are simply no-shows. But no-shows don't spend money on peripheral stuff like $8.50 beer. Plus, they're a barometer of general fan interest.
I noticed all those empty seats too. Hmmmmmm.


"We Are Penn State"
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Just finished listing to Podcast with KT and he is hearing whispers from Ben Rogers (who has been correct several times & has good sources) that following might transpire in next week or so:

1. Tony Romo & Dez Bryant might be signed. Dallas currently has $18 million in available cap space.
2. Current league rules on QB would heavily favor Romo return.
3. Dez Bryant continues to insist with Mike Fisher that he still sees himself as Dallas Cowboy.

Buckle in. The internet will break if this goes down.
:lmao2:What drugs are you on?!


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So one cannot not get seriously injured a like broken collarbone or injured back in HS football because its not the NFL. Your logic is missing a few 1s and 0s. A basic understanding of biomechanics...nevermind.

Please, your personal experience of not hurting your back playing high school football, means anything as to whether or not a 38 year old with significant back injury history can play in the NFL?

And you think I’m the one who is missing logic?


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Romoholism is a serious disease. Most who are afflicted fail to seek help before it’s too late.

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PA Cowboy Fan

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You're sitting behind a desk to much (on the zone) and this sounds like a posture issue. Try stretching your hip flexors.
Lets see I was in my early 30's when I first encountered back problems. Some days I couldn't even turn over to get out of bed. It hurt so bad. So yea I know how it is. And since those years I have had good years and bad years. One summer I couldn't even walk because the pain went into my leg and my knee. Tony was taking all kind of shots and couldn't practice on Wednesdays just to get ready for playing in Sunday games so don't tell me he wasn't hurting. I swear some Romo fans won't be happy until Tony ends up a cripple.


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Lets see I was in my early 30's when I first encountered back problems. Some days I couldn't even turn over to get out of bed. It hurt so bad. So yea I know how it is. And since those years I have had good years and bad years. One summer I couldn't even walk because the pain went into my leg and my knee. Tony was taking all kind of shots and couldn't practice on Wednesdays just to get ready for playing in Sunday games so don't tell me he wasn't hurting. I swear some Romo fans won't be happy until Tony ends up a cripple.

You're not Tony Romo but I see why you worry like you do about his back. It effects everyone different. I had problems for years too, you need to manage it. Sitting in the car and at a desk is a killer.


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Dez, I could see as a possibility. Romo? Not happening. I would give it the slightest of chance if Dak had a season ending injury. But they would basically have to be done with Dak as a franchise if they brought Tony back now and I don’t see that happening. Not to mention the million other reasons.


Well-Known Member
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Just finished listing to Podcast with KT and he is hearing whispers from Ben Rogers (who has been correct several times & has good sources) that following might transpire in next week or so:

1. Tony Romo & Dez Bryant might be signed. Dallas currently has $18 million in available cap space.
2. Current league rules on QB would heavily favor Romo return.
3. Dez Bryant continues to insist with Mike Fisher that he still sees himself as Dallas Cowboy.

Buckle in. The internet will break if this goes down.
