Moore has McVay traits


Cowboys 24/7/365
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LOL...…...that was funny. Garrett has proven all his detractors right on the money. Garrett has been a disaster in every way. Players think Garrett is a nice guy. That's about it.
I was speaking of the players and not everyone else looking in from the outside. And yes. The players think of Garrett as a nice guy. The players also play very hard for him practically every week. They will stop putting out that level of effort if-and-when Garrett loses their respect.


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I was speaking of the players and not everyone else looking in from the outside. And yes. The players think of Garrett as a nice guy. The players also play very hard for him practically every week. They will stop putting out that level of effort if-and-when Garrett loses their respect.

Since when is players playing hard the gold standard for coaches? Most players are self motivated by competitiveness and pride. You get a few losers like David Irvin that are hopeless.

And I have seen several games where our team gives up. Denver game comes to mind. Zeke giving up comes to mind. But I don't blame Garrett for that either. Its just what happens sometimes.


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Anything Is Better Than Scott L

Going backwards to Garrett is NOT better. You forget how bad Garrett was at play calling.

Before linehan we have virtually no 4 and 5 wr sets. Virtually no WR screens, RB screens. Garrett barely used play action passing.


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Hahahahahahahaha gotta love our “coach on the job training” only in Dallas


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Since when is players playing hard the gold standard for coaches?
Seemingly, 'playing hard' is one of the acceptable conditions justifying Jerry Jones continued backing of Garrett.
Most players are self motivated by competitiveness and pride. You get a few losers like David Irvin that are hopeless.
True. There have many examples of players on teams at all levels of competition in all sports who sometimes do not play well despite their 'competitive and prideful self-motivations'.
And I have seen several games where our team gives up. Denver game comes to mind. Zeke giving up comes to mind.
But I don't blame Garrett for that either.
Seemingly, Jones does not blame him also.
Its just what happens sometimes.
Again, exactly.


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I find it amazing how we judge someone's performance before he even gets a chance to perform. I wish I had those powers of prescience. but i'll stack up my hind sight with anyone elses.


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Everybody laughed at little Napoleon when he started school. Eventually he was crowned emperor. Maybe Moore is another mad genius. Just an idea.


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the navy laughed at rickover and gave him an abandoned women's bathroom in the navy building to start the nuclear submarine program. tiny minds judge by their own tiny standards. go Kellen!!!


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Not saying Moore will ever be Sean McVay or that I endorse Moore as OC over other candidates. But before the board freaks out over a potential hire of Moore as OC, consider this. Like MCVay, Moore was the son of a coach. His father is a very decorated 23 season high school coach who won 4 state championships. (Yes I know far different from NFL coach). Literally, Moore’s entire youth was spent on practice field and sidelines. Second, he is the winningest college QB. Ever. He sees the game through a QB’s eyes and he knows what it takes for a QB to win. In college, he played for an innovative offensive coach in Chris Peterson, who was not afraid to be very creative and call trick plays and use a lot of motion. This surely rubbed off on Moore. Third, more than any assistant coach, he knows Dak’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s been his teammate or position coach for Dak’s entire career. You cannot underestimate that relationship. Finally, he was about the same age as McVay when McVay got his head coaching job. Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that NFL views Moore as a rising star capable of being a head coach soon, like McVay. So factor all this in...

He can have all the McVay traits he wants, people need to stop looking at McVay as the savior of the Rams. The true hero of the Rams is Les Snead and the rest of their FO. They went out and bought theirselves a few years of being one of the top teams in the league. Most here want no part of that but I'd do it in a heartbeat. If you told me we could buy and acquire the Rams type roster and be a contender for the next 3-4 years but then have to go through a few years of salary cap problems after that, I'd say SIGN ME UP....Anything would be better than having the same championship success as the Browns, Commanders, Bills, and Bengals have had over the past quarter century...


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This was plan out for the lognest. Just like most jobs, deals are done on the back end before they are ink. The Cowboys knew what they had plan with Moore for the jump. They wanted to give it some time. Most jobs are the same too. I know I was guarantee my latest promotion a half of year before they mentioned the position was available. Although they still interview other people for it. To be honest this what Moore was projected to be out of college. At best a back up qb but more likely a OC/HC. Are you guys not surprised?


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Not saying Moore will ever be Sean McVay or that I endorse Moore as OC over other candidates. But before the board freaks out over a potential hire of Moore as OC, consider this. Like MCVay, Moore was the son of a coach. His father is a very decorated 23 season high school coach who won 4 state championships. (Yes I know far different from NFL coach). Literally, Moore’s entire youth was spent on practice field and sidelines. Second, he is the winningest college QB. Ever. He sees the game through a QB’s eyes and he knows what it takes for a QB to win. In college, he played for an innovative offensive coach in Chris Peterson, who was not afraid to be very creative and call trick plays and use a lot of motion. This surely rubbed off on Moore. Third, more than any assistant coach, he knows Dak’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s been his teammate or position coach for Dak’s entire career. You cannot underestimate that relationship. Finally, he was about the same age as McVay when McVay got his head coaching job. Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that NFL views Moore as a rising star capable of being a head coach soon, like McVay. So factor all this in...

Nice summary. Posted in another thread some similar themes re Dak/Moore and the value of their relationship


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Not saying Moore will ever be Sean McVay or that I endorse Moore as OC over other candidates. But before the board freaks out over a potential hire of Moore as OC, consider this. Like MCVay, Moore was the son of a coach. His father is a very decorated 23 season high school coach who won 4 state championships. (Yes I know far different from NFL coach). Literally, Moore’s entire youth was spent on practice field and sidelines. Second, he is the winningest college QB. Ever. He sees the game through a QB’s eyes and he knows what it takes for a QB to win. In college, he played for an innovative offensive coach in Chris Peterson, who was not afraid to be very creative and call trick plays and use a lot of motion. This surely rubbed off on Moore. Third, more than any assistant coach, he knows Dak’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s been his teammate or position coach for Dak’s entire career. You cannot underestimate that relationship. Finally, he was about the same age as McVay when McVay got his head coaching job. Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that NFL views Moore as a rising star capable of being a head coach soon, like McVay. So factor all this in...

Other than being young and white what “traits” do Moore and McVay have in common?


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Both Mike Shanahan (Super Bowl winning coach) & Jon Gruden (Super Bowl winning coach) hired McVay.
Super Bowl winning coaches recognize quality coaches.

During Garrett's entire tenure as a head coach, what young assistant coach has been highly touted as an offensive or defensive genius/solid play-caller? (Bill Callahan and Kris Richard already had proven their coaching ability prior to being hired in Dallas).

Shanahan/Gruden's pedigree of identifying young coaching talent far exceeds Garrett/Jerry Jones.


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Not saying Moore will ever be Sean McVay or that I endorse Moore as OC over other candidates. But before the board freaks out over a potential hire of Moore as OC, consider this. Like MCVay, Moore was the son of a coach. His father is a very decorated 23 season high school coach who won 4 state championships. (Yes I know far different from NFL coach). Literally, Moore’s entire youth was spent on practice field and sidelines. Second, he is the winningest college QB. Ever. He sees the game through a QB’s eyes and he knows what it takes for a QB to win. In college, he played for an innovative offensive coach in Chris Peterson, who was not afraid to be very creative and call trick plays and use a lot of motion. This surely rubbed off on Moore. Third, more than any assistant coach, he knows Dak’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s been his teammate or position coach for Dak’s entire career. You cannot underestimate that relationship. Finally, he was about the same age as McVay when McVay got his head coaching job. Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that NFL views Moore as a rising star capable of being a head coach soon, like McVay. So factor all this in...

If it works..that means Kellen Moore will be our next Head Coach when Garrett decides to leave.
It's a huge risk but plausible. The path of average NFL QB to NFL HC is a well traveled path. We'll see...Jerry's a gambler

Common Sense

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Both Mike Shanahan (Super Bowl winning coach) & Jon Gruden (Super Bowl winning coach) hired McVay.
Super Bowl winning coaches recognize quality coaches.

During Garrett's entire tenure as a head coach, what young assistant coach has been highly touted as an offensive or defensive genius/solid play-caller? (Bill Callahan and Kris Richard already had proven their coaching ability prior to being hired in Dallas).

Shanahan/Gruden's pedigree of identifying young coaching talent far exceeds Garrett/Jerry Jones.

When people talk about actual “McVay traits” around the league, they’re actually talking about the ability to run a modern version of Gruden and Shanahan’s schemes. That’s the one thing Los Angeles, Kansas City, and New Orleans all have in common.