Beasley sounds off on offense again


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I believe him.

It is certainly plausable to me that Jerry asks Garrett/Linehan to formulate a offensive gameplan to emphasize getting the ball to a certain receiver, be it Dez or Cooper.

This is instead of formulating a gameplan designed to exploit weaknesses on defense, which is how a offensive gameplan should be designed. Makes perfect sense to me.

That being said, spewing this stuff on social media is dumb. If he wants to move on, shut up and move on.
JJ wants his money on the field. Cole I am guessing wants out without even wanting to get a contract offer. Would love to have his talent on the field for us.


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Not that hard to believe that the FO dictates what calls are being made on the field. Stephen came out and said he didn't want to see Dak running as much. Fans, broadcasters, media etc. wondered all season why we weren't utilizing Dak as a runner more often. Not a stretch to think we didn't because of orders from the FO.

Just because Bease comes across as a diva doesn't make what he said as untrue, at least on some level. It's not like the Jones boys don't have a history of meddling or anything.


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So much wrong here.

Beasley sounds like a baby. This is not a good look for him and other teams are going to wonder if he’s worth the headache.

But he’s also probably not wrong here about the influence Jerry wants to exert over who plays, etc.


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No let's use TO... because hes been right... Brice Butler Hurns Beasley and TO

Dude wake up lol
This is the problem though. All of those guys had different complaints.

TO complained Romo threw the ball to Witten too much. He somehow felt that was Garrett's doing.
Brice Butler believed he was better than Dez Bryant and wanted more touches.
Hurns actually complained about scheme.
Beasley complained that the front office forces footballs to certain receivers...basically upset that he's not that guy.


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No, on many plays it is obvious which receiver is the primary for that play call. The coaches continued to call plays with Dez as the primary and a 2nd year QB was not going to ignore the coaches.

In fact it was reported that they heavily coached Dak to wait on Dez to get open well past the normal time a QB would wait before moving to the next read.

Study of the game footage correlated with that concept. In fact Dak often waited on Dez to get open as the primary to the point he had to throw it away because he was out of time to go to the next read. That is the reason Dak threw the ball out of bounds near Dez so often.
I can believe that. Who else were they suppose to throw it to? Dez was their best receiver and Witten was their 2nd. Throwing to Dez wasn't the problem. The routes they had these guys running is where the problem aim in at.


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Beasley complained about the scheme towards the end of last season as well as the beginning of this season.

Dez complained of the scheme the end of last season and made comments throughout the season (Dez made an interesting comment in All or Nothing after beating Lewis on a 1 on 1 stating that “you all know what’s coming and you STILL can’t stop it, indicating the predictability of the offense)

Butler made comments about the scheme as well as lack of involvement (Brice went into more detail on The Herd stating Dallas doesn’t let you run routes you’re capable of and make you stick to 2/3 plays they feel you’re “really good at”)

Terrell Owens, arguably the 2nd best WR to ever play the game (not on CZ where they think Irvin > Rice tho :lmao2:) made comments regarding Dallas’ scheme while he was here as well as after.

Witten made comments during a MNF broadcast about the lack of creativity and playcalling during a cowboys game referencing how he was “used to that type of stuff in dallas” :laugh:

Amari Cooper made comments MID season about the scheme and playcalling having been in the system for only ONE MONTH.

And yet you clowns still make excuses for this pathetic front office coaching staff and franchise for that matter.

Only on CZ


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Cmon beas choose your words wisely, and I dont mean about the coaching comments.

I don't see why y'all think things are sooo hard to believe. Every time a player says sometime y'all do like, he's stupid. If y'all don't think the coaches, I mean the FO dictates where the ball is going , you should re-evaluate your thinking


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You just know Beasley was the kid in every neighborhood who always exclaimed, "I'm taking my ball and going home!"

Because he wants the freeking ball? Holy crap, what the freak do y'all want . A slot or inside guy who says he only wants the ball 1-3 times a game . Crazy!!!


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Beasley is an idiot.

There are 32 NFL "employers" — not 50 or 100 or 1000s, like in other professions found in the rest of the world.

Yes, he wants out and based on his mouth, he's likely to get his wish (reducing his "employer" list by one), but if he keeps on yapping when he doesn't get his way, his employment opportunities will continue to dwindle.

He works in a very niche industry, and every team read his tweets and hears his mouth.

Sure, he'll likely find another gig, immediately, but they're dwindling every time he opens his trap.

Did he not learn a thing from his buddy, Dez?

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


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But you dont say it publicly if you're part of that team

in the world of electronics, there is no private or public anymore. if he doesnt or does, who cares at this point. Its no secret to the league or the country that Dallas sucks. Its also no secret Linehan was fired because of his innovative ways. he only said what everyone knows. this will go down as a "and no really noticed"

Fla Cowpoke

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He just gets taken out of the game so easily.

As far as the Patriots go, I would guess that it would depend on the status of Edelman, Burkhardt and White. Those guys all are great fits in the system...they fit the short passing game to a T. I would think only way that they would be interested in Beasley is if one of those guys is gonna be gone. I also doubt the Pats would offer him a contract that he feels he is "worth". Will he accept less money for a chance to win a Super Bowl?


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..if its that bad. Just announce I want out of Dallas. Jerry & Co will promptly put in the papers. Dallas has good thing going now, dont need extra mayo in the BLT.