NFL investigating Crawford


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You make some viable points. Yeah, we get away with a lot of stuff, and as I’ve said many times before, fans of losing teams cry foul entirely too often. Most of our failures are our own damn fault. BUT...are you denying Cowboy bias?
Other than Zeke, which I personally think was a combination of all his actions (not just DV) and was made an example of after Ray Rice, Hardy, etc then yes, I’m denying Cowboys bias and gave you several examples why.


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Goodell's power is going to be a huge issue for the player's union at the next CBA negotiations.

Owners aren't happy about the public investigations either. They cost a lot of money and keep bad PR in the news cycle far too long. That said, I don't think Goodell is going to be around after the next CBA. The owners are keeping him specifically to negotiate it.


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Owners aren't happy about the public investigations either. They cost a lot of money and keep bad PR in the news cycle far too long. That said, I don't think Goodell is going to be around after the next CBA. The owners are keeping him specifically to negotiate it.
Not just that but the TV deals are coming up and he's an intricate part of that and the connect between the TV execs and the league office. He is the one they bring their concerns to and he addresses those with the owners. That will be part of this meeting beginning this weekend, you can bet he'll start the meeting with how the Golden Geese are doing.

I am not sure the owners mind a little "look at us, policing ourselves" coverage. Gives them the chance to show their law abiding side.

Goodell is the perfect foil for the NFL, the trigger man that gets booed so the owners don't. All of the bad things in the NFL attributed to him and not them, that's his job and he does it very well. Too many here think he operates in a rogue fashion, meting out punishment at his whim but the man is doing exactly what the owners want done and they pay him very well to take the heat.


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the suspension of Zeke was botched by all parties. That said, it may have been the best thing to happen to a young dude like him. Time will tell, but lets hope it woke him up some to watch his surroundings and whom he hangs with. IT MATTERS IN LIFE.


Lightning Rod
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No, our fan base is the only one that makes a big deal of it and plays the “poor us” angle. If it’s a scrub no one cares, anyone more high profile than that then RG is out to get us and we’re getting screwed :rolleyes:
no we are the only fan base that defends Roger the Good


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the suspension of Zeke was botched by all parties. That said, it may have been the best thing to happen to a young dude like him. Time will tell, but lets hope it woke him up some to watch his surroundings and whom he hangs with. IT MATTERS IN LIFE.
Lol. Problem was that he pulls a girls top down at a parade while being investigated. I figured he would get suspended for perhaps 2 games for his off field antics.

Hand young testosterone filled early 20’s male star athletes millions of dollars. Plays for The Cowboys and is recognized by everyone. It would be hard not to get in some trouble I guess. I will never know.


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It is the sports franchise with the most light shining on it and the owner perpetuates that.

The Cowboys to the NFL and media are like Tom Brady to Belichick. If we'll do this to them; we'll do this to anyone.

ES, it sure doesn't help with the players cooperating and providing the league and media with examples. Hell, Wade Wilson got nailed. The public, as well as many of us here, have been conditioned to not if the next Cowboys' incident will happen but when it will happen.

Did Crawford make it easy or hard for the league to leave the Cowboys alone? Goodell and Booger patched up their differences after his new deal was put in place, he's not out to get the best ratings and revenue team in the league. I am sure he'd like for the players to stop getting him involved.

Crawford is on video in a bar fight with bouncers and most of the posters here started in on Goodell, that's nuts. This persecution complex gets downright absurd at times.

Tiring for me too! It doesn’t stop!


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Other than Zeke, which I personally think was a combination of all his actions (not just DV) and was made an example of after Ray Rice, Hardy, etc then yes, I’m denying Cowboys bias and gave you several examples why.

So people DON’T resent the coverage Dallas gets? Um, ok.


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Saw more footage. Nothing more than some pushing and shoving and the security guards throwing more punches and getting knocked on their butts. By more than Crawford. Course, only see half the video. Looks more like self defense IMO.

And is still no big deal. Not sure why they have to make it out like that. Who cares.


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Saw more footage. Nothing more than some pushing and shoving and the security guards throwing more punches and getting knocked on their butts. By more than Crawford. Course, only see half the video. Looks more like self defense IMO.

And is still no big deal. Not sure why they have to make it out like that. Who cares.
Offseason and it involved The Cowboys.


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What is the deal with this gestapo arm of the NFL?

No charges filled. No arrests made. Criminal case closed.

But here comes the federal bureau of the NFL to request videos and investigate. Seriously?

I thought their business was football?

Meanwhile Robert Kraft still owns a franchise.
Theres video of the entire indoor and outdoor blowups..they said he went full mma insane while indoors and outdoor trying to get to his brothers aide accidentally but pushed through a police officer.. its all caught on tape and bad nfl RG or not im betting he might get game to get his attitude adjusted...i know he didnt get arrested but the video is clear he was out of control..


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Lol. Problem was that he pulls a girls top down at a parade while being investigated. I figured he would get suspended for perhaps 2 games for his off field antics.

Hand young testosterone filled early 20’s male star athletes millions of dollars. Plays for The Cowboys and is recognized by everyone. It would be hard not to get in some trouble I guess. I will never know.


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Offseason and it involved The Cowboys.
I know. And, it will be for getting more viewing numbers. Still a non issue to me. Happens every weekend at a bar somewhere in the USA. But, because,it is involving a football player? Or, it could be a star, someone seen in the public as above the public, and all this whooplah will be for nothing. Waste of time.

Out of control my eye. He was pushing security away .. Then, being pulled away he was getting hit by security. I would like to see the whole video. Again. Happens every weekend somewhere in the USA.


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Theres video of the entire indoor and outdoor blowups..they said he went full mma insane while indoors and outdoor trying to get to his brothers aide accidentally but pushed through a police officer.. its all caught on tape and bad nfl RG or not im betting he might get game to get his attitude adjusted...i know he didnt get arrested but the video is clear he was out of control..

I have searched.. I only found parts of videos. Care to share the whole video links?

Reverend Conehead

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If there's no conviction in a court of law, the league has no business suspending anyone.

Of course, Goodell doesn't give a crap about due process or any kind of fairness.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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What is the deal with this gestapo arm of the NFL?

No charges filled. No arrests made. Criminal case closed.

But here comes the federal bureau of the NFL to request videos and investigate. Seriously?

I thought their business was football?

Meanwhile Robert Kraft still owns a franchise.
NFL investigations should never surprise anyone at any time.


NFL Personal Conduct Policy

Blah blah blah. Everyone who is part of the league must refrain from “conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in” the NFL. blah blah blah times a million more pages.

What does this mean in my opinion?

1. For players: it means those who say or do or are accused of anything that can be interpreted in the slightest negative way will most likely be investigated. Exceptions will be made for those players whom the league believes it can weather negative public perception.

2. For owners: it means those who say or do or are accused of anything that can be interpreted in the slightest negative way will not be investigated if-and-until their real or implied involvement has reached a level that makes the majority or certain other owners nervous in how the public's interpretation.

3. Investigations vary for anyone else associated with the league.

Investigations are conducted or not conducted to 'verify' real or falsely accused behavior. They are public relation mechanisms that the league believes will minimize or negate ill-will among all or certain aspects of its consumer base. The league will not investigate its owners unless the threat of outside enforced oversight develops into a real threat towards its internal independent control.

How does anyone avoid being investigated?


  • Do not get caught.
  • Do not visit real world or social media venues where their words or actions can be recorded.
  • Do not act or speak in a fashion that will be interpreted by someone else as atypical of accepted norms.
  • Avoid others who will take advantage of their fame, notoriety and/or wealth.
Can every player, etc., prevent investigations while following all of the above? Nope. No way in hell. Most do though. The league will change the reasoning (and policy) behind conducting investigations when most players (in particular) say enough is enough. Personally, I do not think the majority of players care enough to make it an issue for change. The next CBA negotiations will prove how the majority actually feels.