How Can These Guys Fail a Drug Test?


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Evidently, for NFL players, it is harder than I realized to smoke marijuana and not get caught.

Either that, or it is utterly amazing how careless and unprofessional some of these guys can be.

At least that's my current working theory after several players, including most notably Jets defensive lineman Sheldon Richardson and Cowboys linebacker Rolando McClain, were suspended recently under the NFL's substance abuse policy.

Without getting bogged down into too much minutiae, here are the rules: Players get tested once a year for "street drugs" (including marijuana) and that test is in May or June, during the team's Organized Team Activities. A positive test would place the player in the league's program, which entails more frequent testing and some meetings. If the player fulfills his requirements in the program, he needs to test positive two more times to get suspended. If the NFL's medical director believes the player hasn't adequately participated in the program, a second positive test could trigger a four-game suspension like the ones that Richardson and McClain got.

There are a couple key points that need to be reiterated:

1) NFL players only get tested once a year for substances and they KNOW when it will take place.

2) Even if a player tests positive once, as long as he does what the league asks, there won't be any serious repercussions unless he tests positive TWO MORE TIMES.

Let's start with the first point, which is really the most important one. Everybody knows when the test is coming. Every year. To use some Wellsian (Ted, that is) terms, I was "generally aware" during my time as a player of several teammates who "more probable than not" smoked marijuana on a fairly regular basis.

How do I know? They talked about it, hinted at it and even smelled like it from time to time. Yet none of those guys that I remember, with the notable exception of one after we were no longer teammates, ever had any issue with the NFL's substance abuse policy, which is an intelligence test as much as anything. But don't just take my word for it.


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Really people complain about the NFL yet they know when drug test will take place which is during organized team activities May or June. So for the most part these guys can get high from June, 9 to 10 months without any test being performed and yet we still see guys failing it. I tend to agree this is not as much of a strict drug testing program as it is an intelligence test.


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They tell you when and even raised the amount you can have in your system before it shows as positive. Most people can quit for a week and pass. Now they raised the amount you likely only have to quit for about 3 days. You pass and your good for the year and only get retested if your arrested for it or blast on social media that your smoking. Which is what Irving did..


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Evidently, for NFL players, it is harder than I realized to smoke marijuana and not get caught.

Either that, or it is utterly amazing how careless and unprofessional some of these guys can be.

At least that's my current working theory after several players, including most notably Jets defensive lineman Sheldon Richardson and Cowboys linebacker Rolando McClain, were suspended recently under the NFL's substance abuse policy.

Without getting bogged down into too much minutiae, here are the rules: Players get tested once a year for "street drugs" (including marijuana) and that test is in May or June, during the team's Organized Team Activities. A positive test would place the player in the league's program, which entails more frequent testing and some meetings. If the player fulfills his requirements in the program, he needs to test positive two more times to get suspended. If the NFL's medical director believes the player hasn't adequately participated in the program, a second positive test could trigger a four-game suspension like the ones that Richardson and McClain got.

There are a couple key points that need to be reiterated:

1) NFL players only get tested once a year for substances and they KNOW when it will take place.

2) Even if a player tests positive once, as long as he does what the league asks, there won't be any serious repercussions unless he tests positive TWO MORE TIMES.

Let's start with the first point, which is really the most important one. Everybody knows when the test is coming. Every year. To use some Wellsian (Ted, that is) terms, I was "generally aware" during my time as a player of several teammates who "more probable than not" smoked marijuana on a fairly regular basis.

How do I know? They talked about it, hinted at it and even smelled like it from time to time. Yet none of those guys that I remember, with the notable exception of one after we were no longer teammates, ever had any issue with the NFL's substance abuse policy, which is an intelligence test as much as anything. But don't just take my word for it.
Weed is not a morality issue. Its a medical and coping issue. Its non addicting and harmless and has no performance enhancements. Its legal in 8 states where the NFL hosts games. All the other choices that comply with the Nfl rules are highly ADDICTIVE and Have Harmful Side Effects including withdrawels. Look at pill and alchohol addiction in the Nfl. Stories where awesome Heroes like Earl Campbell was addicted to pills and drinking alchohol w them and had to seek treatment or risk of losing his life or family. Look at the Alcohol related deaths-cowboys, car accidents, dwis, public displays of stupidity that are always making the headlines like Bar fights, getting drunk and roughing a chic up.
If the NFL wants to keep weed a morality issue to protect their image for another 100 years they should ban alchohol use, opioids, pills, injections, and other legal medically approved drugs in addition to weed. But they cant because they make billions from Alchohol etc.
How many immoral lines does weed make you cross compared to alcohol and pills?
If morality is the real issue here the NFL needs to ban EVERYTHING LEGAL!!! If weed is gonna be a banned substance then they need to at least lower the penalties to a 1 game suspension or fine and just be hopeful and pray that their Star Players arent out getting drunk and popping pills and non legal drugs and doing all those stupid, harmful to others, morality breaking activities we're accustomed to seeing.
Just ban all forms legal medications. Who gaf about the players health and their jobs and dreams of playing. Who cares about their pain and ability to cope. Who cares if they all overdose on alcohol or pills. Who cares about their choices to say no to other harmful and addictive drugs and alcohol? They should just suffer i guess like you do or make rule abiding choices that can harm their body or others. Its legal in 8 states just like alcohol and pills so it should be treated the same.

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They tell you when and even raised the amount you can have in your system before it shows as positive. Most people can quit for a week and pass. Now they raised the amount you likely only have to quit for about 3 days. You pass and your good for the year and only get retested if your arrested for it or blast on social media that your smoking. Which is what Irving did..

I can't help but laugh when people make the NFL drug program out to be some harsh deal. For me a random test can happen at anytime, there is no heads up. Names are pulled through a computer system and if your name comes up you are called in to take the drug test. 1 failed test and you are terminated. These guys are getting multiple failed test before any suspension are given
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They tell you when and even raised the amount you can have in your system before it shows as positive. Most people can quit for a week and pass. Now they raised the amount you likely only have to quit for about 3 days. You pass and your good for the year and only get retested if your arrested for it or blast on social media that your smoking. Which is what Irving did..

Wow smh.....


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Weed is not a morality issue. Its a medical and coping issue. Its non addicting and harmless and has no performance enhancements. Its legal in 8 states where the NFL hosts games. All the other choices that comply with the Nfl rules are highly ADDICTIVE and Have Harmful Side Effects including withdrawels. Look at pill and alchohol addiction in the Nfl. Stories where awesome Heroes like Earl Campbell was addicted to pills and drinking alchohol w them and had to seek treatment or risk of losing his life or family. Look at the Alcohol related deaths-cowboys, car accidents, dwis, public displays of stupidity that are always making the headlines like Bar fights, getting drunk and roughing a chic up.
If the NFL wants to keep weed a morality issue to protect their image for another 100 years they should ban alchohol use, opioids, pills, injections, and other legal medically approved drugs in addition to weed. But they cant because they make billions from Alchohol etc.
How many immoral lines does weed make you cross compared to alcohol and pills?
If morality is the real issue here the NFL needs to ban EVERYTHING LEGAL!!! If weed is gonna be a banned substance then they need to at least lower the penalties to a 1 game suspension or fine and just be hopeful and pray that their Star Players arent out getting drunk and popping pills and non legal drugs and doing all those stupid, harmful to others, morality breaking activities we're accustomed to seeing.
Just ban all forms legal medications. Who gaf about the players health and their jobs and dreams of playing. Who cares about their pain and ability to cope. Who cares if they all overdose on alcohol or pills. Who cares about their choices to say no to other harmful and addictive drugs and alcohol? They should just suffer i guess like you do or make rule abiding choices that can harm their body or others. Its legal in 8 states just like alcohol and pills so it should be treated the same.

Non addictive? BS Guys will throw their careers away over it see Irving. See guys who fail over and over. As for Alcohol players have gotten in trouble and suspended due to alcohol abuse, they can be suspended for prescription drugs as well if found abusing them.


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I can't help bug laugh when people make the NFL drug program out to be some harsh deal. For me a random test can happen at anytime, there is no heads up. Names are pulled through a computer system and if your name comes up you are called in to take the drug test. 1 failed test and you are terminated. These guys are getting multiple failed test before any suspension are given
There is really no reason to fail. When you look at the testing procedures for street drugs, marijuana even has its own separate parameters from the other drugs. They are pretty relaxed on it already. Maybe they raise the amounts allowed in there system again at the next CBA. I think it’s the Olympics that raised it so much that if they are tested as long as they didn’t smoke within 24 hours they pass it for weed.


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Players (like Randy Gregory) who enter the League already in the program aren't aware of when tests are given.

Now, all other players who aren't in the program already...then they have an idea when the test will be.


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Players (like Randy Gregory) who enter the League already in the program aren't aware of when tests are given.

Now, all other players who aren't in the program already...then they have an idea when the test will be.

Gregory like every player heading to the NFL combines knew they would be tested. It should have came as no surprise to any of them. It is not a surprise to fans who know that players are tested during the combines


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Gregory like every player heading to the NFL combines knew they would be tested. It should have came as no surprise to any of them. It is not a surprise to fans who know that players are tested during the combines

Agree on this 100%. Anyone who tests positive at the Combine has a serious problem OR is a fool.


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I can't help but laugh when people make the NFL drug program out to be some harsh deal. For me a random test can happen at anytime, there is no heads up. Names are pulled through a computer system and if your name comes up you are called in to take the drug test. 1 failed test and you are terminated. These guys are getting multiple failed test before any suspension are given

They are fighting kicking scratching and clawing and taking abuse and pain and your comparing it to flipping burgers at McDonalds. Lol.

The Nfl rules are excluding a legal medicine in 8 states they play in. If their gonna have weed on the list of banned substances just go ahead and add alcohol and prescriptions. They should be treated the same. Its unconstitutional to rule out weed but its just as legal as alcohol tobacco pills and other harmful stuff like gambling.

Why should weed be treated differently then alcohol or pills?


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Weed is not a morality issue. Its a medical and coping issue. Its non addicting and harmless and has no performance enhancements. Its legal in 8 states where the NFL hosts games. All the other choices that comply with the Nfl rules are highly ADDICTIVE and Have Harmful Side Effects including withdrawels. Look at pill and alchohol addiction in the Nfl. Stories where awesome Heroes like Earl Campbell was addicted to pills and drinking alchohol w them and had to seek treatment or risk of losing his life or family. Look at the Alcohol related deaths-cowboys, car accidents, dwis, public displays of stupidity that are always making the headlines like Bar fights, getting drunk and roughing a chic up.
If the NFL wants to keep weed a morality issue to protect their image for another 100 years they should ban alchohol use, opioids, pills, injections, and other legal medically approved drugs in addition to weed. But they cant because they make billions from Alchohol etc.
How many immoral lines does weed make you cross compared to alcohol and pills?
If morality is the real issue here the NFL needs to ban EVERYTHING LEGAL!!! If weed is gonna be a banned substance then they need to at least lower the penalties to a 1 game suspension or fine and just be hopeful and pray that their Star Players arent out getting drunk and popping pills and non legal drugs and doing all those stupid, harmful to others, morality breaking activities we're accustomed to seeing.
Just ban all forms legal medications. Who gaf about the players health and their jobs and dreams of playing. Who cares about their pain and ability to cope. Who cares if they all overdose on alcohol or pills. Who cares about their choices to say no to other harmful and addictive drugs and alcohol? They should just suffer i guess like you do or make rule abiding choices that can harm their body or others. Its legal in 8 states just like alcohol and pills so it should be treated the same.


They are held to a lower standards than a 7-11 clerk
In exchange they can get generational wealth
99% of humanity can make the intelligent decision.
I did


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They are fighting kicking scratching and clawing and taking abuse and pain and your comparing it to flipping burgers at McDonalds. Lol.

The Nfl rules are excluding a legal medicine in 8 states they play in. If their gonna have weed on the list of banned substances just go ahead and add alcohol and prescriptions. They should be treated the same

No I'm not comparing it to McDonalds, I'm saying the NFL rules are easy to get past. They test May and June that is it, players know exactly when these test will be done. NFL does punish for both alcohol and prescription drugs look at the NFL\NFLPA drug abuse policy. Players can be put on drug program because of addiction of pain medication and can be put in program for alcohol abuse. If you knew from the end of May up until June of the following year you would not be tested but had to be clean by May why would that be so hard to pass unless stupid or have a real problem? I smoked weed for years so do not hand me this BS of it is not addictive, any substance that can control your life is addictive behavior.


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add to the fact the players have hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars on the line not to smoke. I smoke, know its not addictive and if someone offered me 500,000 (and up) to give it up for a year I would have no problem. Almost everyone on here probably has a no pot smoking regulation at work and has no problem meeting it. I think pot testing should be dropped but until it is if the players dont want to meet the rule they should be dropped from NFL same way I would be fired from work. I have no sympathy for Gregory, Irving, or any other player that refuses to meet the jobs requirements.