How Can These Guys Fail a Drug Test?


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It's not addictive. Some people enjoy it more than football. Doesn't mean they're addicted. The guys who end up, "throwing their careers away," usually aren't the guys who eat/sleep/drink football. RoMac, Irving, Gregory- these guys aren't known for their understanding of the game.

Personally, I don't begrudge a guy making some cash, figuring out he doesn't want to play anymore, and then doing what he wants. Can't keep him on the team (need that roster spot) but I'm not going to be mad at him.
Alcohol is magnitudes worse. These idiots that imply differently are just that, idiots.


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Evidently, for NFL players, it is harder than I realized to smoke marijuana and not get caught.

Either that, or it is utterly amazing how careless and unprofessional some of these guys can be.

At least that's my current working theory after several players, including most notably Jets defensive lineman Sheldon Richardson and Cowboys linebacker Rolando McClain, were suspended recently under the NFL's substance abuse policy.

Without getting bogged down into too much minutiae, here are the rules: Players get tested once a year for "street drugs" (including marijuana) and that test is in May or June, during the team's Organized Team Activities. A positive test would place the player in the league's program, which entails more frequent testing and some meetings. If the player fulfills his requirements in the program, he needs to test positive two more times to get suspended. If the NFL's medical director believes the player hasn't adequately participated in the program, a second positive test could trigger a four-game suspension like the ones that Richardson and McClain got.

There are a couple key points that need to be reiterated:

1) NFL players only get tested once a year for substances and they KNOW when it will take place.

2) Even if a player tests positive once, as long as he does what the league asks, there won't be any serious repercussions unless he tests positive TWO MORE TIMES.

Let's start with the first point, which is really the most important one. Everybody knows when the test is coming. Every year. To use some Wellsian (Ted, that is) terms, I was "generally aware" during my time as a player of several teammates who "more probable than not" smoked marijuana on a fairly regular basis.

How do I know? They talked about it, hinted at it and even smelled like it from time to time. Yet none of those guys that I remember, with the notable exception of one after we were no longer teammates, ever had any issue with the NFL's substance abuse policy, which is an intelligence test as much as anything. But don't just take my word for it.

Keeping in mind that most of the players testing positive for recreational drugs weren’t offered college scholarships — let alone NFL salaries — based upon their cognizant-reasoning abilities.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Weed is not a morality issue. Its a medical and coping issue. Its non addicting and harmless and has no performance enhancements. Its legal in 8 states where the NFL hosts games. All the other choices that comply with the Nfl rules are highly ADDICTIVE and Have Harmful Side Effects including withdrawels. Look at pill and alchohol addiction in the Nfl. Stories where awesome Heroes like Earl Campbell was addicted to pills and drinking alchohol w them and had to seek treatment or risk of losing his life or family. Look at the Alcohol related deaths-cowboys, car accidents, dwis, public displays of stupidity that are always making the headlines like Bar fights, getting drunk and roughing a chic up.
If the NFL wants to keep weed a morality issue to protect their image for another 100 years they should ban alchohol use, opioids, pills, injections, and other legal medically approved drugs in addition to weed. But they cant because they make billions from Alchohol etc.
How many immoral lines does weed make you cross compared to alcohol and pills?
If morality is the real issue here the NFL needs to ban EVERYTHING LEGAL!!! If weed is gonna be a banned substance then they need to at least lower the penalties to a 1 game suspension or fine and just be hopeful and pray that their Star Players arent out getting drunk and popping pills and non legal drugs and doing all those stupid, harmful to others, morality breaking activities we're accustomed to seeing.
Just ban all forms legal medications. Who gaf about the players health and their jobs and dreams of playing. Who cares about their pain and ability to cope. Who cares if they all overdose on alcohol or pills. Who cares about their choices to say no to other harmful and addictive drugs and alcohol? They should just suffer i guess like you do or make rule abiding choices that can harm their body or others. Its legal in 8 states just like alcohol and pills so it should be treated the same.


The OP/article didn't contend it was a morality issue did it? From what I saw it was referred to as an intelligence issue - that not being able to pass a test that you know about a year in advance shows a lack of intelligence.

As for it not being addictive, the article didn't really talk about that either that I recall, but I will say that while pot isn't physically addictive, obviously some can start to feel dependent on it. That may be more a statement about the player's nature than the drug itself, but obviously some can't seem to let it go, even for a short time frame need to pass a test.


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It's not addictive. Some people enjoy it more than football. Doesn't mean they're addicted. The guys who end up, "throwing their careers away," usually aren't the guys who eat/sleep/drink football. RoMac, Irving, Gregory- these guys aren't known for their understanding of the game.

Personally, I don't begrudge a guy making some cash, figuring out he doesn't want to play anymore, and then doing what he wants. Can't keep him on the team (need that roster spot) but I'm not going to be mad at him.

There are professionals in the medical field who would argue that yes it can be additive and can point to serval studies on it. Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and not everyone who smokes weed is addicted but yes people do become addicted and there are withdraw symptoms that go along with it. After many years of smoking daily, when I quit for my job I had several restless nights and dealing anxiety. To claim there is no addiction is a load of BS


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Alcohol is magnitudes worse. These idiots that imply differently are just that, idiots.

I was a medicolegal death investigator. I've seen what alcohol can do to people. Seeing people in their 30's looking the color of a Simpsons character leaves an impression. But hey, it's legal so this Bud's for you.


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Weed is not a morality issue. Its a medical and coping issue. Its non addicting and harmless and has no performance enhancements. Its legal in 8 states where the NFL hosts games. All the other choices that comply with the Nfl rules are highly ADDICTIVE and Have Harmful Side Effects including withdrawels. Look at pill and alchohol addiction in the Nfl. Stories where awesome Heroes like Earl Campbell was addicted to pills and drinking alchohol w them and had to seek treatment or risk of losing his life or family. Look at the Alcohol related deaths-cowboys, car accidents, dwis, public displays of stupidity that are always making the headlines like Bar fights, getting drunk and roughing a chic up.
If the NFL wants to keep weed a morality issue to protect their image for another 100 years they should ban alchohol use, opioids, pills, injections, and other legal medically approved drugs in addition to weed. But they cant because they make billions from Alchohol etc.
How many immoral lines does weed make you cross compared to alcohol and pills?
If morality is the real issue here the NFL needs to ban EVERYTHING LEGAL!!! If weed is gonna be a banned substance then they need to at least lower the penalties to a 1 game suspension or fine and just be hopeful and pray that their Star Players arent out getting drunk and popping pills and non legal drugs and doing all those stupid, harmful to others, morality breaking activities we're accustomed to seeing.
Just ban all forms legal medications. Who gaf about the players health and their jobs and dreams of playing. Who cares about their pain and ability to cope. Who cares if they all overdose on alcohol or pills. Who cares about their choices to say no to other harmful and addictive drugs and alcohol? They should just suffer i guess like you do or make rule abiding choices that can harm their body or others. Its legal in 8 states just like alcohol and pills so it should be treated the same.

lol , you need to write all this to goodell at the nfl offices. it wont change anything posting here about it.

and weed is addictive, it is very addictive, just not so much in a physical way.
people can get addicted to anything.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
They are fighting kicking scratching and clawing and taking abuse and pain and your comparing it to flipping burgers at McDonalds. Lol.

The Nfl rules are excluding a legal medicine in 8 states they play in. If their gonna have weed on the list of banned substances just go ahead and add alcohol and prescriptions. They should be treated the same. Its unconstitutional to rule out weed but its just as legal as alcohol tobacco pills and other harmful stuff like gambling.

Why should weed be treated differently then alcohol or pills?

Actually it's not just as legal because pot is not legal under federal law. Technically the feds could enforce the law even on residents in which pot is legal under state law, they just choose not to.

In any case, the point with these players is simply that as long as pot is banned by the NFL, they are going to have to test negative if they want to play in the NFL. If they can't find a way to stay away from pot for a short while before the test, their own stupidity is to blame.


Well-Known Member
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Weed is not a morality issue. Its a medical and coping issue. Its non addicting and harmless and has no performance enhancements. Its legal in 8 states where the NFL hosts games. All the other choices that comply with the Nfl rules are highly ADDICTIVE and Have Harmful Side Effects including withdrawels. Look at pill and alchohol addiction in the Nfl. Stories where awesome Heroes like Earl Campbell was addicted to pills and drinking alchohol w them and had to seek treatment or risk of losing his life or family. Look at the Alcohol related deaths-cowboys, car accidents, dwis, public displays of stupidity that are always making the headlines like Bar fights, getting drunk and roughing a chic up.
If the NFL wants to keep weed a morality issue to protect their image for another 100 years they should ban alchohol use, opioids, pills, injections, and other legal medically approved drugs in addition to weed. But they cant because they make billions from Alchohol etc.
How many immoral lines does weed make you cross compared to alcohol and pills?
If morality is the real issue here the NFL needs to ban EVERYTHING LEGAL!!! If weed is gonna be a banned substance then they need to at least lower the penalties to a 1 game suspension or fine and just be hopeful and pray that their Star Players arent out getting drunk and popping pills and non legal drugs and doing all those stupid, harmful to others, morality breaking activities we're accustomed to seeing.
Just ban all forms legal medications. Who gaf about the players health and their jobs and dreams of playing. Who cares about their pain and ability to cope. Who cares if they all overdose on alcohol or pills. Who cares about their choices to say no to other harmful and addictive drugs and alcohol? They should just suffer i guess like you do or make rule abiding choices that can harm their body or others. Its legal in 8 states just like alcohol and pills so it should be treated the same.


Its not the point is it? The point is that there is a rule saying you cant do it. No matter how stupid that rule is. In order to play in NFL and make your dreams come true, you have to pass one drug test a year and know about it in advance.

You have to be a total and complete idiot to fail.


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Alcohol is magnitudes worse. These idiots that imply differently are just that, idiots.

Not trying to rate which one is worse by any means. I have friends and family members who were and are alcoholics so I have seen it 1st hand. I also know not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic or will become an alcoholic, not everyone who smokes a cigarette will become addicted same with pain medication. I had back surgery and required pain medication afterwards once it was tolerable I got off the pain meds. Weed can be addictive for some people just as any other substance can be addictive.


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Its not the point is it? The point is that there is a rule saying you cant do it. No matter how stupid that rule is. In order to play in NFL and make your dreams come true, you have to pass one drug test a year and know about it in advance.

You have to be a total and complete idiot to fail.
To fail the once a year drug test... Yes. “Hey bro you are getting tested in a week for street drugs” and you still smoke then that’s dumb.


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Not trying to rate which one is worse by any means. I have friends and family members who were and are alcoholics so I have seen it 1st hand. I also know not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic or will become an alcoholic, not everyone who smokes a cigarette will become addicted same with pain medication. I had back surgery and required pain medication afterwards once it was tolerable I got off the pain meds. Weed can be addictive for some people just as any other substance can be addictive.
I think anything in moderation is fine...


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There are professionals in the medical field who would argue that yes it can be additive and can point to serval studies on it. Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and not everyone who smokes weed is addicted but yes people do become addicted and there are withdraw symptoms that go along with it. After many years of smoking daily, when I quit for my job I had several restless nights and dealing anxiety. To claim there is no addiction is a load of BS

I've spent the majority of my adult life in the medical profession. There is no addiction. Anxiety and restlessness are typical for many people starting a new career. To compare a little anxiety with something like delirium tremens means we're defining addiction differently.


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It's not addictive. Some people enjoy it more than football. Doesn't mean they're addicted. The guys who end up, "throwing their careers away," usually aren't the guys who eat/sleep/drink football. RoMac, Irving, Gregory- these guys aren't known for their understanding of the game.

Personally, I don't begrudge a guy making some cash, figuring out he doesn't want to play anymore, and then doing what he wants. Can't keep him on the team (need that roster spot) but I'm not going to be mad at him.
Plenty of research says otherwise, and I personally know two doctors (neighbors) that have told me that emotional maturity and brain development stops with heavy marijuana usage.

That explains your 40-year-old buddy who still acts like he did when you were both 19.


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I've spent the majority of my adult life in the medical profession. There is no addiction. Anxiety and restlessness are typical for many people starting a new career. To compare a little anxiety with something like delirium tremens means we're defining addiction differently.
I agree with that. I know people that smoked a long time and decided to quit and they said it messed with there sleep patterns and appitite for a week. After that it was nothing but mental reminders, like if they used to get high and do something like play video games then every time they went to play one they would miss it. Lol. Some said they could actually almost smell it in the air.


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Plenty of research says otherwise, and I personally know two doctors (neighbors) that have told me that emotional maturity and brain development stops with heavy marijuana usage.

That explains your 40-year-old buddy who still acts like he did when you were both 19.
I think some of it has to do with will power and mental strength. It’s not as much physical addicting as mental. People want to do it for the results. Some have a problem with someone telling them they can’t do it.


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Not trying to rate which one is worse by any means. I have friends and family members who were and are alcoholics so I have seen it 1st hand. I also know not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic or will become an alcoholic, not everyone who smokes a cigarette will become addicted same with pain medication. I had back surgery and required pain medication afterwards once it was tolerable I got off the pain meds. Weed can be addictive for some people just as any other substance can be addictive.


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Actually it's not just as legal because pot is not legal under federal law. Technically the feds could enforce the law even on residents in which pot is legal under state law, they just choose not to.

In any case, the point with these players is simply that as long as pot is banned by the NFL, they are going to have to test negative if they want to play in the NFL. If they can't find a way to stay away from pot for a short while before the test, their own stupidity is to blame.
If the feds legalize it then they may change the rules in the NFL. Or even sports period.


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Non addictive? BS Guys will throw their careers away over it see Irving. See guys who fail over and over. As for Alcohol players have gotten in trouble and suspended due to alcohol abuse, they can be suspended for prescription drugs as well if found abusing them.

When a doctor gives it to you, it's called "medicine".
When you give it to yourself, it's called "drug abuse".
They're both called "freedom".