NFL and NFLPA joint agreement on pain management, potentially including marijuana


Regular Joe....
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They "allow" opiates which are far more dangerous. Why doesn't your scenario already apply to them? They're considered a controlled dangerous substance. Should the NFL be held liable if a player taking an opioid is driving?

Yes, but as has already been discussed in this thread, they are prescribed which allows for legal cover. That's the problem with weed. You can't know how potent or what might be added into weed you buy on the streets because it's not regulated. That's one of the reasons that the NFL would be foolish to adopt any policy that allows for usage of weed as an accepted method of self medication.

Do not misunderstand me, I am not in favor of wide spread usage of opioids either. I'm just speaking from a business perspective here. To me, it's just crazy that this would even be considered in the NFL. A lot of risk and very little, if any, reward.


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Yes, but as has already been discussed in this thread, they are prescribed which allows for legal cover. That's the problem with weed. You can't know how potent or what might be added into weed you buy on the streets because it's not regulated. That's one of the reasons that the NFL would be foolish to adopt any policy that allows for usage of weed as an accepted method of self medication.

Lol. Tell an officer who's arresting you for DUI because you're on an opioid that it's ok because you're "prescribed" it. It makes no difference.


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Do not misunderstand me, I am not in favor of wide spread usage of opioids either. I'm just speaking from a business perspective here. To me, it's just crazy that this would even be considered in the NFL. A lot of risk and very little, if any, reward.

I think you overestimate the risk.


Regular Joe....
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Nothing happens because the player is on their own time. Do we start going after every company who has an employee get a DUI? Your stance is basically saying people are wards of their employer.

Again, and please read the thread, this has also been covered. Business don't condone the use of Alcohol and don't adopt a policy that accepts drinking so it's not the same situation. In this case, if the NFL were to adopt a self medicating policy allowing the use of weed, they immediately open themselves up for culpability. I mean, it's stupid to me.


Regular Joe....
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Lol. Tell an officer who's arresting you for DUI because you're on an opioid that it's ok because you're "prescribed" it. It makes no difference.

But it's not the officer the NFL needs to be concerned with and in truth, it's not really the person being arrested (player if you will) either. A smart Lawyer goes after the money and a smart Lawyer would go after the NFL, as well as a the player in a situation like this.


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Again, and please read the thread, this has also been covered. Business don't condone the use of Alcohol and don't adopt a policy that accepts drinking so it's not the same situation. In this case, if the NFL were to adopt a self medicating policy allowing the use of weed, they immediately open themselves up for culpability. I mean, it's stupid to me.

You realize DUI and public intoxication apply to prescription medications too, right? According to you, any company employing anyone who requires pain management is now liable for anything they do while on those medications. You realize people get waivers for drug screenings while on pain management, right? That's not even not testing... it's an affirmation that they know you're taking them and don't care.


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But it's not the officer the NFL needs to be concerned with and in truth, it's not really the person being arrested (player if you will) either. A smart Lawyer goes after the money and a smart Lawyer would go after the NFL, as well as a the player in a situation like this.

That lawyer wouldn't be smart. They'd be laughed out of court.


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Man I remember being drunk as hell comin back from the strip club. I don't even remember being in there or leaving for that matter. Spent about $600 too. I took $$ out the atm which was a rookie move I never pulled. Got pulled over for a license plate light.


Regular Joe....
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Nothing happens because the player is on their own time. Do we start going after every company who has an employee get a DUI? Your stance is basically saying people are wards of their employer.

We go after Bars and Restaurants for people going out and getting into accidents. Why do you think this couldn't happen to the NFL?


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Perhaps, but what if I'm not? I mean, there is one thing I've learned with my years on earth. Never underestimate your fellow mans desire for greed or power.

What if you are? I mean... it's pretty likely that you are.


Regular Joe....
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You realize DUI and public intoxication apply to prescription medications too, right? According to you, any company employing anyone who requires pain management is now liable for anything they do while on those medications. You realize people get waivers for drug screenings while on pain management, right? That's not even not testing... it's an affirmation that they know you're taking them and don't care.

Yes, I feel like I'm talking to my self here. Are you reading the posts?

Prescription Drugs, prescribed by a doctor come with warning labels that protect business and Doctors to a great extent. You don't get that with a dime bag.


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We go after Bars and Restaurants for people going out and getting into accidents. Why do you think this couldn't happen to the NFL?

Because those places have a duty by law not to serve alcohol to an intoxicated person. How do you equate not testing for something with actually providing it?


Regular Joe....
Reaction score
That lawyer wouldn't be smart. They'd be laughed out of court.

There is no way to tell how that might play out so to say that lawyer X would be laughed out of court is not realistic and I don't believe accurate. Be aside from that, Lawyers don't care about that. They care about ways to file suit.


Well-Known Member
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Yes, I feel like I'm talking to my self here. Are you reading the posts?

Prescription Drugs, prescribed by a doctor come with warning labels that protect business and Doctors to a great extent. You don't get that with a dime bag.

Protect business? Expound on that. I'm all ears.

Keep in mind we're talking about a scenario of the employee getting in trouble outside of work doing something they're not supposed to be doing.


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There is no way to tell how that might play out so to say that lawyer X would be laughed out of court is not realistic and I don't believe accurate. Be aside from that, Lawyers don't care about that. They care about ways to file suit.

You must not have much experience in law.


Regular Joe....
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Because those places have a duty by law not to serve alcohol to an intoxicated person. How do you equate not testing for something with actually providing it?

I don't equate it but, the point is that there is legal precedents for such cases. Business gets sued every day for things just like this. How do you hold bars responsible for drunken drivers when they can't test Blood Levels? It's not out of the question by any means.


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To the point that you distract from the actual point of the thread unfortunately. I mean, go back and read post 283. In that post, I acknowledge the fact that accidents at high rates of speed is probably not as big of an issue while being high but also question the validity of nobody who was high ever got in an accident going to fast. You don't have any proof that it's never happend, I mean, you don't right? You and I both know that you don't so why is this even a point of discussion? Go back and read further. Do you understand why the entire discussion on accidents was included? Did you actually read the point of it all? All of that was about liability and what happens if the NFL takes steps to allow weed into the NFL. None of it had anything to do with how fast or slow the accidents were happening. That was never the point of the discussion. It was all about liability, as it relates to the NFL. All you are doing now, is detracting from the discussion. Nobody cares how slow or fast the accidents are happening.

I'm also not going to get into an argument with you over what is bias and what is not. You want everybody re rely on your word because you have smoked weed for however long but that's not going to ever prove to be accepted as factual. If I came on here and said, I can drink Beer Sun up to Sun down and never get drunk, and then use that as a basis as to why people should be allowed to drink and drive, nobody is going to accept it as proof. If you can't see that, then we can't have a discussion at all so we should just stop right here. You gotta know that. You say I don't know what I'm talking about but are you sure? I understand what is being discussed here. You are out in left pasture trying to pin down something that isn't even relevant to the discussion. Are you honestly sure that it's I who doesn't fully understand what is being discussed here. Seriously, go back and reread it. See if I'm not telling the truth. Nobody cares about the speeds. It's about the NFL and Weed. It's not about 10K pot heads driving too slow to have car wrecks. Seriously.

Lol. I enjoyed reading your meltdown.
Dude, I merely corrected you on the speeding comment.
I am fully aware of and understand completely the thread topic.

Maybe you should go back and read post 283. You wrote that I was "pretty much wrong"
on the entire post. You said I "probably have a point" with speeding but there's "no proof" and spouted "let's be real".
You claimed I was creating a "false narrative".

That's an awfully weak acknowledgement.
Next time you're called out on your mistake, own it.

America's Cowboy

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I don't equate it but, the point is that there is legal precedents for such cases. Business gets sued every day for things just like this. How do you hold bars responsible for drunken drivers when they can't test Blood Levels? It's not out of the question by any means.
Tiger Woods and his girlfriend have recently gotten sued for this very same reason. Tiger owns a restaurant, which his girlfriend manages for him, and they hired a known struggling alcoholic to run their bar serving drinks. The bartender got drunk while on the job, killed himself in a car accident afterwards, now his family is rightfully suing Tiger and his girlfriend for hiring their now deceased son to a position that ultimately caused his death.