Frustrated pilots got Navy to stop dismissing UFO sightings


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...I remember reading "Project Bluebook" when I was younger (a fascinating read by the way.) But I was so angry how the government just concluded that there was no threat. I realized that the "project" was not to identify & make aware the UFO threat, but to dismiss it!...A typical government ploy to deceive the masses and maintain control over them...According to government there is no threat...If they admitted that there was, then they would have to admit that they don't have all the answers...that they really couldn't protect the citizens ,and that the UFOs were more other words, they fear losing control...So they lie!!!


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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This was probably due to once the pilots of VFA 11/Red Rippers of a naval air station in Virginia whose duties of patrolling/running sky cap on the east coast had their vintage 1980's radar upgraded to something more advanced on their super hornets, UFO'S started popping up left&right,,, at any given time, one pilot even had gotten a missile lock on one with a training missile ,,,this was in the time span of 2014-2015,,,it's posted up over at


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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...I remember reading "Project Bluebook" when I was younger (a fascinating read by the way.) But I was so angry how the government just concluded that there was no threat. I realized that the "project" was not to identify & make aware the UFO threat, but to dismiss it!...A typical government ploy to deceive the masses and maintain control over them...According to government there is no threat...If they admitted that there was, then they would have to admit that they don't have all the answers...that they really couldn't protect the citizens ,and that the UFOs were more other words, they fear losing control...So they lie!!!
That and the indoctrination of organized religion as we had known it being completely blown out of the water,probably right along with every nations economic output(think about it,more than likely it would completely shatter the majority of the population's concepts on life & reasons for being)


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...I remember reading "Project Bluebook" when I was younger (a fascinating read by the way.) But I was so angry how the government just concluded that there was no threat. I realized that the "project" was not to identify & make aware the UFO threat, but to dismiss it!...A typical government ploy to deceive the masses and maintain control over them...According to government there is no threat...If they admitted that there was, then they would have to admit that they don't have all the answers...that they really couldn't protect the citizens ,and that the UFOs were more other words, they fear losing control...So they lie!!!
yeah...I never believed it was just swamp gas and weather baloons.
just look no further than Roswell.....they announce they had captured a flying disc....the very thing they claimed didnt exist....only to change the story to a weather baloon.....then in the late 90s changed the story again to Project Mogul.....dummies dropped from a plane...and it wasn't was early 1950s....the eyewitnesses who said 1947 were suffering from time compression...but the newspaper article was dated July,1947.
you'd have to have alot of faith in our Gov to believe that.
Ufos are real......the question is whose are they?
ours.....or theirs.
they don't really know....and can't stop it.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Of all the celebrated sightings the Rendlesham Forest ones here in the UK takes some explaining. Based on the estimated number of potentially habitable planets it is almost impossible that life isn't anything but abundant across the universe(s).

Also there have been too many sightings from reputable witnesses which supports the view that we are being visited by something or someone.
But the odds of any of that life being intelligent enough, and having the resources to achieve near or beyond light speed to get here are much lower.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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But the odds of any of that life being intelligent enough, and having the resources to achieve near or beyond light speed to get here are much lower.
Probably true,yet I recall reading that it's a very high probability that 1 out of every 5 stars in the night sky have an orbiting satellite planet in that Goldilocks zone that's a prerequisite (as we know it) in supporting & sustaining life


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Probably true,yet I recall reading that it's a very high probability that 1 out of every 5 stars in the night sky have an orbiting satellite planet in that Goldilocks zone that's a prerequisite (as we know it) in supporting & sustaining life
I don't know if it's that high a ratio, but even if it is, that only means it could have liquid water, if it managed to find the planet. It doesn't mean it would have an atmosphere, enough of a magnetic field, or a host of other things necessary to protect it, enough to sustain any forms of life that might be lucky enough to arise.


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Of all the celebrated sightings the Rendlesham Forest ones here in the UK takes some explaining. Based on the estimated number of potentially habitable planets it is almost impossible that life isn't anything but abundant across the universe(s).

Also there have been too many sightings from reputable witnesses which supports the view that we are being visited by something or someone.

I grew up on RAF Woodbridge, and remember trying to tramp through Rendlesham with all my friends. Where this occurred happened just off base, and we could never make it off the base from that gate to go accurately investigate.

Fun times.


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That and the indoctrination of organized religion as we had known it being completely blown out of the water,probably right along with every nations economic output(think about it,more than likely it would completely shatter the majority of the population's concepts on life & reasons for being)

...Yeah that's possible...maybe in the "War of the Worlds" 1930's is 2019...I think we could handle it without breaking a sweat...and as far as the religious outlook, many have already stated that there is more room at the inn. I see the main religions either incorporating them into the various folds or seeing them as demons to shun!...


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I don't know if it's that high a ratio, but even if it is, that only means it could have liquid water, if it managed to find the planet. It doesn't mean it would have an atmosphere, enough of a magnetic field, or a host of other things necessary to protect it, enough to sustain any forms of life that might be lucky enough to arise.
Without a heated core slash gravitational field it can't sustain life. Even if it is in the goldilocks zone. Totally, totally agree with you.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Of all the celebrated sightings the Rendlesham Forest ones here in the UK takes some explaining. Based on the estimated number of potentially habitable planets it is almost impossible that life isn't anything but abundant across the universe(s).

Also there have been too many sightings from reputable witnesses which supports the view that we are being visited by something or someone.
I'm not saying it's impossible have visitors from other worlds, but there are so many obstacles to overcome, not the least of which is time. The closest star system to ours is Alpha Centauri, a binary system, which makes it more difficult to find the conditions to support life. Alpha Centauri is more than 4 light years away. If there were intelligent life there, it would take an extremely long time to get here, if they decided this is where they wanted to go. Unless they could approach light speed, it would probably take generations of travel to reach hide from us? If they figured out a way to exceed light speed, without becoming infinitely large, or figured out how to manipulate and stabilize wormholes, or somehow take advantage of other dimensions, then maybe they've come here.....but again, why hide from us?

Any sort of fuel or raw materials could be had in abundance from gas giants, nebulae, asteroids, etc. They certainly wouldn't need to come here to strip our planet of its resources.

I think it would make more sense to assume that if we're being visited, it's by our future generations, for whatever reason.


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I never understood individuals that could easily brush off the possibility of extraterrestrial life. I don't think they understand how VAST the universe is. It is incredibly mind-boggling huge. We have only been able to study a very small portion of even our own galaxy. Saying we have looked but not found alien civilization is like dipping a cup into the ocean, pulling it out without finding fish in the cup, and concluding that life in the ocean does not exist.

Now how, if, or why they would visit us could begin an entirely different conversation.
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I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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This was probably due to once the pilots of VFA 11/Red Rippers of a naval air station in Virginia whose duties of patrolling/running sky cap on the east coast had their vintage 1980's radar upgraded to something more advanced on their super hornets, UFO'S started popping up left&right,,, at any given time, one pilot even had gotten a missile lock on one with a training missile ,,,this was in the time span of 2014-2015,,,it's posted up over at
Hilarious,,,over on the Drudge Report 3/4's the way down in column #3
The New York Times is covering this exact same story that had pulled from Sputnik news:laugh:

*only the "commie mouth piece" pared it down on the excessive verbiaged intellectual prose:laugh:


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I never understood individuals that could easily brush off the possibility of extraterrestrial life. I don't think they understand how incredibly VAST the universe is. It is incredibly mind-boggling huge. We have only been able to study a very small portion of even our own galaxy. Saying we have looked but not found alien civilization is like dipping a cup into the ocean, pulling it out without finding fish in the cup, and concluding that life in the ocean does not exist.

Now how, if, or why they would visit us could begin an entirely different conversation.
,,,er,,,they can't visit "US" as these are the "watchers/Iggie/fallen angels" banished from ascending back up into the heavens of from hence they came,,,that book of Enoch that has since long been removed from the HOLY SCRIPTURES sheds vast insights into the understanding& it stems straight from ancient Sumerian clay tablets documenting from the very beginning,,, the arrival of the ANUNNAKI

* there used to be a 15 book narrated "run down" up on YOU TUBE from the
ANCIENT ASTRONAUT,,,er,,,casing liner(I think the last word in their composed body of works is 'theory',,, it's based from that decades long, if not life long work Zachariah Stekchin{ms}
endeavoured in reading/translating those inscribed mud tablets,,,ever wonder why Enoch is mentioned in the bible several times& by Jesus himself,,, yet other than that, it's completely void other than him being in the lineage tree,,,that fumed pretty fishy to me,back when I was reading/studying the bible.o_O
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...What's this topic about?....oh yeah...close enough!....If Visitors indeed came to our illustrious Solar System...They must have come a very long time ago. It may have taken hundreds of years to arrive here. But once they did get here, with their advanced civilization, they must of been like the gods...truly they were Kings of all they surveyed...Of course they made themselves comfy on the planets and moons in our system...Earth must have been considered a true "Paradise," and at that time, Mars might not have been to shabby either.

They wouldn't need to travel back home anymore, and with their advanced space/air ships they got around pretty quick I would think....anyway...either something similar as that happened,... or in our future Mankind has advanced to the point of using Time Travel to return back in time,...or there indeed are Angels and Demons, armies or good and evil spiritual entities, and our Earth along with Mankind is the Prize,...or they are some inner-dimensional creatures with the ability to pop in and of our dimension,...or we all just Daft!.
Yes this is definitely the Offseason!!!.


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Yep. They came, built Stonehenge to let us know they are here then moved underground. Pulling water from The Devil's Kettle in Minnesota. I wonder how much water disappears in that hole per day?

I'm sure ancient astronaut theorists would agree that that's were they are. People and their beliefs. I guess believing in strange things just makes you human. Cause we all know where the expression "Holy Cow" comes from.


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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I never understood individuals that could easily brush off the possibility of extraterrestrial life. I don't think they understand how VAST the universe is. It is incredibly mind-boggling huge. We have only been able to study a very small portion of even our own galaxy. Saying we have looked but not found alien civilization is like dipping a cup into the ocean, pulling it out without finding fish in the cup, and concluding that life in the ocean does not exist.

Now how, if, or why they would visit us could begin an entirely different conversation.

A little light reading.